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Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1919

Antioch News13 February 1919
J. S. Denman and wife transacted business in North Chicago this week.

Rev. and Mrs. Safford are spending this week with their daughter at Wheaton, Ill.

Thornton Willoughby is very sick at the home of his sister in Kentucky. His wife was sent for.

Clarence Bonner and wife of Chicago having purchased the Armour farm expect to move about March 1st.

James Armour having sold his farm will have a sale. Saturday, Feb. 15, and expects to move to Minnesota.

Miss Anna Drom, teacher of Waterbury school was sick the past week and her sister, Miss Margaret taught in her place.

The young ladies class of the Sunday School will give a supper and program at the church on Saturday evening, Feb. 15.

Earl Priest and wife left Monday for their home in Three Oaks, Mich. L. S. Bonner and wife accompanied them as far as Chicago.

Miss Mable Chope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Chope and Earl Strang of Waukegan were married Wednesday, Feb. 5, in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Strang will live on Grand avenue, Waukegan. Congratulations.

Antioch News20 February 1919
Wants $20,000 for Loss of Wife's Love
Wilmer C. Brewer, wealthy farm owner at Druce Lake, was made defendant in a $20,000 alienation of affection suit filed in circuit court at Waukegan Wednesday afternoon by Raymond E. Clark, also a resident of Druce Lake. Clark is represented by Cook, Pope and Pope.
Clark claims that Brewer, contriving and wickedly intending to injure him and deprive him of the society of Mabel V. Clark, maliciously and willfully destroyed her affection for him, completely alienating her affections.
The bill sets forth that the Clarks were married June 9, 1909, and lived very happily, one child, Harold, aged 9, being born to them. Everything went along smoothly, he says, until March 5, 1912, when he says Brewer, a bachelor, set out to gain the affections of Mrs. Clark.
In this way, according to Clark, Brewer finally won away Mrs. Clark's affections.
Clark says that life was made unbearable and on Jan. 23 of this year he was obliged to leave her. He says that as a result of Brewer's alleged actions he has lost the affection, comfort, society, fellowship and assistance of his wife and child and has been caused to suffer great mental anguish, distress and pain. He thinks Brewer should reimburse him to the extent of $20,000 damages. The suit is one of the sensations of the day.

Mrs. E. A. Martin was a Chicago visitor Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have moved into Mrs. Yule's house.

Chas. Ames had two fingers taken off in a sawing machine recently.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White of Waukegan were Millburn callers the past week.

Schools closed for two days in this vicinity for the teachers to attend the Teachers Institute.

Clarence Bonner spent the week-end with home folks. Robert Bonner has returned from Chicago and will remain on the farm.

Antioch News27 February 1919
Paper Is Being Circulated
Asking Reconsideration Of Former Choice
A paper is this week being circulated about town petitioning the Supervisors to use their influence in making a change in the route which has previously been decided upon for the new state road.
The petition, which was put in circulation Wednesday had close to fifty signatures attached to it by evening, and the prospects are that many more names will be added. It is the purpose of the petitioners to present it to the Supervisors at their next meeting.
This is a friendly petition calculated to make a change in the proposed new road that, it is contended will be of benefit to all concerned.
The route as changed by the petition would bear west from Libertyville to the Swan school, then directly north to the village of Millburn, then northwesterly until the Hickory road is reached, there to turn west to Wedge's corners and then north through the village of Antioch to the state line.
The chief argument in favor of the change is that while the mileage would be practically the same as in the former plan, it would mean fewer railroad crossings and would give good road advantages to territory hitherto untouched. And while it would cut out Grayslake and Lake Villa it is pointed out that these two villages are already provided for, Grayslake being located on the Belvidere road and Lake Villa now having a concrete road headed its way.
In regards to this village the route would remain the same from Wedge's corner to the state line, as was laid out in the original plan.

E. A. Martin transacted business in Chicago Wednesday.

Miss Bertha White is visiting her cousin at Lansing, Mich.

The speaker on the Anti-Saloon question failed to appear Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clark from Elgin moved on the Church farm Saturday.

Several from this vicinity attended the Amann sale at Round Lake Monday.

Mrs. J. S. Denman gave a dinner on Saturday in honor of her father's birthday.

Edwin Denman, wife and daughter of Libertyville spent the week-end with home folks.

The Rosecrans band entertained at Millburn Friday evening at an oyster supper the young people gave.

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