Search our site
A few words about searching our site with search engines....
- There are several words that appear on EVERY page and searching with these
words would be meaningless:
Association back comments Community contact
Gen'L Historic Home html http Inc. index legal Martin's Millburn Museum
nsn org Page reserved rights Store stuff
to update URL webmaster
- The search engine may index text which may not appear visible
on the page. It will find a match in the source code for the page
and you may not be able to find a match with your browser "find".
- Use it at your own risk. Mileage may vary.
- Your browser probably supports "cut" and "paste" operations. Use
them to copy search words from the body of a page into the
terms box above.
All rights reserved, Historic Millburn Community Association, Inc.
legal stuff
This URL is search.htm
Last update on 2005Oct04. Contact webmaster
with comments.