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Newspaper Clippings for
October, 1930

Antioch News9 October 1930
The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Robert Bonner for an all day meeting on Thursday, October 16. A large attendance is desired to finish the sewing before the annual bazaar which will be held Nov. 7. Mrs. Bonner will be assisted by Mrs. Geo. White, Mrs. Leslie Bonner, Mrs. J. S. Denman, Mrs. A. G. Torfin and Mrs. Frank Edwards. Dinner will be served at noon.

The P. T. A. members of Oakland school enjoyed a star program Tuesday evening. Miss Ruth Minto was the speaker of the evening and Mrs. George White sang a solo.

Mrs. J. P. Dawson and daughter, Mrs. Earl Priest, of Three Oaks, Mich., are spending a week with the former's daughters, Mrs. Victor Strang in Waukegan and Mrs. Leslie Bonner of Millburn.

R. Bond of Gurnee is spending a week with his daughter, Mrs. E. Denman.

Mrs. A. H. Pierstorff is slowly improving after a siege from infected teeth. She spent last week at Victory Memorial hospital, where she had fourteen teeth removed.

Miss Ruth Minto, high school teacher in Tustin, Mich., is enjoying a two weeks' vacation at her home. Tustin is located in the potato growing country, and the students are needed to harvest the potato crop, hence the early vacation.

Edward Anderson and Miss Evelyn Tony, Waukegan, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Denman Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garby and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at the W. M. Bonner home.

Miss Doris Jamison of Milwaukee Downer college spent the week- end at home.

Mrs. Mina Gilbert returned to her home in Waukegan Friday, after spending a week with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Martin spent Tuesday in Chicago.

D. M. White is improving from his recent illness, and able to be up around the house.

Antioch News16 October 1930
Mrs. Ray Ferry, Mrs. L. J. Slocum, Mrs. W. M. Bonner, Mrs. J. S. Denman, Mrs. Robert Bonner, Mrs. Carl Anderson and Mrs. Gordon Bonner attended a conference of District 21 of P. T. A. at Libertyville Friday.

Mrs. Erwin Fuller, who has been in Victory Memorial hospital the past month, was brought home Saturday, but there is not much improvement in her condition.

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Edwards and children and Mrs. J. Kaluf of Grange Hall spent the week-end with the latter's relatives at West Pullman.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Martin were entertained at the Achen home, Kenosha road, Saturday evening.

L. S. Bonner and Arthur Leng of Grayslake attended an Insurance meeting at Rockford Thursday.

Mrs. Laura Corris of Long Lake is visiting her nephews, the Bonner Bros. And their families.

The Ladies' Aid society meets with Mrs. Robert Bonner for an all-day meeting on Thursday.

Earl Priest spent the week-end at the L. S. Bonner home, and Mrs. Priest and Mrs. J. P. Dawson returned with him on Monday to their home at Three Oaks, Michigan.

Carl D. Hughes is attending the sessions of Grand Lodge at Chicago this week.

Antioch News30 October 1930
The annual church bazaar will be held at the church on Friday evening, Nov. 7th. Roast chicken supper will be served from 5 o'clock on; price 75 and 50 cents. There will be a short home talent program at eight o'clock. There will be the usual sale of fancy work, bakery goods and vegetables, candy and a grab bag for the children.

The Hallowe'en social at the Masonic hall Saturday evening was well attended and all had a good time.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hook entertained at a card party Tuesday evening at their home. Carl Hughes was awarded first prize.

D. M. White left Wednesday for Boulder, Colorado, where he will spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Neuman.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L Alling left Wednesday for their new home in northern Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Rewald of Burlington and Elwyn and Lennie Hardie of Rochester, were guests for dinner at the Robert Bonner home on Sunday.

W. F. Wetzel of Chicago called on old friends here Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bonner, Vivien and Lois Bonner spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Buss at Rochester, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Minto and children were guests for dinner at the home of the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holloway near Bristol Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Strang and sons and Mrs. W. B. Stewart of Waukegan were callers at the L. S. Bonner home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johannesen, who have spent the past six weeks touring the west, called on old friends here Monday.

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