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Newspaper Clippings for
November, 1911

Antioch News2 November 1911
J. H. Bonner and wife were in Chicago Tuesday.

Miss Ethel McGuire visited in Waukegan last week.

Wm. Wandel and mother of Waukegan spent Sunday here.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kemper of Chicago spent Wednesday here.

Miss Florence Anderson of Lake Forest is visiting her aunt here.

Albert Trotter and wife visited his sister Mrs. Nellie Bain over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newell of Zion City visited relatives here Thursday.

Mrs. E. L. Webster and son of Highland Park spent Wednesday with her brother here.

Miss Effie Frost of Rochester, Wis., attended the wedding of her friend Margaret White last week.

The Millburn C. E. society will give a course of 5 entertainments this winter. The first one will be Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 30.

Antioch News9 November 1911
Listen for the wedding bells.

A. K. Bain was a Chicago passenger Monday.

Mrs. Frank Yule of Somers visited her mother here last week.

Mesdames Ames and Sabin of Antioch attended the bazaar here Thursday.

Mrs. Geo. Jamison received word that her neice of Rochester is gaining.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Denman returned home from their wedding trip last week.

Leslie and Mable Bonner, George and Bertha White attended the Dairy Show in Chicago Friday.

Alex Hughes and Gordon Bonner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes of Gurnee.

The undersigned having rented his farm will sell at Public Auction, 1 1/2 mile west of Millburn, 2 1/2 miles east of Loon Lake and 5 miles southeast of Antioch on the old Hastings farm at Hastings Lake, on

Friday, November 17
Commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp, the following property:
23 Head of Cattle--18 choice cows, some new milch cows and some that is coming in this winter, and 5 yearling heifers.
3 Head of Horses--bay Gelden weight 1500, black mare weight 1300, bay road horse weight 1000.
Hay and Grain--16 tons timothy hay, some alfalfa, 4 tons wild hay in barn, 300 bushels oats, 14 bushels spring wheat, some barley.
Farm Implements, etc.--Deering corn binder, McCormick mower, Deering hay rake, pulverizer, 2 riding cultivators, sulky plow, Deering sod plow, set harrow, 1 8-horse down power, 2 geared jacks and feed cutter, couldron kettle, grinding stone, corn sheller, 600 pound scales, 2 sets double harness, hay fork, rope and pulleys, wagon and box, truck wagon with iron wheels, single buggy, number of milk cans, 16 geese, 5 Pekin ducks, 3 bee hives and other articles.
Lunch at noon.
Terms--6 months at 6 per cent. 2 per cent off for cash, on all sums over $10.00.
Walter Palmer, Prop.
Geo Vogel, Auctioneer.
Ernest Brook, Clerk.
Antioch News16 November 1911
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dawson, Nov. 8, a daughter.

Mrs. Elmer Cannon is quite ill and in a hospital at Elgin.

Mr. Geo. Jamieson spent sometime with her neice at Rochester, Wis.

Miss Alice Jamieson of Berwyn, Ill., spent a few days with her father.

The Missionary study class meets with Mrs. George Jamieson Thursday.

Robert Bonner of Winthrop Harbor, spent over Sunday with his parents here.

The Price, Shipley Company will be here Nov. 30, under the management of the C. E. society.

Mrs. Jessie Thom and son and her sister, Mrs. Geo. Dodge and sons are visiting relatives in Chicago.

Miss Ethel McGuire was given a novelty shower at the home of her brother on Nov. 11. She will wed Wm. Bonner this week.

Mrs. Ward Bain of Racine, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Robert Strang who has past another milestone. She celebrated her 92 birthday, Nov. 10.

Having bought of Wm. McCarthy all personal property, will sell at Public Auction, on the old Jim Murrie farm, 1 mile west of Millburn, 4 miles east of Lake Villa--and 5 miles west of Antioch, on
Thursday, November 23
Commencing at 10:00 o'clock sharp, the following property, to wit
20 Cows--20 milch cows, new milkers and springers, 1 bull.
3 Horses--Bay horse 12 years old wt. 1500, Sorrel mare 11 years old wt., 1200, Gray Gelden 10 years old wt. 1500.
Farm Implements--2 sets double harness, 2 sets single harness, surrey, milk wagon, hay rack, Derring corn binder 6-ft cut, McCormick corn harvester, Deering 6-ft mower, Daisy corn planter Deering hay rake, set drags, 2 walking plows, riding cultivator, 8 shovel walking cultivator, pulverizer, roller, grind stone, hay fork, rope and pulleys, pair bob sleds, 2 post hole diggers, all fencing tools, 20 milk cans.
Hay and Grain--40 tons of upland hay, 30 acres of, corn in shock.
Quality of Household Goods--Acorn Oak heater, Quick-meal gasoline range.
Free lunch at noon.
Usual Terms.
John A. Strang, Prop.
George Vogel, Auctioneer.
Ernest Brook, Clerk
Antioch News23 November 1911
Mrs. Geo. Jamieson returned home Wednesday from Rochester, Wis.

C. E. business meeting at Miss C. E. Bater's home next Friday evening.

Miss Florence Anderson of Lake Forest spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mrs. Josiephine Mathews will spend the winter with relatives in Pontiac, Ill. The Young Men's class of the Sunday school and lady friends gave a party Friday evening to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Denman at their home.

Don't forget the entertainment given at the church, Thanksgiving evening, Nov. 30. The Price-Shipley Co., will give an excellant entertainment.

Wm. McGuire announces the wedding of his daughter Miss Ethel May to Wm. M. Bonner, Thursday, Nov. 16. They were married at the parsonage by Rev. Safford. The bride was handsomely attired in blue silk. After a short trip they will make their home on the John Bonner farm. Their many friends wish them much joy.

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