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The large barn on the farm known as the Alfred Meade farm but now
the property of John F. Jelke, was completely destroyed by fire
Sunday evening
There was no stock in the barn but about 60 tens of hay,
belonging to Carl and Eric Anderson and Mr. Jelke was burned.
The women of the church will serve their annual chicken pie
dinner at the church Saturday at 12 o'clock.
This dinner is served in connection with the annual meeting of
the Millburn Mutual Insurance Company, which will be held in the
Masonic Hall on the same day.
School was resumed on Tuesday after the holidays. Miss Koertge returned on Monday from her home in southern Illinois. The children are enjoying the hot lunch which is being served again this year by Mrs. L. J. Slocum.
Mr. and Mrs. George White and Mrs. H. E. Jamison drove to Castano Iowa, on Thursday, where they attended the funeral of the latter's nephew, Benjamin Davis, Jr., Friday, returning home Saturday evening.
George Edwards has been ill the past week with influenza.
John Edwards and Harold Slocum had their tonsils taken out on Tuesday at the County Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bonner and daughter, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bonner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonner and sons were entertained for dinner at the W. M. Bonner home on New Year's Day.
Mrs. Charles Peters entertained her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hefner and her sister's family, Mr. and Mrs. Eberlein and son from Glencoe, on Monday.
Mrs. R. C. Finlay has been ill with flu the past week.
Mrs. Laura Corris of Russell spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bonner.
Norma and Phyllis Torfin spent their christmas vacation working in their caramel-corn shop in Park Ridge.
Mrs. Emma Beck of Evanston spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Pierstorff.
Mr. and Mrs. George Larsen of Waukegan spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Lewis Bauman.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cincosky of Milwaukee spent Wednesday with Mrs. E. A. Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaluf of Grange Hall were dinner guests at the F. G. Edwards home on New Year's Day.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Edwards returned on Tuesday to their home in River Forest, after spending several days at the D. B. Webb home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Denman and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bonner, Ralph McGuire spent Sunday at the C. E. Denman home at Gurnee.
At the annual meeting of the Millburn Cemetery Association Monday afternoon the following officers were elected: W. A. Bonner, president; J. G. Bonner, secretary and treasurer; R. G. Hughes, Erwin Fuller and Ernest Well, directors.
Miss Ruth Edwards, who is in training at Garfield Park Community Hospital, enjoyed a three day vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Edwards.
The Christian Endeavor business meeting for January will be held at the home of Lloyd Atwell on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bonner spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Murrie at Russell.
Mrs. Mina Gilbert, Miss Margaret Gilbert of Waukegan, Mrs. Lizzie Stewart and Mrs. Simeon Ames of Gurnee were dinner guests at the W. A. Bonner home on Friday.
Mrs. Laura Corris of Russell spent Sunday evening at the R. J. Bonner home.
Mrs. Florence Achen of Kenosha spent Friday afternoon and evening with her sister, Mrs. E. A. Martin.
There was no school Monday and Tuesday on account of the illness of the teacher, Miss Koertge.
Mrs. Alice Fenlon of Grays Lake visited her brother, George Edwards, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Edwards and family were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaluf at Grange Hall.
Funeral services for Mrs. Edward Faulkner were held at the church last Wednesday afternoon with Rev. A. H. Pierstorff officiating.
At a special meeting of the church and society on Sunday, a call was extended to the Rev. Samuel Holden of Chicago to become pastor of Millburn Church.
Mrs. L. J. Slocum, Mrs. Clarence Bonner, Miss Jean Bonner, Mrs. W. M. Bonner, Mrs. Robert Bonner, and Mrs. Gordon Bonner attended a meeting of the Mount Rest Cemetery Association at the home of Mrs. R. G. Murrie at Russell on Wednesday. Pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon by about 40 members and guests.
George Edwards, who has been ill for several weeks with influenza, is slowly improving.
Mrs. H. E. Jamison, Doris Jamison and Mrs. E. A. Martin motored to Milwaukee Tuesday evening.
Misses Belle and Martha Hughes of Waukegan were callers at the Bonner homes on Sunday afternoon.
The Book Club met at the home of Doris Jamison Monday evening.
Richard Martin of Lake Forest College spent the week-end with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anderson of Lake Forest and their daughter, Mrs. Jeffrey Carqueville, of Liberty______________________
__________________________were callers at the J. H. Bonner home on Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. E. A. Martin and Mrs. Florence Achen spent Wednesday afternoon in Waukegan.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edwards and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Erwin of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards and family were callers at the George Edwards home Sunday afternoon.
Misses Annie McCredie and May Dodge were guests for dinner at the C. E. Bonner home on Sunday.
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