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Newspaper Clippings for
July, 1898

from Waukegan Sun2 July 1898
A. G. Spafford spent the week in Antioch.

Miss Carrie Bater returned Saturday from Edgebrook.

Miss Addie Pollock spent part of the week in Washington.

Miss Vivien Bonner is entertaining a young lady cousin.

Miss Blanche Tidmarsh is the happy possessor of a new phone.

Mrs. Wienecke visited with relatives at Barrington last week.

Miss Julia Strang is visiting in Waukegan with her brother Will.

Miss Harriet Bain spent part of last week with relatives in Somers, Wis.

L. B. Starkweather and Mrs. J. M. Strang were Chicago visitors Wednesday.

Miss Helen Trotter returned home Tuesday after spending a week in Chicago.

Miss L. M. Jamieson, of Kenosha, is visiting at her home here for a short time.

Mrs. Edward Mead has been entertaining her sister, Mrs. S. Taylor, this week.

Misses Florence Stewart and Anna Fox, of Waukegan, spent Sunday in Millburn.

E. T. Taylor is home from Chicago this week accompanied by his friend, Mr. Wells.

Miss Alice Kiehle, of Waukegan, spent part of the week with her sister at Mrs. Bater's.

Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan and family spent a few days recently with relatives in Lake Forest.

Miss Jessie Strang spent part of last week in Waukegan attending the commencement exercises of the High school.

R. Jamieson spent last week in Chicago, returning Saturday night, accompanied by John Roberts who remained here over Sunday

The Hockaday school closed on Wednesday for the summer. Miss Kiehle has secured a position in the Waukegan schools and Miss Addie Pollock will have charge at the Hockaday next year.

Miss Margaret Lawrence is home from Tabor college, Iowa, for a few days before beginning studies for the summer at the University of Chicago. Miss Lawrence is the able instructor of mathematics in Tabor college.

from Waukegan Sun16 July 1898
Miss Florence Harris closed her school in the Cribb district last week.

E. A. Jamieson, of Lake Forest, spent Sunday at his home here.

Elmo Stewart, of Chicago, spent part of the week with Robert Jamieson.

The C. E. business meeting met Geo. W. Dodge on Friday evening.

A number of teachers from this vicinity attended the Teachers' Institute in Waukegan.

Miss Lula Thain, of Waukegan, spent part of last week with relatives here. She left Waukegan on Thursday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Stewart, in St. Paul.

Miss Blood, of Chicago, visited with Miss K. L. Smith last week.

Mrs. Pantall spent a few days in Chicago last week.

The Fourth passed very guietly here. A large number attended the celebration at Grayslake.

Morton Mavor and Ray Hughes of Chicago, spent Sunday and Monday in Millburn.

Miss Julia Smith, of Chicago, is spending some time at Mrs. Trotter's.

Mrs. H. A. Jameson, of Chicago, is visiting at Dr. D. B. Taylor's.

Rev. S. A. Harris is enjoying his vacation of three weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Newton Levoy are rejoicing over the advent of a little daughter last Sunday night.

Rev. E. A. Harris, of Mukwonago, Wis., is visiting his father, Rev. S. A. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of Lake Forest, were in Millburn last Sunday.

Bryon Bates, of Chicago, is spending his vacation with his aunt, Mrs. A. H. Stewart.

Mrs. Wm. Mavor, of Chicago, visited relatives here this week.

Miss Florence Stewart of Waukegan, spent Sunday at W. B. Stewart's.

Mrs. Isa Thain returned last Saturday from an extended visit in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Munzer, of Chicago, visited last week with their cousins, James Jamieson and family.

Mrs. William Thom is visiting Chicago this week.

Mrs. John Mason and Miss Grace, of Gages Lake, visited at Jas. Pollock's this week.

Miss Forbes is visiting this week at Wm. Thoms.

Miss Alice Jamieson left on Thursday for a visit with relative in Williams. Iowa.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart and Mrs. R. L. Strang spent Wednesday in Antioch.

Mrs. Luna Sortor passed quietly away Thursday morning after a long illness. She was the oldest resident of Millburn having passed her ninety-third birthday. The funeral services were held on Saturday with interment at Kenosha.

A large number of young people attended the Crazy Social at Hickory on Tuesday night, many going on their wheels. E. A. Martin and John Trotter brought home prizes for being the most crazy ones present and we are sure the judges' verdict was rightly given, judging from appearances.

from Waukegan Sun23 July 1898
E. A. Martin spent Monday in Chicago.

The Smith monument was erected by F. Bairstow.

James Jamieson spent part of the week in Chicago.

L. B. Starkweather spent part of the week in Belvidere.

E. T. Taylor of Chicago sojourned in Millburn Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Inez Pollock, of Chicago, spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mrs. Hobbs, of Chicago, visited a few days last week with her children.

The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. Elmer Cannon last Thursday afternoon.

E. E. Trotter and sister, Miss Mary, Chicago came out Sunday morning and returned in the evening.

Herbert Mosquon of St. Louis. Mo., is enjoying a two week's vacation with his old time friends in Millburn.

E. Mead and Misses Allie Mead, Emily Wynn and Jessie Bater, of Waukegan, spent Sunday in Millburn.

Mrs. McAllister of Waukegan and Miss Janet Simpson, of Evanston, visited at Mrs. Geo. Strang's recently.

A delegation of Millburnites attended the flag raising at Lake Villa last Friday evening and helped to cheer for "Old Glory."

Pastor Harris and George Jamieson attended the ordination services at the Trevor Congregational church, of Rev. Moore, last Tuesday.

The barn of Elmer Pollock was struck by lightening in the storm of Tuesday morning, but the fire was extinguished before any serious damage was done.

Rev. E. A. Harris occupied the pulpit last Sabbath and will be with us again next Sabbath. Pastor S. A. Harris will speak on Sunday to the boys of the Reform School at Pontiac.

from Waukegan Sun30 July 1898
Mrs. S. A. Harris is visiting in Chicago this week.

A. H. Spafford returned on Wednesday from Baraboo, Wis.

A. K. Bain and John Trotter took in "Buffalo Bill's Wild West" in Chicago, Wednesday.

Mrs. W. B. Stewart has gone to Kansas to visit her sister, Mrs. T. J. Anderson.

Miss Jessie Harris visited in Somers last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock visited with J. K. Pollock, in Waukegan last week.

Miss Mary Trotter is spending the week at home. A. M. Trotter was out from the city over Sunday.

Miss Harriet Bain spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. A. Brewer at Druce's Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Soalfield and family and Mr. Vorbeck, of Chicago are spending the Summer at Mrs. Spafford's.

A party was given Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Mr. Herbert Moquon of St. Louis, at the home of Miss Lucie Trotter. Mr. Moquon returns to his home this week.

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