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Newspaper Clippings for
March, 1906

Antioch News1 March 1906
The Ladies Missionery society is announced for Wednesday afternoon Feb. 28, at the home of Mrs. Robert Strang.

C. E. Topic, March 4--What is true happiness? The worldly idea: The Christian idea. Consecration meeting. Mabel Irving leader.

Mrs. C. E. Denman spent last Friday at Highland park.

Mr. Charles Mathews of Kenosha was called to the death bed of his brother and remained till after the funeral.

George Dodge and Clarence Bock will start next Tuesday for their new home in Canada.

Mr. Chope drove the stage since Thursday, in the absence of Charles Ames who has been on the sick list.

Messrs A. H. Stewart and George Gerrity attended the National Dairy Show in connection with the Twelfth Annual convention of the National Creamery Butter Makers Association at the Coliseum in Chicago last Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mr. A. H. Stewart visited with his children at Chicago and Lillie Lake the latter part of the week.

Many were grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Herbert Mathews that occurred at his home here early Saturday morning. He was ill but two weeks and the end came so sudden that it was a shock to all. He passed away at the age of 59 years, typhoid pneumonia being the cause. Besides his wife he leaves one brother and several sisters to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held at the home on Monday at one o'clock, Rev. A. W. Safford taking charge, Interment in the Millburn cemetery. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the community.

John Rose of Waukegan was a Millburn called Monday.

Wm. McCredie had the misfortune to lose a horse last Wednesday.

The stormy weather and bad roads were a great drawback to Mr. Duncan's sale of household furniture on Saturday last.

George Dodge returned from Rochester Wis., last Thursday.

Mabel and Bae Adams are visiting at Mrs. Richard Pantalls.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 5 March 1906
Geo. Gerrity took in the dairy convention Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Chicago.

Mrs. Geo. Gillings (Williamson) of Waukegan, formerly of this place is very ill.

Mr. Geo. Duncan and family will move to North Dakota in a short time.

Mr. H. H. Stewart last week visited his daughter, Irene Taylor of Lily Lake and attended the Dairy convention in Chicago.

Mr. John Rose of Waukegan attended the funeral of Herbert Matthews Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis are rejoicing over the arrival of a little boy. Born Feb. 22, `06.

Mabel and Bae Adams are visiting their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Pantell.

Mr. Weidger had a sale last Friday and in getting ready to move his family to Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bock visited Mr. Bock's parents of Libertyville last Tuesday.

The first of March will soon be here and there will be many changes around here. Mrs. Sarah Dodge will move to John Bonners house this week.

It is rumored that Mr. and Mrs. James Thom will move to Nebraska very soon.

Claude Rose who worked for J. A. Strang left very suddenly last week.

Mr. Geo. Duncan sold his furniture last Saturday at public auction at Masons Hall.

Miss Mathews of Kenosha was here taking care of her brother who is ill with pneumonia.

Mr. Charles Mathews of Kenosha visited his brother this week.

C. E. Topic: March 4, Mabel Irving leader.

Wm. McCredies horse slipped on the ice in their yard last Tuesday and broke a leg and had to be shot.

Miss Jessie Jamieson and sister of Charleston, Ill., are expected home soon to visit their sister Mrs. Duncan before she goes to Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duncan and children will visit Mr. Duncan's brother and parents in Lake Forest this week.

A glance at a map of Lake county will show immediately that a large number of the roads, especially through the southwestern part of the county, run in a diagonal direction from the northwest to the southeast. From Half Day to Diamond Lake this is noticeable and from Long Grove the same is found as well as the roads leading through Lake Zurich, Wauconda and other points. In fact, the greater number of roads through the locality have the same general direction.
The early history of the section accounts for this fact as at the time of settlement there was no trading point in Lake county and all the settlers went to Chicago to buy their provisions and do their shopping as well as to sell their produce and get their mail. It was a custom at that time to follow trails which led almost directly from one point to another by the most accessible route. At the time these roads were laid out there were no section lines surveyed and the roads became roads only through the travel of the people living in the neighborhood and thus became located where they would accommodate the greater number of travelers.
As we approach the Des Plaines river we notice that the roads run more north and south and along the lake shore they are parallel with the lake. These roads like the others were laid out without any regard to section lines and their northerly and southerly direction is due to the same reason, it being the most direct route to the trading post at Chicago.
Along about 1840 some of the inhabitants of the county became imbued with the idea of starting a trading post at some local point as a rival of the fast growing Chicago and chose as a site the present Waukegan, naming it Little Fort. The following year they conceived the idea of getting the county seat changed from Libertyville to that place and immediately set out on a campaign to that end and by a special vote of the people it was decided to move the seat of government the following spring.
The day set for the removal was April 13, 1841 and was a great occasion to the residents of Little Fort who were five in number. The day was ideal and all the rural inhabitants for miles around in every direction were present to witness the ceremony.
The ground for the site chosen was thickly grown up with second growth of trees and underbrush which covered the present business portion of Waukegan and as far west as the ravine giving evidence of having at one time been burned over or partially cleared.
It was the custom of the commissioners in those days to mark the spot chosen for a county seat with a post driven into the ground and for this part of the ceremonies a post had been neatly turned out by a man by the name of Dewey, who at that time was just starting a little planing mill at Waukegan, and was made out of cedar and neatly painted. To define the exact spot the commissioners in a body went to what they believed the highest spot in town and there cleared away the brush and erected the post which they carried with them. A block of land was layed out at this time not surveyed. A few years later when the streets of the town were surveyed the exact outlines of the present court house square of Waukegan were for the first time definitely located.
Soon after this a number of people became interested in booming the town and as the people were anxious to have a trading post nearer than Chicago they met with the opposition and for a time the port flourished in a manner that gave hopes of a great future. An article which appeared in the Little Fort Porcupine, March 4, 1845, this being the initial number of that paper, gives an interesting sketch of the town as it was at that time. The article was as follows.
"The village of Little Fort is situated on the shore of Lake Michigan, forty-five miles down the lake from Chicago, nine and a half miles south of the north state line, and sixteen miles up the lake from Southport. There is nearly one-half section of land laid out in lots, a greater portion of which are sold and improved, a court house, the best in the state, has been constructed the past season and sixty-one other buildings among which we enumerate a brick block of three stories by D. S. Dewey; a fine tavern house by Michael Dalanty; a large addition to Dickinson & Co.'s warehouse; a warehouse 100x24 feet and two and one-half stories high by A. B. Wynkoop.
"The place contains 452 inhabitants, three commodious public houses, seven stores, two groceries, two blacksmith shops, one tin, and sheet iron factory, two shoe shops, three tailor shops, one chair and cabinet factory, one watch maker, one gunsmith, two wheelwrights, one plow manufactory, three warehouses, one pier and a second being constructed by A. B. Wyncoop. The timber is now being framed for a steam flouring mill. There is a good clay and two yards where brick is made of a superior quality. The facilities of this place for a heavy produce and lumber business are not surpassed by any place on the western shore of the lake north of Chicago. It is backed up by the best wheat growing country in Illinois and must become a town of considerable importance before it gets to its teens."
In 1849 Little Fort had reached a population of about 2,500 inhabitants and in the incorporation at the time was incorporated was a provision that at the first election of town officers, the inhabitants might change the name of the place to Waukegan. The election took place on the second Monday in March that year and D. O. Dickinson was elected President of the village, this making him the first mayor that Waukegan ever had.
In 1875 the original court house was burned and the present structure the following year provided for by the board of supervisors. - Independent.

Antioch News8 March 1906
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bock visited last Wednesday in Libertyville.

Mrs. C. E. Denman visited in Highland Park from Friday till Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Odett have moved into Wm. Chopes house.

C. E. Topic--James' picture of a perfect man; How can we realize it ourselves?

Mrs. Davis, of Waukegan, attended the funeral of Mr. Herbert Matthews.

Mr. Cremin moved his household goods last week to his new home on the Starkweather farm which he bought last fall.

Percy Bock of Libertyville spent a few days the first of the week with his brother Clarence.

Mrs. Sarah Dodge and her niece Vera Worden have moved into John Bonner's house.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wheaton visited with the latters parents Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Safford over Sunday.

The C. E. business meeting has been announced to meet at the home of Miss Ethel McGuire on Friday evening, March the 9th.

The funeral services of Mrs. George Jillings were held at the church on Friday at one o'clock. Interment at the Millburn cemetery.

Antioch News15 March 1906
On Friday morning of last week word was received here that Joseph Smith, who lives on a farm east of Loon Lake, had committed suicide, and Coroner Taylor was notified. It is reported that on Thursday afternoon, Smith finding his wife in the kitchen told her that he had taken Paris green and would soon be a dead man.
"Don't joke in that way," she said, with a laugh.
A few minutes after, when it was too late, she found the empty poison box, one that had been put away after some of the contents had been used last summer to kill potato bugs. Smith had taken a full quarter of a pound of the poison at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon and died at 11 o'clock that evening in great agony. A physician was summoned but nothing that he could do was available to save his life.
Smith was a farmer and was about sixty years of age, and leaves a wife and six children.

E. A. Martin was a Chicago visitor Monday.

A. W. Safford spent the fore part of the week in Chicago.

Mrs. W. B. Stewart entertained the Ladies Aid Society on Thursday, March 8.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart, Mrs. C. E. Denman and Mrs. Sarah Dodge have been on the sick list the past week.

Mrs. G. H. Harris and son Harold were Chicago visitors the latter part of the week.

Chase McGuire of Hickory spent last Wednesday with his uncle, Wm. McGuire.

George Dodge, Clarence Bock and Mr. Widger started last Tuesday night for Davidson, Canada.

Mrs. Safford and her sister, Miss Foote, went to Chicago last Friday where Mrs. Safford was to undergo an operation.

A number of young people braved the road last Saturday night to attend the party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Stephens.

The community was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. H. Shaw on Tuesday morning, March 13. The cause of her death being pneumonia.

Mrs. Libbie Padgett and her sister Jessie Jamieson, of Charleston, Ill., are here on a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 15 March 1906
There was a very pleasant party gathered at Mrs. Geo. Stephens Saturday evening to celebrate Johns, twenty first birthday, March 10th, John is a voter now, and a regular hustler at all times. Bruce who is in bank in Waukegan was home on that occasion.

George Dodge and Clarence Bock started for their new farms in Canada last week, the women and children will go to join them in the summer when the houses are built.

Word reached Miss Mabel Young this morning that her mother, Mrs. Hifman Shaw of Wadsworth had died suddenly, Mrs. Peter Duncan is a daughter of Mrs. Shaw also.

Mr. Pollock was in Waukegan a day or two last week, settling Mrs. Herbert Mathews' business.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duncan have a young daughter about a week old.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart was quite sick last week not able to be out at all, but is much better at present.

The C. E. business meeting was held at Ethel McGinnis home last Friday.

Mr. Galagher, of Fox Lake, has hired with Alfred Spafford.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 15 March 1906
Mr. Holmes was in Chicago Thursday and Friday of last week.

Mrs. G. A. Harris and son Harold were visiting three or four days in Chicago this week.

Mrs. Libbie Padgett, nee Jamieson, of Charleston, and also Jessie Jamieson are home visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson.

Mr. Geo. Duncan and family have left for their future home in North Dakota.

Miss Mary Eichinger is visiting friends and relatives in Chicago.

Chase McGuire spent last Thursday with his uncle, Wm. McGuire.

Frank Newell of Russell, our tax collector, was a Millburn caller Wednesday of this week.

Mrs. A. M. Safford spent the fore part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Wheaton, of Wheaton, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. John Thain gave a party in honor of their daughter, Miss Hazel's birthday last Tuesday evening.

Mr. Preston has moved his family to John Thain's tenant house. Mr. Preston will work for Mr. Thain.

Rev. Safford was called Sunday to preach the funeral service for Mr. Smith of Loon Lake. Mr. Smith committed suicide.

As noted in the Sun of last week Lloyd White of Kenosha has bought out J. R. Bowers. Lloyd White is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. White of Millburn, Lake county, Ill. He has bought out J. K. Bower's undertaking business. He is a young man of sterling worth and has two state licenses, one for Illinois and one for Indiana. He has just come from Michigan City, Ind., where he has been working for the past year, getting good experience for his present undertaking.

Mrs. A. W. Safford went last Friday to have an other operation on her face. Her sister, Miss Foote accompanied her.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duncan are rejoicing over the arrival of a little daughter last Thursday.

The young people of this vicinity were invited to a card party last Saturday evening at the home of Geo. Stephen's.

Mr. Safford has gone to Chicago for three or four days.

Monday, March 12, while Wm. McGuire and Arthur Clarke were hauling straw for J. A. Strang the rack tipped over throwing them both off of the load. Mr. McGuire fell on his head and shoulder on the hard frozen ground and cut his face quite badly. It is feared that he has fractured his skull. He was taken to his brother James at Hickory and the family sent for. Arthur Clarke sprained his ankle. Mr. McGuire was unconscious for many hours.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones are loading their car at Gurnee. Mr. Jones will leave soon for northern Wisconsin Mrs. Jones and the family will follow soon.

Miss Marie Harris daughter of Mrs. Jones, is very sick in the hospital in Chicago.

Word came Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Mabel Young that her mother, Mrs. Shaw, died that morning at Wadsworth. She is also mother to Mrs. Peter Duncan.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart and Mrs. C. E. Denman are on the sick list with the grip.

Antioch News22 March 1906
The postmaster general has issued a notice that all rural mail carriers have the right of way on all country roads and that all other carriages or conveyances must surrender the right of way to the rural carriers. This order was issued as a result of numerous complaints on the part of the carriers who were not able to deliver their mail in the specified time because carriages and conveyances which they met refused to give them the right of way and often made it necessary for them to drive slower or to wait until the road was clear before they could proceed.

Miss Carrie Bater has gone to Evanston on a visit.

Miss Alice Jamieson, of Berwyn, visited over Sunday with her parents.

Mrs. G. H. Harris and son Harold have returned home from their visit to Chicago.

Miss Foote returned from Chicago last week.

Miss Sadie Irving is able to be out again after an operation for appendicitis.

Wm. McGuire is improving from the fall he had last Monday.

R. L. Hughes, of Chicago, was home over Sunday.

Miss Vera Worden has closed school for a two week's vacation.

Mrs. Cooke, of Lamb's Corners, was a Millburn called Saturday.

Miss Mary Eichinger returned home last Saturday from Chicago where she has been visiting relatives.

Earl Crawford, Orin Cleveland and Leslie Cannon are home for their spring vacation from Rochester, Wis.

Mrs. John Buss and little son of Rochester, Wis., are here on a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson.

Mr. and Mrs. James Armour are rejoicing over the arrival of a son on Sunday, March 18.

C. E. Topic, march 25--"Beautiful sowing; Our gifts to Christ; Cause" A Missionary topic. Annie L. McCredie, leader.

The Y. P. S. C. E. will give a basket social in the church on Friday evening, March 23. Everybody invited. Ladies please bring lunch for two.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hook, of Lambs Corners, and Mr. John McGuire and son Chase, of Antioch, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. McGuire.

Miss Annie McCredie was home over Saturday last week. On account of bad roads she has not been home for three weeks.

The Misses Margaret and Bertha White, Pearl and Ruby Cleveland and Helen Spafford returned Friday from the Rochester Acadamy to spend their "one week" vacation at home.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 27 March 1906
Miss Foote returned Tuesday night from Chicago.

John Jones and family left Friday for their new home in Wisconsin.

Roy Hughes of Chicago was a Millburn caller over Sunday.

Mr. Oden has rented the Harris place and will move his family this week from Waukegan.

Miss Anna McCredie of Deerfield spent Saturday and Sunday at home.

John McGuire and son Chase spent Sunday with Wm. McGuire.

Miss Alice Jamieson of Berwyn visited a few days with her father.

A. W. Safford spent last week in Chicago.

Misses Ruby and Pearl Cleveland, Helen Safford, Margaret and Bertha White, Olin Cleveland, Earl Crawford and Leslie Cannon of Rochester academy are home for a few days vacation.

C. E. topic Bountiful sowing. Annie McCredie, leader.

Mr. and Mrs. James Armour are rejoicing over the arrival of a son who came Sunday morning, March 18th.

Victor Strang of Beloit academy will be home for a ten days vacation.

The C. E. society will give a basket sociable this Friday evening, March 23. Be sure and come. Bring lunch for two.

Antioch News29 March 1906
Mr. McGuire is able to be out again.

Victor Strang is spending his week's vacation at home.

The Rochester students returned to their work on Monday.

Mrs. John Buss and little son returned to Rochester last Friday.

Wm. Thom was a Chicago visitor last Friday.

E. A. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Gerrity were Chicago visitors last week.

Wm. Thom Jr. has sold his farm to a Chicago party and has rented his fathers farm and will move there this week.

Horace H. Tower went to Englewood last Saturday to visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Tower.

Miss Emma Spafford was visiting in Chicago a few days last week.

George Dodge and Clarence Bock arrived at the end of their journey by railroad on Saturday morning, March 17,. They then had twenty miles further to go by sled before reaching their farms. At last reports of them they were all getting along nicely.

Miss Helen Safford spent last week with her sister Mrs. Ralph Wheaton at Wheaton, Ill.

Mrs. A. W. Safford is gaining very slowly, she has been removed from the hospital, but it will be some time before she will be able to return home.

Several young people on the north side of Millburn attended the party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford last Thursday evening.

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