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Newspaper Clippings for
March, 1909

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 3 March 1909
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cremins entertained the following at dinner last Thursday; Messrs. and Mesdames, A. W. Safford, W. J. White, W. B. Stewart, J. A. Thain, A. K. Bain and daughter, Dorothy, J. H. Bonner and John Bonner.

Miss Ethyl Ames was very sick the past week but is about convalescent.

Geo. Eichanger and Miss Mary visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gerrity last Sunday and James and Louise Gerrity returned with them. Louise is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Odett.

John and Miss Elsie Stephens entertained the young people's euchre club last Tuesday. Miss Elsie and John are royal entertainers.

Miss Bertha Edmonds returned home this week having spent some time at her aunt's at Spaulding's Corners.

Gene Clark moved last week to the Trotter farm.

Miss Libby Paddgett and little daughter returned last Sunday to Charleston, Ill.

Miss Jessie Jamieson spent several days in Chicago last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells entertained their many friends last Thursday. The evening was pleasantly spent in progressive euchre. Refreshments were served and the company returned to their homes in the small hours next day.

A surprise and not a surprise was held at the home of Richard Edmonds last Friday evening. Mrs. Edmonds announced a surprise for Mr. Edmonds on Friday in honor of their wedding anniversary and Mr. Edmonds thought he could have one on Mrs. Edmonds for Saturday evening and the first invited gave it way so they all came Friday. The time was spent in dancing and card playing. About 60 were present.

J. H. Bonner and family and Wm. Bonner spent Monday with Mrs. Mina Bonner Gilbert of Round Lake and assisted her in the sale held at her place that day. Mrs. Gilbert and daughters will remain on the home place this year.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower were agreeably surprised last Saturday evening in honor of the latter's 60th birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent in progressive euchre.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gerrity, of Round Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Eichanger this Sunday. On account of sickness in the school over there James and Louise will stay awhile over here and attend school.

Herman Brehm and son have scarlet fever and some of the children of that vicinity who have been there have been quarantined and the Dodge school fumigated.

Mrs. David White has been quite sick but is better now.

C. E. topic March 7: "Life Lessons for Me from the Psalms", Edwin Denman, leader.

The Ladies Aid Society will serve dinner March 4, Madames Denman, Safford and Miss Foote will serve.

The young people's euchre club was entertained Tuesday evening of this week at the home of A. K. Bain by Misses Lucie Trotter and Mamie Griffin.

Messrs. Martin and Bain transacted business in Chicago Monday.

Miss Foote returned from Wheaton Monday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 9 March 1909
Miss Pearl Cleveland has closed her school on account of scarlet fever.

The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the church on Thursday, March 4, for dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Edwards Wells gave a card party last Thursday night. Everyone present reported a good time.

Mrs. Spafford is able to be about the house.

Miss Clara Foote has been visiting during the past week with her niece, Mrs. R. Wheaton, in Wheaton.

A number of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower on Saturday night and were entertained at eucher.

Leslie Bonner spent the fore part of last week in Rockford, Ill.

The C. E. Business meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McGuire, on Friday night, March 12.

James and Louise Gerrity of Round Lake visited last week with Miss Mary Eichinger.

Miss Ethel Ames has been on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Edmonds entertained about sixty friends last Friday night.

Mrs. Libbie Padgett and daughter, Helen are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson.

Miss Jessie Jamieson has been visiting with her sister in Chicago for a few days.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 27 March 1909
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pollock last Wednesday, March 17. Mother and boy doing nicely.

C. E. Denman has not given up the business between Millburn and Wadsworth nor is he going to at present.

Richard Pantall went to Chicago Saturday to transact business and visit his daughter Mrs. Adams, of Chicago Lawn, returning home Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells attended a dinner part at Wilson King's at Hickory last Friday.

Prayer meeting was held Wednesday evening at the home of Geo. Jamieson.

Miss Mattie Griffin spent Sunday at home.

Miss Maude Cleveland and Leon Strang returned to Rochester, Wis., Monday to resume their studies for eleven weeks. Leon Strang will graduate this June.

Miss Minnie Carney spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks.

Mr. Stockton, the agent of Wadsworth expects to leave soon and move to Ohio.

Mrs. McGuire and daughter, Miss Ethel, visited Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hook, of Grange Hall, and vicinity.

Mr. Foster's family came from Chicago Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cannon attended the funeral of Mrs. Jennie Smith Kennedy of Racine last Monday.

C. E. topic March 28: "Great Missionary Books, Home and Foreign." Lucy Spafford, leader.

The Ladies' Aid Society will meet in the church parlor Thursday, April 1st. Picnic supper.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Chope gave a progressive euchre party last Friday. About thirty were present. Scott LeVoy and Geo. Eichanger carried off the prizes.

Word from Chicago says that James Jamieson is improving and will be out soon.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 30 March 1909
William McGuire of Millburn and Wakefield of Gurnee
Declares State Test Works Great Harm.
Reports came to Waukegan today from Millburn vicinity that the farmers thereabouts are up in arms over the tuberculin test which state officials have made in their herds. In the case of Wm. McGuire of Millburn, and Mr. Wakefield of Gurnee, it is said their cattle are dying, traceable directly to the test which was applied by the officers.
The report is that the cattle's ears hoofs, etc., are dropping off as a result of the test, that they are "breaking out" all over their bodies and that some of them have died.
The farmers claim that the medicine which is injected into the cows is injuring them rather than helping them, and, instead of having their herds improved, they are being made sick, etc. The developments in these cases has caused farmers to declare they will unite to fight the tuberculin test to the limit before all their herds are ruined.
Virus Injected.
The virus which the testers use is injected into the cow's jugular vein and the farmers claim the virus, in cases where cows have been ruined has been spoiled. The test of the cows is made by determining the temperature of the beast when the virus is being injected and notation is made as to whether it rises or lowers. On that showing is based the verdict as to whether the cow is infected and its milk should be condemned. Farmers claim that other things besides tuberculisis could make a cow's temperature change at a time like that and they do not in many cases believe in the efficiency of the test.
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 31 March 1909
Taken Ill Only Week Ago but Was Not Unexpected
Well Known Woman.
The fear of friends of Mrs. Robert Smart that she might not pull through the sick spell which came over her a week ago Sunday night was shown to have been well grounded for the well known North Side woman died at her home on Oakley avenue this morning.
Her death is a shock to the North Side where she was well known and highly regarded. Mrs. Smart was taken sick a week ago Sunday night last, chills and a hard cold seeming to have seized her. Her condition grew worse rapidly and from the start, it was felt that her condition was most grave.
For the past few days little hope had been held for her recovery because the heart trouble which had set in was followed by kidney complaint and the end came this morning.
Mrs. Smart was the daughter of former Sheriff Chase E. Webb of West street and was married to Robert Smart 13 years ago last September. She leaves her husband and two daughters, 12 and 3 years of age. She was a sister of Mrs. L. J. Yager, David, Frank and E. Webb, all residents of this city.
Mrs. Smart's birth occurred on the Webb farm in Warren township and she lived there during her early life, moving to town with her parents when her father was elected sheriff.
Funeral from the house Friday at 1 o'clock, burial in Oakwood.
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