Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1913
6 February 1913
John Bonner returned from Springfield, Ill., the past week.
Pete McDonald of Evanston spent over Sunday with Dave Young.
Messrs. Jack, Edmonds and Larson transacted business the past
week in Chicago.
The Misses Nellie and Emma McDougall are visiting two weeks
with their sister in Waukegan and brother of Highland Park.
D. J. Minto is still sick, was threatened with pneumonia. Miss
Bertha White, Archie Well's baby have been sick for sometime.
Mrs. Bater remains about the same.
13 February 1913
Frank McCarthy has rented the Albert Jack Farm.
D. M. White and wife spent the past week in Chicago.
Daniel Slavin will soon move on the Geo. Lewin farm.
The Millburn Ladies Aid will hold no meeting until March.
There will be an entertainment at the church Saturday, Feb. 15.
Mrs. Safford and Miss Helen are spending several days with
relatives at Wheaton, Ill.
Several of the teacher's in this vicinity attended the
Teacher's Institute at Lake Bluff Saturday.
20 February 1913
Miss Hannah Welch, aged 80 years, a resident of Lake county, for
many years, passed away in the Jane McAlister hospital Tuesday
morning as the indirect result of a fall down a flight of steps a
few months ago which resulted in a broken leg.
Miss Welch was taken to the hospital immediately but because of
her age and the shock she sustained at the time of the injury the
broken bone did not knit for some time. The knitting together of
the bone was followed immediately by a complication of diseases
which caused her death.
Miss Welch leaves one brother, John of Libertyville, and a sister,
Mrs. A. F. Clough of Vermont. The former was at her bedside at
the time of her death and the latter has been notified and is
speeding toward Waukegan.
For years Miss Welch lived with a brother at Millburn and later
moved to Antioch where she resided up to the time of her brother's
death, and later she moved to Waukegan to live with her cousin,
James Welch and family.
It is planned to have the funeral on Thursday afternoon in the
White & Tobin undertaking rooms. The burial will take place
Friday afternoon at one o'clock at Antioch. She was one of the
oldest residents of the county and leaves a host of sorrowing
friends and relatives.
On account of giving possession, I will stop farming and sell at
Public Auction at my residence, 6 miles east of Antioch, 1/2 mile
south from Hickory Corners and 1/2 mile north of Millburn on the
William Thom farm, on
Saturday, March 1.
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following property to-wit:
18 head of live stock--Gray mare, with foal, 5 years; gray
Gelding, 5 years old, both weight 1500; bay Gelding, 6 years old,
black mare, 7 years old, these are good drivers; bay mare, 8 years
old; bay Gelding, 9 years old, Roan Gelding 7 years old; colt 8
months old; 10 milk cows, 3 with calf by side, balance are good
milkers, 60 chickens, 3 shoats.
Miscellaneous--2 wagons, buggy, Deering binder, McCormick mower,
riding plow, Hoosier seeder, 2 riding cultivators, corn planter,
pulverizer, 4 horse harrow, walking plow, 3 sets farm harness,
single harness, double buggy harness, pair fly nets, grinder, tank
heater, hay rack, 1000 bushels of corn in crib, 6 tons timothy
hay, grindstone, hay rake, bedstead and springs, table, 6 chairs,
5 rocking chairs, washing machine, wringer, barrel churn, cream
seperator, cook stove, heating stove and many other articles to
numerous to mention.
Usual Terms:
J. W. Meyer, Prop.
George Vogel, Auctioneer.
J. E. Brook, Clerk.
The undersigned will sell at Public Auction on his farm, 1 mile
west of and 1/2 mile north of Millburn, on
Wednesday, February 25
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following property to wit:
Mare, weight 1300, 12 years old, in foal; Mare, weight 1250, 12
years old in foal; mare, weight 1500, 10 years old in foal;
driving mare, weight 1000, 8 years old; 2-year-old colt. Narrow
tire wagon, heavy truck wagon, new; 2 milk wagons, McCormick
mower, rake, pulverizer, seeder, cultivator, 2 walking plows, John
Deere riding plow, sled, hay rack, low corn rack, set of double
harness, set single harness, iron drag, roller, hog rack, fanning
mill, garden cultivator, small tools and many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Usual terms.
Albert E. Jack, Prop.
Henry Sine, Auctioneer.
George White spent over Sunday at Rochester, Wis.
A. K. Bain transacted business in Chicago Friday.
Miss Josephine Mathews returned home the last of the week.
Miss Helen Safford returned home on Friday from Wheaton, Ill.
W. M. Bonner and family spent Sunday with relatives at Russell.
Miss Annie McCredie of Waukegan spent the week end at home.
A very pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Denman on Wednesday evening. There were about 40
Mrs. Susan Radtz and Nick Lukin were married at the home of the
bride's parents on Wednesday, February 12, at 2:30 o'clock. Rev.
Safford officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Lukin left on the 4:30 train
for Peotone. They will be at home after March 1, at their home
north of Millburn.
27 February 1913
Mrs. Martin was a Kenosha visitor the past week.
There was no church Sunday evening on account of the bad roads.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Luiken arrived from Peotone, Ill., last
Mrs. Strang left Saturday to visit Thomas Anderson and wife of
Gas, Kansas.
Rev. Safford left Monday for Chicago and Wheaton, Ill. Mrs.
Safford will return home with him.
The Ladies Aid society will hold their regular monthly meeting
in the church parlor, March 6. Dinner served by Mrs. Bain.
The Volunteer class of the Sunday School gave a miscellaneous
shower to Mrs. William Marselis at the home of Mrs. Bain Saturday