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Newspaper Clippings for
June, 1919

Antioch News5 June 1919
Miss Dora Hook of Waukegan spent the week-end with her parents.

E. A. Caddock and wife entertained company from Chicago Sunday.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago spent Decoration day with the Misses Watson.

Miss Belle Truax of Kenosha spent the week-end with her brother and family.

W. J. White and wife of Wadsworth spend Decoration day with relatives and friends here.

Edwin Denman and family of Libertyville spent several days the past week with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wheaton and sons of Wheaton, Ill., spent several days at the parsonage, returning home Sunday.

Mrs. D. M. White and granddaughter returned home Monday from Urbana, where they visited several days with her son, E. A. White.

Antioch News12 June 1919
Death Follows Operation
Monday morning of this week occurred the death of Ernest Lester Pollock aged ten years, son of Elmer Pollock of Millburn. His death which took place at the Lake Bluff orphanage, followed an operation for appendicitis.
The remains removed to the Pollock home Monday after noon and the funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon with interment in the Hickory Cemetery.

White & Tobin Erect Funeral Home
White and Tobin, Waukegan undertaking firm, closed a deal last Saturday afternoon whereby they took title to the property at the southwest corner of Genesee street and Grand avenue, Waukegan. Their plan is to convert this into a modern funeral home, the first of its kind on the north shore.
A large brick house stands on the property taken over by the firm. Work is to be started at once remodeling this property. The work, it is figured, will take at least two months. A modern office will be fitted up in addition to which there will be a show room, reception room and chapel. A brick garage will be built in the rear of the property where all the equipment will be kept.
The chapel will be sufficiently large to accommodate comparatively large funerals. Everything will be as modern and up-to-date as it is possible to have it.
The new owners will occupy their new funeral home as soon as the alterations have been made.
Lloyd White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White formerly of this place is a member of the firm of White and Tobin.

Wm. Minto Dies at Berkeley, California
In speaking of the death of one of the aged residents of the place, a Berkeley, Calif., paper says in part:
"The third member of the same family to be summoned by death in less than a year is William Minto, eighty-two years old, well known pioneer civil engineer of the bay region, who was recently buried at Berkeley, and who at one time resided at Look Lake, Ill.
Minto's wife, Mrs. Josephine Minto, died last October, while a daughter, Miss Josephine Minto, one of the few women diamond experts of the west, succumbed to influenza in January of this year.
Coming to California during the Civil war, Mr. Minto settled in Contra Costa county, and came to Berkeley seventeen years ago. For many years the family home was at Ann Arbor, Mich.
The funeral services were conducted from Berkeley undertaking parlors followed by private interment in Mr. View cemetery. He is survived by one son."
The deceased is related to the Minto and White families of Loon Lake and Millburn.

Listen for the wedding bells in the near future in this vicinity.

Miss Clara Foote is visiting Mrs. Wheaton for a few weeks.

Rev. and Mrs. Safford are visiting their daughters at Wheaton and Geneva, Ill.

A. E. Jack, Mary Jack, Mrs. C. E. Denman, Ethel McGuire, Mrs. ______ Salisbury and Miss Vera Irving were Chicago visitors Monday.

Miss Ida Christiansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M Christiansen was married Wednesday, June 11, at Wilmot to a Lutheran minister.

A. H. Stewart's daughters, Mrs. Ralph Taylor and son of Lilly Lake and Mrs. Edna Pember of Almherst, Ohio are spending a few weeks with him.

A shower was given Miss Very Irving by the Eastern Star and Sunday School class in honor of her approaching marriage to Mr. Ryckman of Waukegan in the near future.

Dr. and Mrs. Weise, Miss Jessie Cannon, George Crockett of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cannon and children of Gages Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cannon.

Antioch News19 June 1919
Lyburn and Ross Stewart spent the week-end with A. H. Stewart.

Miss Vivien Bonner is enjoying a two-weeks vacation with home folks.

The social held at E. Caddock's Friday evening was well attended.

Anthony Gongo Jr., and wife of Eire, Penn., spent the past week with his parents.

Mrs. Robert Strang of Gurnee spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Wilmer Hook.

J. S. Denman and H. D. Minto transacted business the past week at Lake Forest.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago attended the funeral of her nephew, Ernest Pollock on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. M. White and Rev. and Mrs. Safford attended the Congregational conference at Area Tuesday.

Elmer Pollock and daughter, Miss Ruth Pollock wish to thank all those who extended their sympathy and for the beautiful floral offerings given.

Antioch News26 June 1919
Victor Strang spent several days at Beloit college for the commencement.

Miss Bertha White of Chicago returned home Sunday after spending as short time with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Denman and children motored to Chicago Sunday and took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Kemper.

Mrs. John Trotter and three children are visiting the home folks and attending the wedding of her sister, Miss Vera Irving.

Mrs. Andrew Truax will spent this week in Chicago and Indiana, and attended the wedding of her son Ray Barkus in Chicago.

Mrs. Irene Taylor and son and Mrs. Edna Pember having spent two week's with their father, A. H. Stewart, returned home Saturday by auto to Lily Lake.

Miss Vera Irving and Geo. L. Ryckman of Waukegan, were married, June 21, at noon, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Irving. Only the relatives were present. Rev. Safford officiated. They will make their future home at Waukegan, as Mr. Ryckman is employed as a firemen in Waukegan.

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