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Newspaper Clippings for
October, 1911

Antioch News4 October 1911
Mrs. Cannon left for Elgin Friday.

Miss Nelson of Loon Lake spent over Sunday with Miss Bater.

Mrs. W. G. Thom and sons are visiting relatives near Peoria, Illinois.

James and George Anderson of Lake Forest transacted business here Thursday

Mrs. D. M. White and daughters are visiting Mrs. Leslie Kemper in Chicago.

Mrs. Safford and Miss Foote are visiting relatives in Chicago and Wheaton, this week.

Rev. Safford will return home Friday from his vacation and will preach here Sunday, Oct. 8.

Mrs. W. J. White of Antioch was a Millburn caller Thursday. Mrs. Janette Mathews return home with her for a few days visit.

Mrs. Bonner entertained W. H. Miller and wife of Highland Park and the Misses Irene and Helen Bairstow of Wheaton, Ill., over Sunday. 1911/10/12
Having decided to quit farming I will sell at Public Auction, on the William Thom farm 1 mile north of Millburn, and 3 miles south of Pikeville begining at 1:00 o'lock sharp, on

Friday, October 20.
Truck wagon, hay rack, box wagon, mower, two brood mares, sulky cultivator, sulky plow, pulverizer nearly new, dray, bob sled, set work harness about 10 tons alfalfa, Twelve acres corn in shock, quantity of potatoes, wood pile, two dozen Indian Runner ducks, chickens and chicken coops.
Usual terms.
J. C. James, Auctioneer

Mrs. Thom of Libertyville is visiting her son here.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells of Antioch spent Wednesday here.

J. A. Thain and wife were Chicago visitors first of the week.

The Ladies aid society will hold their annual bazaar Thursday, Nov. 7.

The Millburn Sunday school sent Delegates to the Convention at Libertyville.

Mrs. Ralph Wheaton and son of Wheaton, Ill., are visiting her parents here.

Mrs. Jannette Mathews returned from Antioch having spent the week with friends.

There will be a public auction sale on the Frank Hucker farm 1/2 mile north of Lake Villa, on Saturday, October 14.

The Young Men's class of the Millburn Sunday school entertained the Young Ladies class last Friday evening at the home of J. P. Dawson.

Antioch News19 October 1911
Mrs. Mary Bater has a niece from Scotland visiting her.

Mrs. John Bonner entertained her sister from Waukegan Sunday.

Ralph Wheaton of Wheaton, spent the week end at the parsonage.

Andrew White of Grayslake was a Millburn caller the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hughes are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter.

Miss Marjorie Cannon leaves this week to attend school at Mt. Carroll, Indiana.

Jeepe Jepson who has spent the past 2 years in Montana, returned home on Friday.

Mrs. W. J. White and Miss Mary Jamison of Antioch called on Millburn friends Sunday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Buss (nee Helen Dodge) of Rochester, Wis., a son on Oct. 11.

Mrs. Campbell died very suddenly Friday evening, being ill only a short time. An inquest was held Saturday. She was living with her daughter Mrs. Ed Gerry and son Albert. She is survived by her husband and several children. Funeral was held Monday and interment at Millburn cemetery.

Antioch News26 October 1911
Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. David White at Loon Lake there occurred one of the prettiest home weddings of the season, Mrs. Margaret White and Jesse Denman, taking the vows of matrimony in the presence of about sixty relatives and friends. Rev. A. W. Safford of Millburn officiating.
The decorations were of asparagus ferns and dahlias, and the bride was daintily attired in white carring a bouquet of white asters. The couple were unattended. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Vera Worden Kemper of Chicago, cousin of the bride.
The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. White, a popular and gifted young lady. The groom is the eldest son Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman of Millburn. Soon after the sumptious wedding dinner had been served the bride and groom made a clever getaway and left for a wedding trip, their destination being a secret.
Relatives from Chicago, Waukegan, Rockefeller, Grayslake, Antioch, Gurnee, Millburn, Highland Park, Madison, Wis., and Canada were present.
Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Denmann will make their home on the White farm at Loon Lake.

Fred Doolittle of McHenry was a Millburn caller Friday.

Mrs. Mary Yule will spend the winter with her daughter in south Dakota.

Geo. Anderson and sister of Lake Forest called on relatives here last week.

Mrs. Libbie Bonner of Russell will spend sometime with her sister Mrs. John Bonner.

E. A. Cannon accompanied his daughter Morjorie to Mt. Carroll, Ind., where she will attend school.

R. Pantall left last week to spend the winter with their daughter Mrs. Adams of Chicago Lawn.

Several of the boys gave an oyster supper in honor of J. S. Denman at the home of Alex Hughes Thursday evening.

The Millburn Ladies Aid society will hold their annual bazaar Thursday, Nov. 2, at the church. Supper will be served from 6 p. m., until all are served. Sale of aprons and fancy articles begins at 7 p. m.

The C. E. society elected the following officers for the next six months: President, Miss Mable Bonner, Vice President, Geo. White; Secretary, Miss Maud Cleveland; Treasurer, Victor Strang: Organists, Lucy Spafford and Ethel McGuire.

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