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Newspaper Clippings for
May, 1909

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 3 May 1909
Mr. James Pollock entertained his son Henry Pollock of Mansfield, Iowa one day last week.

Mrs. George Holmes and children of Indianapolis, Indiana, are here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Holmes.

Miss Margaret White spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes in Gurnee.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kapple of Graylake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet on Tuesday, May 6, at the church.

Rev. A. W. Safford returned from Chicago last Friday.

Mrs. W. G. McGuire and her mother, Mrs. Denman spent Monday in Chicago.

Miss Gladys Stewart of Gurnee spent Sunday afternoon with her cousin Mabel Bonner.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner spent Sunday with relatives in Russell.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 13 May 1909
Mrs. Warner who made her home with Miss Edith Van Alstine all winter and spring, has returned to Antioch.

William McGuire has been ill the past week.

Mrs. Jas. Jamieson, Mrs. Jeanette Matthews, and Miss Ella McCredie served the supper at the Ladies' Aid Society last Thursday.

Mrs. E. A. Martin and Mrs. C. E. Denman were Chicago visitors one day last week.

Miss Lucie Trotter is visiting in Evanston.

Miss Bae Adams returned last week to Chicago Lawn.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 19 May 1909
New York, May 18-Advertisements of a sale of art collected by James Henry ("Silent") Smith, have revealed the fact that his widow is permanently to abandon the handsome Whitney mansion, at 871 Fifth avenue.
This is the place which Smith bought just previous to his marriage and would have occupied had not death overtaken him on a honeymoon in Japan, in March, 1907.
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 20 May 1909
Mrs. Mary Yule returned Sunday from Will county, where she has been visiting with relatives.

Mrs. Trotter and daughter Maimie, of Evanston, are visiting with Mrs. A. K. Bain.

Rev. A. W. Safford and Miss Vivien Bonner are attending the Illinois Congregational annual convention at La Grange this week.

Miss Vinnie Jamison of Kenosha is here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamison.

Mrs. Jensen of Zion City has returned to care for Mrs. Robert Strang.

Job Cutler of Zion City is spending the week at C. E. Denman's.

Miss Alice Jamison of Berwyn visited over Sunday with her parents.

C. Bonner of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents.

Mrs. John Bonner and Mrs. L. M. Bonner of Russell spent Monday in Chicago.

Mr. E. A. Martin spent Sunday in Chicago with his wife, who is in the hospital.

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