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Newspaper Clippings for
November, 1886

from Gazette6 November 1886
Again has death come in among us. This time taking Mr. David Murrie, an old resident of this county, at the advanced age of 74 years.

Election is over. Now what will be the next excitement? (Answer) The Lecture Course.

Don't fail to secure tickets for the course. Season tickets one dollar. 16 2/3 cents an entertainment.

Mrs. W. B. Hockaday of Deerfield, spent Sunday with friends here.

Peter Strang, Jr. is working at Lake Villa on the new store.

Corn husking is about over and the crop has been very good.

Harry Cropley has the lumber on the ground for a barn and will build it this fall. L. M. Hughes is in Waukegan on the jury. Twelve like him would make a pretty solid jury to sit on any case.

Mr. James Pollock has built a new sidewalk which makes his yard look quite nobby.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thain, Oct. 31 a daughter.

The annual meeting of the Millburn Street Lamp was held this week and new officers were elected. President, W. B. Stewart; Vice President, Mrs. R. L. Strang; Secretary and Treasurer, W. H. Rose.

Don't forget the lecture course.

There will be an oyster supper in Hughes Hall next Tuesday evening, Nov. 9th. All should try and come.

from Gazette20 November 1886
The social at the parsonage, Tuesday evening was well attended, and a very pleasant time was the verdict of all.

Don't fail to attend the concert on Thanksgiving Eve by the Slayton Lady Trio, and Miss Parker elocutionist. Season tickets, $1 which admits six, making the admission only 16 2/3 cents each.

Will Edgar of Chicago, is visiting at George Stewart's this week.

Miss Sarah Browe was calling on Millburn friends this week.

The small bills of the concert make no special mention of the singers, only Miss Parker, elocutionist. The reason is the singers are a new combination, and have never appeared in public together. They are excellent singers, and we guarantee a splendid program.

What happened to our Indian Summer? Wednesday night and Thursday made one think that winter had arrived to stay.

Six of you get into the concert for a dollar if you buy a season ticket.

Charlwaring may be all right, but would it not look a little better to show some respect to the departed?

Don't stay away from the concert because it storms.

Our mail carrier got tired of staying alone, so he went and got a housekeeper.

Concert Thursday night, rain or shine.


Nearly everyone in this vicinity is through husking.

Although the ground is very dry, considerable plowing has been done.

Miss Hockaday, of Deerfield, made Mrs. Robt. Strang, Jr. a flying visit last week.

Rumor says Mr. William Chope moves to the White farm as overseer soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bain have moved to Somas, Wis. Mr. Bain has bought the store and goods of Mr. Bishop, and commenced his business at once. May success go with them.

Mrs. Smart made her daughter, Mrs. George Wedge, a visit last week.

Mr. Ed Cannon has rented the Smart farm for the next year. We remember Ed, as having the responsibilities of a family now.

Miss Bertha and Henry Pollock; also Ralph Taylor, have returned to school at Aurora.

The boys of the vicinity made Mr. and Mrs. John Rose a noisy call last Monday evening.

Mr. George Wedge has moved one of his houses opposite Mr. Welch's barn. Who is to be the tenant?

Mr. David Welch met with quite a painful and serious accident last Monday. While hauling hay for George Webb, from the Lampsen farm to his farm at Bean Hill, Mr. Welch's wagon and load tipped over, throwing him from the load and landing him on a wood-pile close by. Dr. Taylor was called, and reported that there were no bones broken, but his left arm and side is badly bruised.

Mr. Henry Taylor is still building, and he expects to have a bee next Friday. They get the lumber from Wadsworth. J. H. Hughes doing the building. Mr. Taylor hasn't ceased building since he has been with us.

Miss Mabel Smith met with quite a serious accident a few days ago, caused by the falling of a stovepipe, which cut her face somewhat.

At present Millburn employs all the dressmakers in its limits and others from the surrounding county. Surely Thanksgiving won't pass without showing off the finery.

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