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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter, without the formatting and graphics.

Member's Newsletter -- December, 2004

38757 N. U.S. Highway 45
Millburn of Old Mill Creek, IL 60046
December 2004 Newsletter

Annual H.M.C.A. Christmas Tea
The Annual H.M.C.A. Christmas Tea will be held at Millburn Manor, 19020 Grass Lake Road, Millburn, Sunday, December 19th from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Please bring an hors d’oeuvre or Christmas sweet to share. We look forward to seeing you to celebrate the season.
A Generous Donation
We owe a debt of gratitude to Ruth White and the Questers, Old Plank Road Traveler’s Unit 724, for their $400 donation. The Illinois State Questers matched the donation. These generous donations, totalling $800, made it possible for the H.M.C.A. to restore the Millburn Cemetery gate with the brass letters that spell out the name.
Fall Picnic
The Annual Fall Picnic held at Mildred Haisma’s home in Millburn was a big success. The weather was beautiful. It was nice to have some new members present who recently joined the HMCA. Good food and good friends! It was a lovely event.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in joining, please have them call Dorothy Berthold at 847-265-1967. We are always looking for new members. You don’t have to live in Millburn to join the Historic Millburn Community Association.
Museum Hours
The museum will close for the year on Sunday, December 12th. It will reopen again in mid-April, 2005.
Volunteers Needed!
We desperately need volunteer shopkeepers for Martin’s General Store Museum for 2005. Please consider volunteering an afternoon of your time. It’s an easy job! NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY!
New Website Address
The H.M.C.A. has a new website address. Visit www.hmca-il.org. There you will find so much wonderful information, including photographs, old newspaper articles, biographical sketches, etc.
In Appreciation
Thank you for your continued support. We count on your participation to continue operating the Martin General Store Museum and local preservation efforts. Wishing you and yours a blessed and healthy holiday season.
From the Archives
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette

19 December 1903
A big sleigh load of ladies and children went to the city Saturday morning to attend the Matinee. Their train was so delayed with the snow storm they did not get home until midnight. John Thain went to Lake Villa after them, and got home at 12 o'clock.

19 December 1885
Santa Clause is coming. Our young ladies are going. It speaks well for our girls and shows good sense in the boys when the latter go off and set themselves up in business and return here for their better halves. Not every ambitious young man can find the business that suits him, in this quiet place; but there are plenty first-class partners.
Haul your wool while sleighing is good.

Inquiries: Contact Dorothy Berthold at 847-265-1967

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