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Newspaper Clippings for
April, 1909

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 1 April 1909
The C. E. S. will give a measuring social at A. K. Bains on Tuesday evening April 8. Light refreshments will be served and a good time expected.

Mr. and Mrs. James Thom of Nebraska, formerly of Millburn are the happy parents of a little daughter, born March 25.

The C. E. business meeting will be at the parsonage on Friday evening April 2, everybody invited.

Mrs. Niehouse has been on the sick list for a week.

Victor Strang is home from Beloit for a week's vacation.

Clarence and Robert Bowner of Chicago spent Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. John Bowner.

Mr. James Jacobson has been visiting with his friend Victor Strang.

Mrs. W. B. Stewart and Miss Carrie Bates spent last Thursday in Chicago.

Mr. James Jamieson has returned from Chicago much improved in health.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 9 April 1909
Miss McCredie of Waukegan was home from Friday till Sunday.

Miss Helen Safford returned Tuesday to Wheaton. She was accompanied by her mother who will visit for a few days.

Mrs. J. A. Thain visited the latter part of last week with her mother, Mrs. Howard and her sister Mrs. Perkins in Kenosha.

Mrs. Roy Hughes of Chicago made a week's end visit with her mother, Mrs. Spafford.

Miss Bain of Kenosha has been visiting with her grandmother Mrs. Strang.

Mr. Safford visited last Friday with his brother in Englewood.

Mrs. Florence Kennedy and her mother visited last Thursday with Mrs. Martin.

The church has succeeded in getting a janitor so no one else need apply.

Mrs. Denman spent last Friday in Chicago.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 22 April 1909
Mrs. Josephine Matthews is home from Nebraska; her aunt Mrs. Vossburg is visiting with her.

Mrs. A. K. Bain and Mrs. Foster have been on the sick list.

Mrs. C. E. Denman and Mrs. W. G. McGuire were Chicago visitors last Wednesday.

Mr. Safford attended the funeral of his brother in Englewood the first of the week.

Miss Clara Foote is visiting in Chicago this week.

C. E. Bouner was home from Chicago over Sunday.

A. L. Jaeger spent Saturday and Sunday with his father here.

Frank Cremin of Rollins corners spent Tuesday with his father William Cremin.

Mrs. Elizabeth Tower returned Sunday from Round Lake where she has been visiting with Mrs. George Gerrity.

Miss Lucie Trotter returned Saturday from a week's visit with relatives in Evanston.

Miss Alice Jamieson of Chicago spent Sunday here.

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