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Newspaper Clippings for
August, 1882

from Gazette5 August 1882
Col. Edward Anderson, of Toledo, Ohio, is announced to preach in the Millburn church next Sabbath, and will give one of his popular lectures Tuesday evening. Mr. Anderson and wife are making Mr. Campbell's family a visit, being intimate friends of theirs, and the favor is extended through them. The newspapers speak of the Colonel as an able and talented lecturer.

The young man whose death we mentioned in our items last week, came to a sadly tragic end, facts developing after his death proving that he died of poison administered by himself and as there is considerable mystery still in the case the jury have adjourned till the eight of August. Those who read the Chicago dailies may have noticed articles on the subject during the week.

The church in this place voted their minister a vacation of four weeks, the time to be selected by him. We understand he is not fully decided when or where he will go as yet, having two or three places in view.

Report says we may look for a new residence in Millburn this Fall. We realize the fact that our town grows slowly, but it is certainly very select.

Mr. James Thain's daughter and family, from Chicago, are rusticating with them for a time.

Mrs. Mavor and children are again with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang.

The memorial services last Sunday were very interesting, giving much satisfaction to the older people. The church was beautifully decorated with plants and flowers, by the good ladies of Millburn.

from Gazette19 August 1882
A Card

I wish to inform my friends that I have added to my already large stock a first class Ice Casket which will be a great benefit in hot weather, and a splendid five lighted Candelabra for the use of those who wish it. Have also a very good set of harness, and am having a pair of bobs made for Winter, all to be used in my increasing business. I mean a fair and honest trade, and war against fancy prices. I defy competition on the same quality of funeral goods. Very thankful for past favors, I'll ask a share in future. J. H. Hughes Millburn, Ill.

from Gazette19 August 1882
Rev. Mr. Campbell spent last Sabbath in Brodhead, Wis., the church in this place being supplied in the morning by Rev. H. Bross of Crete, Neb. and in the evening by Rev. A. J. Bailey, of Waukegan.

A number of our teachers are in attendance at the Institute at Libertyville, while others are detained on account of their schools being still in session.

Captain Pollock and Joshua Wedge have recently purchased harvesters.

Mr. Tukey joined his family in this place last week, they returning with him to their homes in Jersey City, the latter part of this week.

Mr. Garner Hastings is off for a trip in the West.

Mrs. Davis and daughter, of Chicago, have been visiting among old time acquaintances here.

Mrs. Sherman and little girl from Bloomington, Ill. and Miss Ida Jones, of Waukegan, have been visiting Mrs. G. L. Stewart for some two weeks or more.

An uncle of Mrs. Stewarts, from Mich., has also been her guest for a few days this week.

Mr. Skemp, of Chicago, is being entertained at Mr. Robt. Strang's

The lecture given by Col. Anderson, was very fine and netted thirty two dollars for the library.

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