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Newspaper Clippings for
July, 1882

from Gazette1 July 1882
The schools in the immediate neighborhood of Millburn close as follows:

Mr. Stanford's on Friday of this week; Miss Elsing's Friday of next week and Mrs. Felt's also the same day.

Dr. Taylor's new office building is programming finely under the skillful hands of William Duncan.

There is a rumor afloat that at no distant day another change may occur in one of our business houses, but time will develop.

Anson Hastings is again at home after two or three months spent in Nebraska. he reports grain of all kinds very much in advance of things here.

from Gazette22 July 1882
Mrs. James Moran has been for a number of weeks in Sterling, Ill., visiting with Mrs. Hopkinson.

Mrs. Hardy, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. James Thain's family.

Mrs. Tukey and children, from Jersey City, N.J. are visiting relatives here

Mrs. Stone and daughters, of Chicago the lady being an aunt of Dr. Leonard are spending the week with his family and Mrs. Matthew's.

Misses Lottie and Belle Jameson, of Chicago are the guests of their "country cousins," in this place.

Mrs. Vandivere and children, who boarded so many months with Mrs. Pantall; last year, are again in the county this season, boarding with Sandy Trotter's family.

The street lamps are at last in place and doing good service.

The Antioch band discoursed sweet music for the people of Millburn, until a late hour last Saturday evening, having visited Millburn as a compliment to Hon. James Pollock and family, who entertained the band pleasantly. We would like to make special mention of their playing, considering it very fine for the length of time they have been in practice, being comparatively a new organization.

The entertainment given in Hughes no con/'t.

from Gazette28 July 1882
Miss McKenzie of Ohio, a cousin of Dr. Leonard's, is making a visit to his family.

Arrangements are going forward this week and a good time is confidently expected at the Millburn Church next Sabbath. Letters have been sent to the Minister and all who helped organize the church, now living, five only remaining, and none of them are resident members at present. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson, of Bloomington, and Mrs. Abbott of Ivanhoe, this county, are expected.

Mr. Robert Strang and Mr. Purvis start about the first of August, for a trip in Iowa, intending to visit friends and hunt.

Anson Hastings goes back to Nebraska next week, his health being much better there.

Frank Backus intends leaving for Colorado soon, Horace Tower and wife moving into his house and taking charge during his absence. Mr. Backus wishes to sell and make a permanent residence West as soon as arrangements can be made. Old Mr. and Mrs. Backus, who returned with their daughter and husband a few weeks since, report their health much improved and liking Colorado well.

Mr. George S. Smith has two sisters visiting him, one from Chicago and the other from North Bend, Neb.

Mr. Emerson Thayer's health has been much improved that he has been able to ride out for sometime, and has now gone to Chicago to visit.

Dr. Thompson of Waukegan has opened an office at our place with J. M. Strang, and is prepared to work for anyone wishing business in his line.

Our young people report the most enjoyable time of the season at Mr. Howard's Friday evening.

Miss Lillie Warren is visiting friends at Evanston.

Word reached Millburn during this week of the death of Rev. Henry Sanford, of Broadhead, Wis. It came as a surprise to many, it being only so short of a time since he was in Millburn in comparatively good health. No particulars have yet been learned.

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