Newspaper Clippings for
October, 1928
4 October 1928
Musical Program Is Being Arranged To Follow Dinner
Members of the Antioch Business club will have a dinner Monday
night in the Millburn church. Millburn residents will be seated
with the Antioch men.
After the dinner an address will be delivered. The name of the
speaker has not yet been announced by C. L. Kutil, president of
the Antioch organization. A musical program is being arranged by
the Millburn group. The dinner is to be served by the Ladies' Aid
of the Millburn church, and begins at 7 o'clock.
11 October 1928
County Farm Advisor is Speaker at Gathering Monday Night.
Fifty business men of Antioch and farmers of Millburn met for a
dinner and program in Millburn Monday night. The dinner was
served by the women of the Millburn church.
H. D. Minto, a farmer, welcomed the business men to Millburn and
spoke of the better understanding the business man and the farmer
have of each other. Mrs. George White offered some vocal
selections. She was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Martin,
Millburn. Two Antioch High school boys, Vernon Webb and Richard
Martin, who live in the vicinity of Millburn, played violin
H. C. Gilkerson, Lake County Farm Advisor, was the main speaker of
the evening, giving an interesting address on how the business man
and the farmer can co-operate. He told of the wonderful
opportunities that the business man has in encouraging the young
as well as the older farmer to carry on the important work of
producing food.
The 4-H boys' and girls' clubs work and its development in Lake
county was stressed by Mr. Gilkerson, who also explained the need
for further encouragement. He brought out the surprising fact
that in the United States the 4-H clubs have larger membership
than have the Boy Scout and Camp Fire organizations combined.
An important matter was brought to the attention of the business
men, when John Nixon suggested early action and organization for
bringing the Fifth Annual Poultry show into the business district
of Antioch. It was said that business houses should prepare for
the show and extend welcome to the visitors and offer merchandise
at the annual fall sales. The poultry show is to be held December
13, 14, and 15.
S. L. Kutil, president of the Business club, has appointed a
committee to make arrangements for the building where the show is
to be held and to organize the merchants so as to have a definite
manner by which the show visitors will be induced to visit every
place of business while in town. Those on the committee are Neal
Shultis, chairman; John Horan, Otto Klass, Homer B. Gaston, and
Richard Corrin.
11 October 1928
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Denman spent Wednesday in Milwaukee attending a
convention for insurance company agents.
Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Edwards and children spent Sunday with the
Earl Edwards family in River Forest.
Miss May Dodge spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. John, Buss,
Rochester, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Garby and daughter, Chicago, spent Saturday
at the W. M. Bonner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonner and sons spent Sunday in Kansasville
with Mr. and Mrs. George Beaumont.
The Ladies' Aid served dinner to the Antioch Business Men's
club in Mason's hall Monday night. The Millburn business men
were also present. There were 31 from Antioch and 17 local men.
The Business men are invited to come back to Millburn with their
families on November 2, to the roast chicken supper and bazaar.
The P. T. A. held the first meeting of the year at the school
Tuesday night. After the usual business, Miss Alice Smith,
Grayslake, teacher in Antioch High School gave an interest talk to
the parents.
Mr. Pierstorff has accepted a call to be pastor of Millburn
church for a few months.
Purchase of nearly 2,000 acres of land, bordering on the banks of
Mill Creek and surrounding the new Onwentsia Hunt club has been
made by members of the club and according to reports negotiations
are now in force for purchase of several hundred acres in that
section of the county.
The sale will result in the establishment of one of the most
exclusive colonis of estates in the middle west as well as afford
lands for use in staging of hunts, as all of the acres will be
thrown open for use of the club.
25 October 1928
Slayers Must Die In Chair
Two Given Death Sentence for Murder of Millburn Farmer
Forty minutes of deliberation were required for the jury sitting
in the Beck murder trial, Waukegan, to return verdicts of guilty
against Dominick Bresette, Chippewa Indian, and John Brown,
Chicago Negro, in the court of Circuit Judge C. C. Edwards late
Wednesday afternoon. Both men were given death sentences.
The two men were found guilty when tried for the murder of William
Beck, 34, Millburn farmer, May 16,. The trial has had some of the
most dramatic incidents ever recorded in a Lake county case.
Claude Clark, actual slayer of Beck, Arthur Boone and Harold
Martin, who furnished the car and thus being accomplices, have
pleaded guilty and are yet to face the courts on their pleas.
The sentences pronounced yesterday are the first ones given in
Lake county, sending men to the electric chair.
D. White left Monday for Boulder, Colorado, where he will spend
the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Carl Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. Pessinc and children, Chicago, spent Sunday with
their uncle, E. A. Martin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Priest, Three Oaks, Michigan, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Priest's sister, Mrs. Leslie Bonner.
Howard Bonner was absent from school last week on account of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Thain and sons left Tuesday for a two weeks'
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White, who lives near Great Falls,
Mrs. Low who has spent the last 10 weeks with her niece in
Newton, Massachusetts, returned to her home here this week.
Glenn Nelson spent the end of the week with relatives in Rogers
Mrs. Beck, Evanston, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. H.
Miss Burns, Oakland school, Miss Madalyn Shehan, Millburn
school, Miss Irene Shehan, Bean Hill school, and Miss Mary McCann,
Stearns school, with their pupils of the upper grades, went by bus
to Chicago Saturday, and visited Field Museum and Lincoln park.
The Ladies' Aid will hold its annual bazaar and roast chicken
supper Thursday evening, November 2. Supper will be served from
5:30 o'clock until 8. Any donations of fancy work, bakery goods,
candy or articles for fish pond will be acceptable.
Alfred Meade, Pasadena, California, was a visitor Sunday at the
home of Dr. H. E. Jamieson.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wymann and family, Chicago, spent the end of
the week at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bauman and children spent Sunday at Charles
Holdridge's near Waukegan.
An auction sale for the benefit of Millburn church will be held
on the church lawn Friday afternoon, November 2. Many things are
being donated and L. J. Slocum will do the selling.
Friday, November 2
1:00 P.M.
In The
There will be sold a quantity of vegetables, fruits, grains,
potatoes, machinery, household goods, and other valuable articles.
Come and buy at your own price.
L. J. Slocum, Auctioneer.
J. S. Denman, Clerk
At 5 o'clock a dinner will be served in the church basement. This
is to be followed by a bazaar, entertainment and bakery sale.