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Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1909

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 4 February 1909
The Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the church on Thursday, Feb. 4, for dinner.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with her aunt, Miss Belle Watson.

Miss Vivien Bonner and Miss Bertha White returned Saturday from Champaign.

Clarence Bonner of Chicago was home Sunday.

Robert Bonner of Chicago was home over Sunday.

Miss Carrie Bater was a Chicago visitor recently.

Mrs. A. W. Safford visited from Thursday till Monday among her children near Chicago.

Mrs, C. E. Denman, Miss Mary Eichinger and Mrs. W. G. McGuire attended the Royal Neighbor banquet given by Waukegan Camp on Thursday last.

Mrs. W. J. White returned Saturday from Pontiac and Mr. W. J. White returned from Springfield after a week away.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 8 February 1909
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White returned from Springfield and Pontiac last Saturday.

Mrs. M. Spafford is quite sick at present writing with bronchial trouble with fears of pneumonia. We hope for her speedy recovery.

Robert and Clarence Bonner, of Chicago, spent Sunday with the home folks.

Mrs. Sarah Dodge, of Rochester, Wis., is visiting her brother, David White.

Misses Vivian Bonner and Bertha White returned from Urbana Saturday.

Mrs. A. W. Safford left last Thursday to visit her son and daughter in Chicago and Wheaton returning Monday.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago, visited Sunday and Monday with her mother.

Grandma Tower spent Tuesday with Mrs. Bater. Mrs. Tower will celebrate her 82nd birthday Feb. 7.

Miss Ethel McGuire entertained the euchre club last Thursday evening.

John McGuire, of Antioch, is visiting a few days with his brother, William.

The missionary meeting was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bater.

Prayer meeting was held Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson.

Dr. Manasse, of Chicago, and A. E. Reeves, of Russell, transacted business in Millburn last Thursday.

Madames R. Hook, W. G. McGuire, C. E. Denman and Miss Mary Eichanger attended the R. N. A. installation at the Parish House last Thursday.

The Ladies' Aid Society met in the church parlor Thursday, Feb. 4. The following ladies served: Madames A. K. Bain, E. N. Cannon and John Crawford.

Warren Kendall of Stanton, Mich., is the guest of his uncle, Chas. Ames.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 16 February 1909
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Martin visited Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. Adams of Chicago Lawn.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Thom and daughter, Lillian, spent last Wednesday with W. G. Thom and family.

Miss Edith Van Alstine entertained the Young People's Club last Tuesday. Cards were the pastime. Refreshments were served and a good time enjoyed by all.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower and Miss Jessie Jamieson spent Wednesday and Thursday at Grayslake and Round Lake.

The young people of this vicinity enjoyed a sleigh ride last Tuesday and went as far as J. H. Bonner's where they surprised Leslie and Mabel and a jolly good time was had.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart gave a dinner party last Friday. Covers were laid for fourteen.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White were Antioch callers last Thursday.

Diphtheria has made its appearance in our midst. Lyman Thain has been very sick with it but at present writing is getting along nicely. We hope for his speedy recovery.

Miss Katie Gerrity is visiting for some time with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Yocum.

We are glad to note that Mr. M. Spafford is better and hope she will be around again soon.

Mrs. Mary Mavor, of Chicago, and Mrs. Eliza Hughes, of Libertyville, spent last Friday with their mother, Mrs. Robt. Strang.

Grandma Tower celebrated her 83rd birthday Feb. 7. Many happy returns of the day Grandma.

Word reached here Friday of the death of Mrs. Jennie Low, wife of John Low, of Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Low are well know in this burg.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edmonds gave a party last Wednesday night. Dancing was in order and a fine time reported by all.

Fred Heddle, of Somers, Wis., is working in Millburn this week.

Last Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Strang, John Thain, Robt. Strang and Mr. and Mrs. John Chope. For amusement they looked over seed corn. The same evening they were surprised by two sled loads of about fifty from Hickory. Progressive euchre was in order and Mr. and Mrs. Wells we all know are fine entertainers.

Daniel Patterson passed from this life at his home in Wheatland, Will Co., Ill., Jan. 20, 1909, in his 80th year. He was born in Dumfreeshire, Scotland, in 1829. He came to this country in 1849 and married Miss Jane Williamson, of Lake Co., in 1859 and died in 1909. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, four sons and four daughters. Mr. Patterson is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Mary Yule.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 22 February 1909
Sumner Spafford, of Denver, Colo., came home while his mother was so ill. We are glad to note that Mrs. Spafford is improving.

Linn Vincent, of Gurnee, is in our midst.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart visited from Wednesday until Saturday with friends in Waukegan.

The Fahrney's household goods were shipped to Chicago last week and Mrs. Russell will soon move here.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and boys, of Waukegan, spent Saturday and Sunday with the home folks.

Mabel and Bae Adams, of Chicago Lawn, came Thursday and remained until Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pantall.

The young people's euchre club met with Miss Minnie Carney at the home of James Pollock last week.

Geo. Anderson, of Lake Forest, transacted business in our burg last week.

Mrs. Warren visited friends in Antioch from Friday until Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Strang entertained about fifty of their friends last Friday evening. Nine tables of progressive euchre were played and the usual prizes given. A fine time was reported.

Miss Ruby Gillings entertained the young people's euchre club Tuesday at the home of J. A. Strang.

Fred Heddle returned to Somers, Wis., last Thursday.

Clarence and Robt. Bonner of Chicago, visited their parents Friday and Saturday of last week.

C. E. topic: Pilgrim's Progress Series, II. "The Slough of Despond", Jessie Denman, leader.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 23 February 1909
Clarence Crawford is home from Rochester for a few days.

Robert and Clarence Bonner of Chicago were home the latter part of the week.

Mabel and Bae Adams of Chicago visited from Thursday till Sunday with Mrs. Pantall.

Mr. and Mrs. John Strang entertained about fifty friends at euchre last Friday night.

The sick people are all on the gain.

Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell and two children of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Spafford.

Sumner Spafford of Denver, Col., has been here visiting with his mother.

Lost-Between Millburn and Lamb's Corners, a horsehide mitten (brown). Finder please notify Mrs. W. O. McGuire, Wadsworth Post.

The many friends of Mrs. Eliza Wakefield will be glad to learn that she is rapidly recovering from her recent illness and is able to be about the house.

On Thursday Feb. 11th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vose, occurred the marriage of their son Horace K to Miss Jessie Schriver. Rev. Geo. McGinnis of Waukegan officiated. Their many friends extend congratulations.

One day last week while helping saw wood at Al Faulkner's, Paul Rasher, a young man who had been working for E. H. Johnson got his hand caught in the saw and three fingers taken off. He is now with relatives in Waukegan.

Mr. Gilbert Mordhouse and family are moving into the Chas. Hawkins house on the East side of town.

At their regular meeting Saturday afternoon Arbutus Camp No. 2042 R. N. A. initiated five new members into the mysteries of their order. About sixty members were present and after the meeting was over ice-cream and cake were served in the dining room below and a good social time was enjoyed.

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