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Miss Florence Anderson visited here last week.
Six weeks more of winter says the ground hog.
Mrs. Cora Anderson started for her home in Kansas last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Safford returned from Wheaton last Wednesday night.
Leslie Bonner returned Saturday night from his two weeks trip to Urbana.
Mrs. Wentworth is slowly improving. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery.
Mrs. John Bonner visited a few days last week with Mrs. Sarah Dodge at Rochester, Wis. She returned home Saturday.
Mrs. W. J. White entertained the Millburn spinsters last Tuesday at a good will party. The only out of town guest was Miss Browe of Russell.
Will Strang has gone to northern Wisconsin to spend some time hunting.
Miss Ethel McGuire spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Mamie Cook, of Lamb's Corners.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner gave a dinner part last Thursday.
Miss Vivian Bonner returned home Sunday and will teach the Dodge school this week to help Miss Van Alstine who is unable to teach.
Geo. Safford, of Chicago, visited from Saturday and Sunday with his parents.
Mrs. James Thom visited Saturday and Sunday with W. G. Thom and expects to leave soon to join her husband in Nebraska where they will make their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillings, of Dakota, attended the funeral of the former's sister, Mrs. Van Alstine, Sunday.
Miss Inez Pollock, of Chicago, visited with her mother Sunday.
C. E. topic, March 1: Songs of the Heart III. "How God Leads Men,". Consecration meeting, Jeppe Jepson, leader.
Last Thursday, Feb. 20, the community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Susan Van Alstine of heart failure. She went to the cellar for potatoes for supper and was found unconscious and died a few hours later. Fifteen minutes before she was seen on the street.
Mrs. Mary Warren Wentworth died at St. Joseph's hospital Feb. 10, 1908. She was the daughter of Henry Warren of Chicago. She was born Nov. 30, 1848, at Buffalo, N. Y. and moved with her parents to Chicago in 1858. She was married to W. F. Wentworth, Mar. 8, 1866, city treasurer and manger of _________________.
L. J. White, of Waukegan, visited the home folks Monday.
Victor Strang is having a few days vacation and will return to Beloit Wednesday of this week.
Leslie Bonner and Arthur Nelson returned from Champaign Saturday.
Mrs. John Bonner spent Friday and Saturday with her son, Robt. Bonner, at Rochester.
Mrs. Cora Anderson left Thursday for her home in Kansas.
It is rumored that James Thorn is about to locate in Nebraska.
Mrs. W. F. Wentworth, we are glad to note, is a little better and we hope for her speedy recovery.
C. E. topic, Feb. 9: "Ministering to Strangers and the Sick," Bertha White, leader.
Tuesday, Jan. 28, at high noon, a "good will" shower was given to Misses Clara Foote and Sarah Browe at the home of W. J. White, Millburn, by the "blessed single girls" in the form of a surprise. They brought a "grand gorge" of a lunch with them and when all was prepared they phoned the two ladies at the parsonage to come to White's. They came and were greeted with the Chatauqua salute. Mrs. Eugene Clark furnished the bouquets as something to remember the time and place. They sent them to their sick friends. Mrs. Clark served the tables with Mrs. White. A happy lot. Nuff said, Miss Maud Holland, of Waukegan and Miss Rasmussen, of Chicago, were the guests from out of town.
L. J. White was a Millburn caller last Monday.
Victor Strang returned to Beloit last Wednesday.
The Misses Nelson are entertaining their cousin from Ottawa, Ind.
Mrs. W. B. Stewart entertained a number of friends at dinner last Friday.
Miss Hazel Thain returned last Tuesday from her visit with relatives in Kenosha.
Mrs. A. Brown of Chicago came Friday to the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Wentworth.
Miss Carrie Bater entertained a number of her lady friends at an afternoon party last Saturday.
George McCredie had the misfortune to have the palm of his hand badly hurt with a buzz saw last Tuesday.
Fred Trotter of Evanston and Will Trotter of Minneapolis, Minn., are here visiting with Mrs. A. K. Bain and John Trotter.
The ladies who served supper at the Ladies Aid society last Thursday were Mrs. A. K. Bain, Mrs. E. Cannon and Mrs. John Crawford.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tower passed her eighty-second birthday last Friday and is enjoying fairly good health. Many of her neighbors walked in and spent a very pleasant evening with her.
Mrs. W. F. Wentworth, who rapidly grew worse the past week, was moved to the St. Joseph hospital at Chicago Sunday noon, and passed away the following morning.
Mr. Will Trotter of Minnesota, is here visiting with his sister, Mrs. Bain.
Mrs. Archibald Brown and son, Warren, came Friday to see her mother, Mrs. Wentworth, while Frank Wentworth and Mr. Brown came Sunday, returning the same day.
Mrs. Wentworth was taken to Chicago Sunday noon by Dr. Thompson, of that place where she died early Monday morning.
Miss Clapp, of Oxford, Ind., is here visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Nelson.
Miss Carrie Bater went Tuesday to Evanston for two weeks.
The C. E. society will have a heart social in the church parlors on Friday, Feb. 14. Everyone invited.
Miss Bater entertained a few friends last Saturday afternoon.
L. J. White of Waukegan, was a caller last Monday.
Miss Vinen Bonner has been visiting in Chicago since Saturday.
Miss Florence Anderson of Lake Forest visited from Friday till Sunday with her Grandmother Mrs. George Strang.
Mrs. Carlwies and daughter of Chicago were here to attend the funeral of Miss Mabel Nelson.
Mr. F. W. Wentworth and his daughter, Mrs. Brown and son Warren returned from Chicago Monday night.
Charles Nelson of Nebraska came last week to attend the funeral of his sister Mabel.
Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Wentworth were expected home on Monday night.
Miss Hazel Thain has been wrestling with the grip during the past week.
Miss Ella McCredie is able to be out again after two weeks with the grip.
The Misses Margaret and Bertha White are entertaining a friend, Miss Effie Frost.
Miss Vivien Bonner went to Chicago Saturday to visit for a short time among cousins.
Mrs. Roy Hughes of Chicago, visited the middle of the week with her mother, Mrs. Spafford.
Mr. Charles Nelson of Nebraska, was here to attend the funeral of his sister, Mabel Nelson, last Thursday.
The funeral of Mrs. F. W. Wentworth was held Wednesday from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Archie Brown, in Chicago. Burial at Rose Hill.
Miss Mabel Nelson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Nelson, passed to her home beyond last Tuesday morning after an illness of many years. She was nineteen years of age. Funeral was on Thursday at 10:30 from the house, interment being in Millburn cemetery.
Mrs. Robert Strang, Sr. is much better.
Mrs. Denman had the misfortune to fall and hurt herself quite badly.
James Thom, our young veterinarian, has decided to locate in _______ go as soon as the wedding of his sister at Somers, Wis., on Feb. 26.
The blizzard kept the folks home from Mrs. John Bonner's good dinner Tuesday, but they took a two day's appetite with them on Wednesday and did not come home hungry. The young folks had a fine social time at the ____home Friday evening.
George Safford of Bowmanville was home over Sunday.
Mr. Wentworth visited Sunday and Monday in Chicago.
Ralph Miller was home Saturday and Sunday from Rochester.
The ladies aid society will meet at the church on Thursday, March 5. Every one welcome.
Miss Hazel Thain visited the later part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Guy Hughes, at Loon Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner entertained a number of young people at their home on Friday night, Feb. 21. Every one reported a fine time.
Mr. John Gillings of North Dakota and Mrs. and Mrs. Ed Gillings of Waukegan attended the funeral of their sister Mrs. Van Alstine, on Saturday.
Mrs. A. Brown returned to Chicago Sunday after spending the week with her father, helping him pack his household goods, which he will move to the city where he will make his home with his daughter and his son, Frank Wentworth.
On Thursday night, Feb. 20, the community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. Susan Van Alstine, wife of the late Theodore Van Alstine. She was found unconscious in the cellar at four o'clock by her son Arthur. A physician was called but she was beyond medical aid and died at seven o'clock. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Edith, and son, Arthur, and several brothers and sisters. The son and daughter have the sympathy of their friends.
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