Newspaper Clippings for
April, 1854
from the Freeman's Advocate 8 April 1854Antioch Town Election
The following is the result of the annual town election for
Antioch, on Tuesday last:
For Supervisors--E. S. Ingalls 102, E. C. Stevens 33, Geo. Hale 6.
Town Clerk--------Daniel Lewis 48, Henry Roberts 88, Darius B. Gage 6.
Assessor------------George Hale 134, E. F. Ingalls 6.
Collector-----------Charles Haynes 91, William Frazier 42, E. S. Ingalls 6.
Highway Commissioners--Myron Emmons 85, Samuel Garwood 137, Ira
R. Webb 100, A. B. Paddock 40, G. M. Hastings 55.
Justices of the Peace--Ralph E. Simmons 96, Theodore Frazier 93,
Myron Emmons 42, Robert Pollock 38.
Overseer of the Poor--Nelson Sherman 82, Jno. R. Arnold 39, Henry
Middendorff 11, Scatt 5.
Great efforts were made to defeat E. S. Ingalls Esq, for the
office of Supervisor, by means of split tickets and other species
of political chicanery, but without success, and the aiders and
abettors of such unfair practices were deservedly rebuked by the
independent voters of the town. The full vote of the town was not
polled, had it been, there is no doubt but that his majority would
have been very much greater than it now is.