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Newspaper Clippings for
October, 1916

Antioch News5 October 1916
J. H. Bonner and wife are visiting relatives at Alpena, S. D.

Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago was a week-end guest of her aunts.

Rev. Safford leaves today for Altoona, Penn., to visit his sister.

Miss Alice Jamieson of Berwyn spent over Sunday with her parents.

Miss Vinnie Jamieson of Kenosha, is spending her vacation with home folks.

Mrs. C. E. Denman and Schuyler transacted business at McHenry Thursday.

The Misses McDougall and Mrs. Eugene Clark entertained the Missionary society Tuesday.

A. H. Stewart, Mrs. D. M. White and Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller attended the funeral of Wm. McCredie at Hinsdale last week.

Mrs. A. W. Safford and Miss Clara Foote will visit the former's children at Wheaton, Ill., and Mukwenago, Wis., while Mr. Safford is on his vacation.

Antioch News12 October 1916
E. A. Martin took Mr. Kick, who is blind to Chicago Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland will move soon to the Panall house.

Mr. Jesse Denman is spending some time with his son C. E. Denman.

Mrs. Mary Yule is spending a few days at her home in Millburn.

Miss Inez Pollock and two lady friends spent the week-end with the Misses Watson.

Work of improving the roads between Grand avenue and Dodge school house began this week

J. A. Davis of Moody Institute filled the pulpit Sunday and will also be at Millburn, Oct. 15.

Mr. and Mrs. Williamson of Wadsworth having purchased the Van Alstine property will move there this month.

A. H. Stewart left Thursday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Edna Pember at Amhurst, Ohio, and on his return will visit his son in Chicago and his daughter at Lily Lake, Ill.

A play of home talent, "The Great Winterson Mine," (a comedy) given for the Gurnee Boy Scouts will be at the church Friday evening, Oct. 13, also a basket social by the Hockaday school.

Antioch News19 October 1916
Auction Sale of Cows,
on Thursday, Oct. 26
Commencing at 1 o'clock on the J. A. Strang farm, at Millburn.
40 head of new milkers and springers. The most of these cows are high grade Holsteins.
Terms- 6 months at 6%, 2 M off for cash.
J. A. Strang, Prop.
Geo. Vogel, Auctioneer.
J. E. Brook, Clerk

Miss Belle Watson was in Chicago the past week.

J. H. Bonner and wife returned home from South Dakota Friday.

Mrs. Clarence Bonner and daughter Jean are visiting relatives here.

Mrs. Mildred Minto and Miss Bertha White spent Monday in Milwaukee.

Pearl and Warren Cleveland spent the week-end with their parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Davis of Moody Institute, Chicago filled the pulpit Sunday.

Antioch News26 October 1916
Mrs. Lura Culver of Fox Lake is visiting her mother.

Miss Vera Miller of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks.

Rev. and Mrs. Safford and Miss Clara Foote returned home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kemper and little daughter are visiting at the home of D. M. White.

Mrs. Jannette Mathews having spent some time with friends in Waukegan returned home Monday.

Mrs. Catherine Neahous left Sunday, Oct. 15, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Emma Stockeit in Chicago and on Oct. 19 she died. Funeral from the home of her son Oscar Neahous in Millburn on Monday, Oct. 23, with burial in the Millburn cemetery. Relatives from Michigan and Chicago attended the funeral.

The Millburn Ladies Aid society will hold their bazaar on Friday, Oct. 3, instead of Thursday. A chicken supper will be served.

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