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Newspaper Clippings for
May, 1911

Antioch News4 May 1911
Clarence Bonner of Chicago, visited home folks Sunday.

Wm. Strang returned from Kansas the first of the week.

Miss Pearl Cleveland will close her school this week at Big Hollow.

George Jamieson left Sunday for Somers, Wis., to do carpenter work.

Messrs. C. E. Denman and McGuire transacted business in Chicago Monday.

Mrs. Safford returned last Wednesday from a ten days' visit at Wheaton.

Mrs. Norman Adams and daughter, Rae, of Chicago Lawn, visited home folks.

Alden of the firm of Alden & Bidinger, transacted business in this vicinity Tuesday.

Mrs. R. L. Strang, Victor Strang, A. K. Bain and Mrs. Josephine Mathews were Waukegan visitors Tuesday.

The Dodge school closes Tuesday of this week with an entertainment and ice cream and cake will be served.

Mrs. Fred Denman and son, Clayton, of Highland Park, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. C. E. Denman.

Antioch News11 May 1911
State of Illinois ) ss
County of Lake)
In the County Court of Lake County.
In the matter of the estate of Peter Waterbury, deceased. To Peter Waterbury, Joseph Waterbury, Charles Waterbury, Nicholas Lindquist, Everett Lindquist, Edith Lindquist, and Cora Hoyt Phillips, heirs at law of said deceased.
You are hereby notified that on Monday the 12th day of June, A. D. 1911, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the undersigned surviving Executor of the last will and testament of Peter Waterbury, deceased, will present to the Hon. P. L. Persons, Judge of the County Court of said Lake County, his final report and final account of his acts and doings as such Executor, ask to have the same approved, to be discharged, and to have said estate declared fully settled and closed; at which time and place you may be present if you see fit so to do.
Dated this 8th day of May, A. D. 1911
John Williamson, sole surviving Executor of the last will and testament of Peter Waterbury, deceased.

State of Illinois ) ss
County of Lake)
In the County Court of Lake County. June term, A. D. 1911. In the matter of the estate of Mary Waterbury, deceased.
To Peter Waterbury, Charles Waterbury, Joseph Waterbury, Nicholas Lindquist, Everett Lindquist, Edith Lindquist, and Cora Hoyt Phillips, heirs at law of said deceased.
You are hereby notified that on Monday the 12th day of June, A. D. 1911, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, the undersigned, administrator of the estate of Mary Waterbury, deceased, will present to the Hon. P. L. Persons, Judge of said court, his final report and account of his acts and doings as such administrator, ask to have the same approved, to be discharged, and to have said estate declared settled and closed; at which time and place you may be present if you see fit so to do.
Dated this 8th day of May, 1911.
Joseph Waterbury, administrator of the estate of Mary Waterbury, deceased.

Mrs. Vosburgh returned Tuesday to her home in Rochester, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower moved last Monday to their new home.

Wm. Thom of Libertyville spent Friday with his son. W. G. Thom.

Miss Carrie Bater transacted business in Chicago Monday.

Messrs. Elmer Cannon and Arthur Clark were Chicago visitors the past week.

Mrs. Cremin is entertaining her neice, Miss Beulah Graves, of New York.

Arthur Spafford and family of Topeka, Kansas, are visiting Mrs. M. Spafford.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart spent Thursday with Mrs. L. M. Bonner of Russell.

Miss Pearl Cleveland returned Friday from Big Hollow where she has been teaching school.

Misses Belle Hughes and Hazel Tiffany of Antioch, spent Sunday with Mrs. R. L. Strang.

Don't forget the basket social Friday evening, May 12, at the Grubb school. Ladies bring a basket.

Rev. A. W. Safford attended the congregational convention at Lombard, Ill., Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs. Pickins and Marion Tukey of Berwyn, Ill., spent several days with their aunt, Mrs. Geo. Jamieson.

Miss Bertha Edmonds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Edmonds, and Samuel Larsen were united in marriage at Chicago, Wednesday, May 3rd, returning here Thursday. They will make Millburn their future home. Their many friends extend congratulation.

Antioch News18 May 1911
Miss Inez Pollock of Chicago spent Sunday with the home folks.

Miss Ethel McGuire spent several days with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Druce at Grayslake.

The basket social at the Grubb school was well attended and one basket brought $3.50.

Miss Faye Dawson is expected home this week from Iowa where she has been teaching school.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spafford and children left Monday for their home at Topeka, Kansas.

Miss Vivien Bonner lost her string of gold beads Sunday, May 7, valued very much as a keepsake.

Mrs. J. H. Bonner and daughter Miss Vivien visited friends and relatives in Chicago several days.

The C. E. Society will hold their business meeting at the home of David White, Friday evening, May 19.

Rev. A. W. Safford left Monday to attend the State Congregational Convention at Moline, Ill., for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Douglas and daughter Ruth of Waukegan visited the later's father, Archibald McCredie, the last of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hughes and daughter Mabel of Gurnee attended church here Sunday, and also attended the funeral of Mr. Christopher Webb of Hickory.

Antioch News25 May 1911
The Misses Irving were Chicago visitors Monday.

There will be Children's Day exercises on Sunday, June 11.

Rev. A. W. Safford returned from Moline, the last of the week.

Wm. Thorn of Libertyville spent Thursday with his son, W. G. Thorn.

The Hockaday school closes Friday, May 26, with a picnic in Dawson's woods.

Mrs. Gilbert and daughter, Margaret, of Fort Hill, visited friends and relatives the past week.

It is reported that Miss Mabel Irving, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Irving, who reside in New Mexico, was married last Wednesday, May 17, to Mr. Patten.

The Millburn Ladies Aid society will hold their regular monthly meeting, Thursday, June 1. The following ladies will serve supper: Mrs. Dr. Jamison, Miss McCredie and Mrs. Erma Strang.

The Warren Cemetery Association will hold their memorial exercises Sunday, May 26. Rev. A. W. Safford will deliver the address. They will decorate the graves of all members in honor of the 20th anniversary since incorporation. 10

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