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It seems fitting on this the sixtieth
anniversary of the organization of the Millburn Church to take note
of the passing years, and to call to mind some of the things the Lord
has wrought through His people. For six decades, two generations, the
Millburn Church has stood as a beacon light, calling to every one and
leading every one to a truer and better life.
Millburn has always been like a little
portion of Scotland transplanted to America, so largely were our
early settlers from that country. Men that had the enterprise and
courage to attempt founding homes in a new country, and in a strange
land, could never fail.
It needed industry and courage such as
theirs to set in motion the forces necessary to develop a new
country, and taking nature at first hand wrest from it the beautiful
farms we see lying all around us. They were wise men and laid
foundations deep and broad, so we who come after and reap the
benefits of their labors, feel to exclaim with Paul, "We are citizens
of no mean country."
In many respects they were ideal men, strong
in their individual characters, proving themselves equal to
emergencies, enduring bravely and cheerfully the strain and hardships
incident to pioneer life. Yes, more than that, they were quick to see
and improve their opportunities. Having strong religions convictions
and the courage of them, a church was formed at an early date, thus
centering "public opinion," that mighty force, and utilizing it for
the uplifting and upbuilding of that which is good, and against the
powers of evil. By so doing no saloon with its attendant train of
evils has ever cursed our village; the Sabbath was remembered and
kept holy, and the influence for miles around was felt as setting a
high moral standard. It was the warp and woof of the community,
cementing together and making the friendships of those early days
strong and enduring. It has been a beacon light for sixty years,
being organized in the Fall of 1840, by the Rev. Flavel Bascom of
Chicago, acting as agent for the Home Missionary Society. It was not,
however, till the Spring of 1842 that the organizationwas completed
by the Rev. E. G. Howe, of Waukegan. It necessarily had the
Congregational form of government, as many different denominations
were represented, but all could unite on that basis. There were
sixteen charter members, all of whom "Do rest from their labors and
their works do follow them." Rev. Mr. Howe accepted the invitation to
hold preaching services once in four weeks, which he did for two
years. A log building answered the two-fold purpose of church and
school house, and stood very near Mr. Robert Strang's home. Religious
services of some kind were held every Sabbath. About this time we
became connected with the "Fox River Union," but when in 1852 it
divided we changed to the Elgin Association, continuing in that
connection till in 1868, when we again changed to the Chicago
Association, and continue to remain a member of that body.
Our pastor for the next year was a Mr.
Parker, from Oberlin, supplying till the latter part of 1844, when
the Rev. W. B. Dodge, of Salem, Mass., coming to make his home here
commenced immediately his "Father's work," but his formal
installation as pastor was deferred till the new "meeting house,"
which was being erected across the street on land donated by Mr.
George Strang, and where our present church now stands, was
completed. It is probable the society was formed about this time to
supplement the church in sustaining religious services, as it appears
recorded "It being mutually agreed by church and society that our
meeting house shall be dedicated and our pastor installed on the
first day of June, 1847." That relationship existed for years. It is
said "Father Dodge," as he is familiarly called, planted his stake,
and from that out in every direction his parish extended. He was
interested in every man, woman and child. It is not too much to say
Millburn owes more to him than to any other one man. Many years of
faithful service in the formative period left its impress which
nothing can efface. The dead line of today seemed not to have been in
force then, as he was sixty-one years of age when he commenced this,
the crowning work of his active and useful life, for which he had
been eminently fitted both by birth and training, being a direct
descendant of a long and honored line of English ancestry, the
seventh generation from their removal from Cheshire, England.
He was converted at the early age of eleven
years, and continued to live an earnest, active Christian life. His
occupation for nearly forty years was that of teaching. He entered
heartily into all reforms as they claimed his attention and support.
In his hospitable home many temperance advocates and anti-slavery
agents found a welcome. From here started many an oppressed slave on
the underground railway for the land of freedom. Therefore it is not
surprising to find the church under his leadership giving no
uncertain sounds as to its testimony against slavery, that "system of
iniquity," as it appears on the records, also pledging themselves to
abstain from intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and for many years
standing opposed to secret societies. The children of the church were
taught the catechism, he devoting his Saturday afternoons to hearing
them recite, and when committed to memory presenting them with a
Bible. Many of these Bibles with our names written in them by him,
are still to be found in our homes. While it is distinctively as a
leader in building up the religious sentiment of the community he is
remembered among us, he also used his influence and "sanctified
common sense" when questions arose, as they necessarily must in a new
settlement, demanding wise and judicious handling. Many cases of
dispute were brought before him and amicably settled without recourse
to law. When the necessity for protection against fire came to the
front, he was very influential in organizing the Millburn Mutual
Insurance Company, which has the distinction of being the oldest
mutual company in the state, and working under a special charter
granted by the state legislature.
But the years pass, and as we draw near the
close of this pastorate, let us take a backward glance, for right at
this period seems the dividing line between the old and the new.
'Tis a goodly company we see gathering from
all directions on Sabbath morning. The old church is crowded. They
are all there. Mr. Pollock, our first deacon, a man of most excellent
spirit and judgment, a tower of strength; Deacon Bonner, who never
tired in his efforts to find room and make welcome all who came, no
one will ever know the sacrifices he made for this church and what it
represented. Deacon Yule, consecrated and scholarly-oh! what
reminiscences and possibilities are in that little church.
It was customary to stand during prayer and
sit while singing. With hand uplifted the "grand old man" would say,
"Let us invoke divine blessing;" thus would the services be opened.
And then announcing a hymn from "Watts and Select," he would say,
"Let us praise God by singing." Mr. G. E. Smith would start the tune
(for instruments of music had not then been introduced in the worship
of God), the congregation joining, and thus together they sang the
songs of Zion though in a strange land. There were two sessions -
forenoon and afternoon, but no evening service. The Sabbath school
was held after the morning service. For years Father Dodge was our
superintendent. And how he worked to build it up. He would stand at
the old church door and invite, urge and plead for people to come in,
and he was so successful that he was accustomed to say the Sabbath
school equaled his congregation in numbers.
What an army of faithful teachers that
school has had. The "infant class" being highly favored in having the
same teacher, Mrs. John Strang, or "Aunt Helen," as she is always
called, for nearly fifty years.
But even now the eagle is stirring up her
nest. There has been a time of gathering together, and now comes the
time of scattering abroad. From New York to California, Honolulu and
the Philippines, that Sabbath school is represented. Many that have
gone out from it are filling honored positions. Ministers of the same
old Gospel, re-telling the story of "Jesus and His love." Rev. A. R.
Thaine, D. D., W. B. D. Gray, T. L. Smith and George White. Teachers,
among whom are Margaret Lawrence of Tabor College, Iowa, Frank White
of the Phillippines, and Dr. Mary Barry of Honolulu. "The Lord shall
count when He writeth up the people, that this man was born there."
To again make reference to our records, we
find in the latter part of 1862, owing to the increasing infirmities
of age, "Father Dodge" asked to be released from his labors as
pastor, which request was granted. For a few years longer he dwelt
among us, but for a generation he has slept with his fathers. The
shaft that marks his resting place is still exhorting us to "Remember
the words I spake while I was yet with you."
In the closing years of Father Dodge's
ministry the Civil War broke out in our land. We were a patriotic
people, loyal to our country, hating wrong and oppression. At the
sound of the "battle cry" and the call "to arms," our hearts all
throbbed as one for our country's cause. The church building was
thrown open, there the people gathered and after fervent prayers for
divine guidance, the serious questions in regard to the state of our
Nation were discussed. In it were held "War meetings" where
recruiting officers plead our country's needs to crowds of assembled
people (both of men and women) and within those sacred walls some of
our "brave boys" enlisted to join the great army to help put down the
In January, 1863, Rev. Calvin Selden came to
be our Pastor, and supplied the pulpit till May, 1864. He was a good
man and a true, and now remembered by many, as faithful in his
Master's work. September first, 1864, in answer to the prayers of His
people here, God sent to us Rev. Mr. Bross, a man in whom the Spirit
of the Lord was. Under his ministry, during the winter of 1864 and
'65 there came a great revival into the hearts of the people, special
interest manifesting itself first at a cottage prayer meeting at
Deacon Bonner's, about the last of Dec., 1864.
The meetings were soon transferred to the
Dodge school house and from there to the church. The whole region
became interested. Old and young came up to the house of the Lord,
crying, "What shall we do to be saved?" The Spirit came and dwelt
among us and was glorified. Thirty-three united with the church at
the communion March fourth, 1865.
In 1864 the old house which had served as a
place of worship since the beginning of Father Dodge's ministry, now
proved inadequate for the growing congregation. A much larger house
was built during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Bross.
One of the striking scenes when the new
church was dedicated was a procession going from the old to the new
building, led by Father Dodge with the old Bible, and the young man,
Mr. Bross, with the new Bible, both marching up the aisle and up to
the new pulpit, where the new Bible was given its honored place, and
the old on the shelf beneath. Great was the joy of this new house,
and its service has been constant and uplifting ever since.
Great changes were wrought in the passing
years of Mr. Bross' stay with us. Our hearts had become warmed and
knit by the common interest we all felt for our country in her great
conflict. Many of our dear ones had gone out to defend her stars and
stripes, even our beloved pastor had just come from the battle-field,
so there was a bond of sympathy between us from the very first, that
grew stronger as we united in the Christian warfare and knelt
together at the feet of the "Captain of our Salvation." The war
closed the following June, and some of our brave, victorious men who
wore the blue returned and joyously were they welcomed here in
Millburn by those (none of the less heroic perhaps) who of necessity
remained at home and watched and waited and prayed all through that
dreadful siege. "And yet-and yet we cannot forget" those heroes who
came to us no more, who yielded up their lives on the field of
carnage for "God and home and native land." On March fourth, 1866,
just one year after the great revival harvest five of those returned
soldiers, with some others, espoused the Lord's cause and united with
the church. Still the work of the Lord grew and His name was
Mr. Bross was indefatigable in his labors.
Kindly, social and earnest, he was a great friend with us all.
Cottage prayer meetings were established in every neighborhood,
carried on principally by the young people who had so recently come
to know the Lord. These meetings were kept up for several years, and
were of great interest and profit to all who attended them.
Mr. Bross came to us a widower with two
little children. On September fourth, 1865, he was united in marriage
with Miss Lydia Johnson, of Fremont, one of our local teachers, who
had taken up her work among us for a time. After their marriage, the
house which is now G. C. Dodge's home, was secured for a parsonage.
There they built up a new home and he carried on his blessed work
with us. Through his efforts under the divine Master numbers were
added to the church from time to time of "such as should be saved."
In the Summer of 1866 the present house of worship was built, and
great was our rejoicing when we first gathered within its walls to
praise the Lord. Mr. Bross continued his labors of love with us till
May, 1867, when he was called to a new field. He went from here to
Ottumwa, Iowa, from there to Crete, Neb., and then to other fields.
For some years he has been Missionary Supt. of the state of Neb.,
doing faithful, efficient work for the Master. He now resides at
Lincoln, Neb. Many, oh, so many of our dear ones who used to gather
Sabbath after Sabbath in our house of worship have gone to the church
triumphant to sing praises with the redeemed ones at the Saviour's
feet; others are scattered here and there over the land, many
earnestly striving to lead others to the knowledge of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. Now seeing we remain to testify of these things,
"what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and
godliness?" It was difficult for us to find a satisfactory successor
to Mr. Bross, so attached had the people become to him. But in the
following September, they united in giving a call to the Rev. Thomas
Lightbody, who accepted it and was installed as pastor. That
relationship continued for nearly three years. It is to him that we
are indebted for the establishing of the Lake Co. conference of
Congregational churches, which we have found so pleasant and helpful.
It still has its place on our church calendar, similar to "Jewish
Feast of Tabernacles" in the olden times. In the month of June, in
rotation, the Lake County Congregational churches, Waukegan,
Rockefeller, Ivanhoe, Grayslake and Millburn entertain or are
entertained, thereby cultivating a social and religious interest in
each other. Removing from Millburn to Lamoile, Ill., Mr. Lightbody
soon afterward "entered into rest," the second one of our pastors,
beside Father Dodge, to be called home.
For somewhat more than a year after Mr.
Lightbody's removal we had only supplies. Mr. Noyes, a student from
the Seminary during the Summer, and Mr. E. B. Payne, son of Rev.
Joseph H. Payne, one of Lake County's pioneer ministers, took up the
work till the following Spring, when Rev. J. H. Parker came and
supplied for two years, but his health failed and he was obliged to
resign. Rev. W. B. Millard filled the pulpit for the next year, or
until the early part of 1874; but we needed a pastor to dwell among
us. Accordingly a call was extended to and accepted by the Rev. C. M.
Bingham, who for nearly six years faithfully served us in that
capacity, making many friends, and who still has a warm place in the
hearts of his former parishioners. His family were the first to
occupy the new parsonage. Our church work had another avenue opened
during this pastorate, by the organizing of a missionary society,
which has proved wonderfully successful. Hundreds of dollars have
been gathered and sent on their way to publish the "Glad tidings" in
the dark places of the earth through this channel. He was called from
here to Daytona, Fla., where he is still preaching the "Old, old
story of Jesus and His love." Rev. James M. Campbell was his
successor. He had literary ability, not only preaching the Gospel
from the pulpit, but reaching a larger audience with his pen, "Unto
the Uttermost" being one of his best known works. It was through his
influence and efforts we were able to secure lecturers of ability,
and for a number of years we had a course of high grade
entertainments, the proceeds being used for the establishing of a
Public Library. Scotland being his native country, he naturally found
many friends here, who sincerely regretted that he felt called to a
new field after being with us for little more than two years, leaving
us in March of 1883 for Watertown, Wis. We were favored, however, in
securing thc Rev. Victor F. Clark that same Spring, a young man just
graduated from the Seminary. He was ordained among us, and his
enthusiasm and comradeship with the young people gave him large
success in winning them for Christ. More were added to our church
during his pastorate than during any other, with the exception of Mr.
Much sympathy was felt for him as the "Angel
of Death" hovered over his home, finally bearing away his young wife.
Her life still bears fruit among us as we recall her efforts in the
cause of Foreign Missions even after sickness had laid a heavy hand
upon her. Mr. Clark having cherished the desire for further study,
after he had laid her to rest in her native state (Iowa), felt the
time had come for the fulfillment of that hope, and went to
Princeton, New Jersey, for that purpose. In the Summer of 1887 Rev.
N. A. Millard was called, and for the three following years was our
pastor. The organization of the "Christian Endeavor Society" here
marked his stay among us.
His home being in Chicago, where the evening
of his life is being spent, he often comes to visit his old field,
always manifesting a kindly interest in our welfare, and ministering
to us from time to time as we have need, thus strengthening the ties
formed in other days when he dwelt among us. In the Fall of 1890 he
was succeeded by Dr. S. G. Arnett, who was with us for nearly three
years, removing at the end of that time to Aurora, Mo. After that for
about seven years our pulpit was filled by Rev. Sheldon A. Harris,
now of Dwight, Ill.
In the Fall of that year Mr. A. C. Bowdish
from the Seminary came as supply till the commencing of the New Year,
when he was followed by Rev. G. A. Mitchell, who is still with us.
In summing up our record we find since the
installation of "Father Dodge" we have had twelve pastors, three of
whom have "entered into rest." Two were installed, and two were
ordained among us.
Our records hear the same familiar names that
appeared on their pages in the beginning, even to the fourth generation,
proving the "Promise is to you and your children." And behold I come
quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to every man according
as his work shall be. Blessed are they that do His commandments that
they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter in
through the gates into the city.
Mr. D. J. Minto,
Mrs. D. J. Minto,
Mrs. Robert Strang, Sr.,
Mrs. R. Pantall,
Mr. George C. Dodge,
Mrs. George Dodge Jamieson,
History Committee.