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Miss Alice Jamieson was here for Christmas.
Mrs. Wentworth has been very sick the past week.
Mrs. R. L. Strang is entertaining her friend, Mrs. Wallace.
Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago, spent Christmas with Mrs. Watson.
Frank Sage, who has been visiting with John Eichinger returned to his home Saturday.
Florence Anderson of Lake Forest, is here visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Strang.
Mrs. Mary Yule had the misfortune to fall last Sunday evening and hurt herself quite badly.
The Ladies Aid society will meet on Thursday, Jan. 16, in the church, it will be the annual election of officers.
The insurance meeting will be held on Saturday, January 11, in Mason's hall. Dinner will be served in the church by the ladies.
George L. Stewart, for many years a resident of Millburn, died at his home in Waukegan Thursday at 5:30 p. m. Mr. Stewart was 64 years of age and leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Florence Gray, of South Dakota. He is also survived by a number of brothers and two sisters who mourn his death. The funeral was from the house Saturday, interment being in the Millburn cemetery.
Miss Mamie Trotter returned to Evanston, Monday of this week having spent a week visiting relatives.
Glady Odett has been visiting her cousins, Louise and James Gerrity returning home Tuesday.
George B. Jamison, of Cherry Valley, came Friday and remained until Tuesday visiting his mother and brother, Dr. Jamison.
Mrs. Wallace, of Chicago, visited Sunday with Mrs. R. L. Strang.
Miss C. E. Wendt, of Wadsworth, spent several days sewing in this vicinity the past week.
Miss Mable Adams returned to her home in Chicago Lawn, Sunday.
Miss Bater leaves Thursday for Evanston to be gone about two weeks.
Miss McCreadie returned to Waukegan Wednesday to resume her school duties Thursday and Friday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Thom entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. Thom, of Libertyville and Mrs. James Thom and son, of Somers, on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Bain entertained Christmas their relatives of this vicinity and Evanston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. and Mrs. James Thom spent Friday with Edwin Thom and family at Bristol, Wis.
Mrs. W. E. Wentworth has been quite ill since Christmas but at present writing is improving.
Mr. Corwine, of Chicago, who gave an entertainment here last Friday was well worth going to hear.
The Millburn Insurance Co., will hold their annual meeting and election of officers, Saturday, Jan. 11, Dinner served by the ladies of Millburn.
The Ladies' Aid Society will meet in the church parlor for their annual election of officers Thursday, Jan 16. Supper will be served by the B's.
Many of this vicinity attended the funeral of George Stewart at the Millburn cemetery Saturday. The relatives have the sympathy of the community.
The Southside telephone will hold annual meeting at the Dodge school house Tuesday, Jan 7.
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 8 January 1908
Mrs. Wentworth was a Chicago visitor Monday.
Mrs. Thomas Anderson and her daughter Florence returned Monday to Lake Forest.
Mrs. C. E. Denman spent Monday in Chicago.
Mrs. Ward Bain of Wisconsin was here visiting with her mother the better part of the week.
Miss Ethel McGuire visited last Thursday and Friday with her old friend Miss Lee in Zion. City..
Mr. and Mrs. Harris and son Harold of Richmond were here visiting the latter part of the week.
Mae Adams returned to her home in Chicago last Friday accompanied by Mr. Pantall who remained until Sunday.
Will Bonner visited a couple of days in Rochester, Wisconsin last week.
The students returned Saturday to Rochester to resume their studies.
Remember Ladies Aid society on Thursday Jan. 16. The annual election of officers.
William Bonner visited in Rochester on new years.
Mrs. C. E. Denman was a Chicago visitor Monday.
Bae Adams returned to her home on Friday last.
Miss Jaeger visited from Thursday til Saturday in Chicago.
I. L. Holmes was a Chicago visitor the latter part of the week.
Miss Ethel McGuire visited in Zion City last Thursday and Friday.
Mr. Richard Pantall went to Chicago Friday and visited till Sunday night.
Mrs. H. B. Tower attended the O. E. S. installation in Waukegan last Thursday night.
Miss Ethel Ames entertained a friend, Miss Hagerty of Rosecrans, from Thursday till Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Harris and son of Richmond visited among friends from Thursday till Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes left Friday for their home in Indianapolis, after spending the holidays here.
The old Congregational church that belonged to Mrs. Bater was razed to the ground last week. It brought many reminiscences of the past to memory.
The Dodge school closed Tuesday that the teacher and pupils could attend the institute at Gurnee.
The Ladies' Aid will hold their regular monthly meeting Thursday, Jan. 16. Also election of officers. Be sure and come. Supper served by the B's.
The Millburn Insurance Company held their annual meeting Saturday, Jan. 11. Chicken pie dinner served by the ladies of Millburn.
C. E. topic: "The True Center of Life," Vivian Bonner, leader.
The nurse who is in attendance for Mrs. Robt. Strang spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. The many friends of Mrs. Strang will be glad to know that she is improving.
The Masons and Eastern Star will hold their installation Tuesday evening. Also a fine banquet will be served.
Mrs. James Thom returned to Somers Tuesday having spent a week with Mrs. Wm. G. Thom.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tower is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Mary Bater.
Mr. and Mrs. Holmes and family returned to their home in Indianapolis last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Harris and son, Harold, of Richmond, Ill., visited Mr. and Mrs. John Chope also Mr. McGuire for several days the past week.
Florence Anderson returned to school at Lake Forest Monday. Her mother also returned with her for a short visit.
Victor Strang returned to Beloit, Wis., where he attends college.
Ruby and Pearl Cleveland, Helen Safford, Mabel Bonner, Leon Strang, Robt. Bonner, Geo. White and Ralph Miller returned Saturday to Rochester, Wis., where they attend school.
Miss Annie McCredie returned to Waukegan Jan. 1st as school opened on Tuesday at North Chicago where she teaches.
F. W. Wentworh and Mrs. Denman transacted business in Chicago Monday.
Mrs. Ward Bain, of Racine, visited Friday and Saturday with her mother, Mrs. Robt. Strang, also her sister, Mrs. Hughes, of Libertyville, Sunday.
Mrs. W. B. Stewart and Mrs. Anderson spent last Thursday in Chicago.
Miss Bater left Friday for Evanston to be gone two weeks.
R. Pantall accompanied his granddaughter, Bae, to Chicago Lawn Saturday and returned home Sunday.
Miss Jarjer visited friends in Chicago last week.
J. L. Holmes spent Saturday in Chicago.
Mrs. F. W. Wentworth is still quite ill with rheumatism of the nerves.
A. H. Stewart visited his brother, Peter Stewart, of Gurnee, last Saturday.
Mrs. George Gerrity is on the sick list.
Mrs. Anderson and daughter returned to Lake Forest last Monday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Neehouse on Sunday, Jan. 5, a daughter.
George Gerrity and Wm. McGuire were Round Lake Visitors Saturday.
The Masons and Eastern Star held their joint installation last week Tuesday in their hall.
There were no services Sunday morning or evening on account of the bad snow storm.
The C. E. business meeting was held last Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. Pantall and Mrs. Geo. Gerity are wrestling with the grippe.
Several from this vicinity attended the shower given to Miss Belle Johnson by the R. N. A. of Gurnee.
Mrs. Josephine Mathews left Tuesday for Kenosha to visit several days.
Miss Ethel McGuire visited her aunt at Lamb's Corners this week.
Miss C. E. Bater returned Monday from Evanston and will take a vacation for a short time.
Mrs. F. W. Wentworth at present writing is no better.
Wm. Chope moved to his old home last Wednesday to be nearer his work.
No church services Sunday on account of the severe storm.
The Southside Telephone Company had their annual meeting Tuesday, Jan. 7, and the following officers were elected: President, John Bonner; Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. McCreadie; Directors, C. E. Denman, Ed Wells and Wm. A. Bonner.
The Insurance meeting was well attended and the following officers elected: President, Geo. Kennedy; Secretary, John Thain; Treasurer, J. H. Bonner; New Directors, John McClure, of Gurnee, and Geo. Kapple, of Grayslake.
Songs of the Heart II. "How God Speaks to Men," Simeon Ames, leader.
Wm. Strang is visiting at Lake Forest this week.
Mrs. F. W. Wentworth is quite ill with rheumatism.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tower is visiting a few weeks with Mrs. Mary Bater.
Victor Strang, returned to Beloit, Wis., where he is attending college.
The Mason's and Eastern Star held their installation jointly last Tuesday evening. A fine banquet was served.
Miss Florence Anderson returned to school in Lake Forest Monday last. Her mother also returned with her for a short visit.
The Millburn Insurance Co. held their annual meeting Saturday, Jan. 11.
The old Congregational church that belonged to Mrs. Bater was raised to the ground last week. It brought many reminiscences of the past to memory.
Mrs. Josephine Mathews is visiting with relatives in Waukegan.
Mrs. Taylor is caring for Mrs. Wentworth, who does not gain very rapidly.
Miss Florence Anderson of Lake Forest, visited Saturday and Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Strang.
Leslie Bonner went Saturday to Urbana, Ill., where he will take in the annual Corn Growers' and Stockmen's Convention now being held there.
Mrs. Mary Bater and daughter Carrie and Mrs. J. H. Bonner served the supper at the Ladies' Aid society last Thursday. The officers elected for this year are: Mrs. G. B. Stephens, Pres.; Mrs. C. E. Denman, Vice Pres.; Miss Clara Foote, Sec. and Mrs. J. H. Bonner, Treas.
Mr. Chope has moved to his new house south of Millburn again, Mr. LeVoy of Waukegan will occupy the one north of Millburn.
L. S. Bonner went to Urbana last Saturday to spend a few weeks.
Florence Anderson of Lake Forest visited relatives here over Sunday. Mrs. Mathews went last Tuesday to Waukegan to visit relatives for a week.
The new officers for the ladies' aid society for the coming year are as follows: Pres.--Mrs. G. B. Stephens; Vice Pres.-- Mrs. C. E. Denman; Secy.--Miss Clara Foote; Treas.--Mrs. J. H. Bonner.
J. A. Thain spent Tuesday in Waukegan on business.
Will Strang visited at Lake Forest last week.
Mrs. F. W. Wentworth is no better.
Miss Katie Gerrity is visiting relatives in this vicinity this week.
Mr. Sauter, of Kansas, spent several days in this vicinity and also visited his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Strang.
Simeon Ames and sister, Miss Ethel, visited friends at Gages Lake last Saturday.
C. E. topic, Jan. 26, "The Home Mission Work of our Denomination, a Survey" Rev. A. W. Safford, leader.
Mrs. A. Brown and son, Warren, of Chicago, visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wentworth, this week.
Mr. Salsbury, of Michigan formerly of this place is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Palmer.
Peter Duncan sold his home of ten acres to John Trotter.
Mrs. Taylor a trained nurse is taking care of Mrs. F. W. Wentworth, who is some better at present writing.
Miss Florence Anderson, of Lake Forest, visited Saturday and Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. Geo. Strang.
Mrs. R. L. Hughes, of Chicago, spent several days visiting relatives in the vicinity returning home Friday.
Mrs. A. W. Safford left Friday to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, at Wheaton, Ill.
Fred and Bert Trotter, of Evanston, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. A. K. Bain.
Mrs. Mary Mavor, of Chicago, visited her mother Sunday.
Peter Duncan and family move to their future home, the Shaw farm, Saturday.
Leslie Bonner and Arthur Nelson will take a two weeks course in agriculture at Champaign beginning Monday, Jan. 20.
The C. E. society met Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McGuire to pack good literature and a general good time was had.
William Thom has returned from his trip to Paw Paw, Ill.
Miss Mabel Adams has been here visiting from Friday till Sunday.
William McCredie has been wrestling with the grip for the past week.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet at the church on Thursday, February 6.
Mrs. Brown of Chicago, has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Wentworth.
Mrs. Bater will entertain the Missionary society at their home on Thursday, Jan. 30.
Mrs. A. W. Safford has been visiting for the past two weeks with her daughter at Wheaton, Ill.
Several from here attended the joint installation of the M. W. A. and R. N. A. at Gurnee last Saturday night.
Mrs. J. A. Strang gave a party Friday at her home in honor of niece Miss Ruby Gilings, being her eighteenth birthday.
What's the matter? Ed Martin of Millburn can't pull through Hickory snow banks. Don't stay so late next time, Ed.
Mr. Salisbury, of Michigan, formerly of this place, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Palmer.
Leslie Bonner and Arthur Nelson will take a two weeks' course in agriculture at Champaign.
Mrs. A. W. Safford left Friday to spend a week with her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, at Wheaton.
Mr. Sauter, of Kansas, spent several days visiting his aunt, Mrs. Geo. Strang.
Mrs. Taylor, a trained nurse is taking care of Mrs. F. W. Wentworth, who is some better.
Mrs. R. L. Hughes, of Chicago, spent several days visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Mrs. A. Brown and son, Warren, of Chicago, visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wentworth, last week.
The C. E. society met Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McGuire.
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