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Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1910

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 1 February 1910
Wm. Mason Sends $2000 to Milburn Cemetery
to Keep up the Mason Burial Lot.
Millburn has not been left out of the benefits list by their heirs of the late Jesse Henry "Silent" Smith, as on Sunday morning W. J. White, the Millburn undertaker, received word from Frederic P. Vose, counselor for William Mason of Evanston, that Mr. Mason would give a substantial gift to the Millburn Cemetery Association in the nature of $2000 perpetual income for the cemetery. Under the agreement which the officers of the cemetery society signed Monday, Mason will give his note for $2,000 on or before two years at 6 percent, and advance the first year's interest when he executes the note. The agreement stipulates that the principal shall never be used by the association, but that the accrued interest amounting to $120.00 every year shall be used for maintaining the Mason lot, and the balance for any other improvements in the cemetery. Thus, the cemetery society will have that sum available perpetually each year or as long as it will draw the six per cent interest.
Attorney Frederic P. Vose of Chicago, who married a sister of Wm. Mason, has drawn up the agreement, which was duly signed this week.
The association five years ago received a cash gift of $1000 from Mrs. Jane McAlister, the principal not to be used, and only interest derived therefrom should be applied on improving the McAlister lot. Then last year another generous gift was received by the association from Mrs. Beatrice Smith, mother of James Henry Smith and grandmother of Wm. Smith Mason, donor of the last $2000. The agreement with Mrs. Smith is identical with that of her grandson and also Mrs. McAlister.
With these three donations the cemetery has a perpetual benefit fund of $4000. Interest each year amounting to $240.
While other cities are beneficiaries in Mason's donations, it was at first supposed that Millburn, the birthplace of James Henry Smith, would be forgotten, but hardly had the fears gained ground when the news was received, and, while the donation is essentially nothing to benefit the village directly but applies directly to the beautifying of personal property of the Smith heirs, Millburn people feel that their section has not been entirely slighted.
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 2 February 1910
A feeling prevails that although "Silent" James Henry Smith sent many of his distant Lake county relatives to college and paid all expenses, they all had to quit school upon his death because of the fact that no more funds were available.
This proves to be untrue. In fact, there are now a half dozen or more of his relatives from Lake county who are attending college and they are all to finish their courses.
Fund Set Aside.
In the will of the former Lake county multi-millionaire, he set aside a special fund for this purpose, that is, to educate the relatives whom he had allowed to start in school under his tuition.
However, there will be no more children, relatives of the Smiths, educated in this manner for the fund provides for taking care of those now in school but not for any others.
Disappoints Many
Because there are a number of other relatives of Smith in the county, near Wadsworth, who bore the same relationship toward him that these did who have been educated with his money, they will hear with regret that no provision was made to take care of them. They will thus have to forego the schooling they had counted upon or else pay for themselves. Brothers and sisters of some of those whose way was paid by Smith, had counted long upon having the same privilege accorded them but it just now develops that, when one made application recently to go to school under the same plan as the others, it was found no provision had been made to carry on the work despite the fact that Smith left about fifty millions.
The disappointment to many relatives of Smith is thus very keen and they cannot understand why, with such a laudable work started-the only thing he ever did for Lake county-he did not provide for a continuation of the educational scheme for his relatives.
Educated Thirty in All.
In all, Smith educated thirty of his Lake county relatives, that is, paid their way through college. He never saw any of those he educated, and had seen their parents only when he was a boy and before he became so rich.
Families which benefitted in his educational work included those of Phillip Dietmeyer, Hughes and Yule.
Antioch News3 February 1910
The death of Peter Stewart, brother of the late George Stewart, and a well known resident of Lake county occurred at his home in Gurnee on Friday morning of last week at the age of seventy-two years.
Death was the result of paralysis which had stricken him periodically during the past few years, the last stroke occurring last October, since which time he has been unable to speak at all and has been unconscious most of the time.
Mr. Stewart's death came in the same manner as that of his brother George, both having been rendered helpless by paralysis for a long time.
Mr. Stewart had lived in Lake county since the year of 1841, hence he was one of the early settlers. He came to Lake County from Will county and for years was a farmer living a few miles south of Millburn but for the past number of years had lived in Gurnee.
When on the farm he was assessor of Warren township, and was also director of the Millburn Mutual Insurance for some years as well as being town collector of Warren for three years.
The deceased is survived by his wife and one daughter three brothers, John of St. Paul, A. H. and W. B. of Millburn, and two sisters, Mrs. John Bonner of Millburn and Mrs. John Hughes of Lake Villa.
The funeral was held from the home on Sunday.

Rev. A. W. Safford was a Chicago passenger Tuesday.

Dinner parties are the order of the day in this vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott LeVoy entertained at eucher last Wednesday night.

Miss Deedie Tiffany visited, from Friday till Sunday at her home in Antioch.

The remains of George Patterson of Milwaukee, brother of Mrs. Robert Thorn of Gurnee, were interred in the Millburn cemetery Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wells gave a surprise party to their son Curtis on Saturday evening last. There were a number of young folks from Hickory and Millburn in attendance and an enjoyable time was reported.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 8 February 1910
Program Issued for the Second
Farmers' Institute of the Year,
at Millburn Feb. 15.
Below is the program which has been arranged for the second Farmers' Institute which the Lake County association is to hold this winter, at Millburn, Tuesday next, Feb. 15. The First Institute, held at Libertyville last fall, was slimly attended because of bad roads hence the decision to hold a second session.
Prof. Frank H. Hall is to be one of the principal speakers and the program as a whole promises to be most interesting. It follows:
Morning Session
10- .... Invocation-Rev. A. W. Safford.
Musical selection.
Address of welcome-G. B. Stephens.
10:15 .. The Silo on the Farm-E. A. White, instructor in Farm Mechanics, U. of I.
11:30 .. The Modern Cow Barn-Dr. W. B. Lewin.
12:00 .. Adjournment for dinner which will be served by the ladies of Millburn.
Afternoon Session.
1:30 ... Housekeeping made interesting-Miss Harriet Rinaker, of the Department of Household Science, U. of I.
2:45 ... Address-Supt. T. A. Simpson.
Evening Session.
........ Home entertainment.
Address-Prof. Frank H. Hall, Superintendent State Farmers' Institute.
The officers of the Association: O. G. Hawkins, president; Leslie Bonner, secretary.
Antioch News10 February 1910
Program Issued for Second Farmers' Institute
of Year at Millburn Feb. 15.
Below is the program which has been arranged for the second Farmers' Institute which the Lake county association is to hold this winter, at Millburn, Tuesday next, Feb. 15. The first institute, held at Libertyville, Dec. 8-9, was slimly attended because of bad roads hence the decision to hold a second session. Prof. Frank H. Hall is to be one of the principal speakers and the program as a whole promises to be most interesting.
10:00--Invocation--Rev. A. W. Safford.
Musical selection.
Address of welcome--George B. Stephens.
10:15--The Silo on the Farm--E. A. White, instructor in Farm Mechanics, U. of I.
11:30--The Modern Cow Barn--Dr. W. B. Lewin.
12:00--Adjournment for dinner which will be served by the ladies of Millburn.
1:30--Housekeeping made interesting--Miss Harriet Rinaker, of the Department of Household Science, U. of I.
2:45--Address--Supt. T. A. Simpson,
Home entertainment.
Address--Prof. Frank H. Hall, Superintendent State Farmers' Institute.
The officers of the association are O. G. Hawkins, president, Leslie Bonner, secretary.

Curtis Wells returned to Waukegan last Wednesday.

Don't fail to attend O. A. Nelson's sale on Wednesday, Feb. 16.

Miss Lucy Spafford spent part of last week entertaining the grippe.

Mr. and Mrs. Murrie of Russell, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Slocum.

Mrs. Smith and children of Chicago, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Young.

The Lake county farmers are to convene in the church for all day and an evening program on Tuesday, Feb. 15. Everybody come.

Miss Vivien Bonner left Tuesday for Chicago where she will spend the week with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lyburn Stewart, and other relatives.

Miss Mabel Bonner went last Thursday to Wheaton where she visited till Tuesday with Miss Helen Safford, spending the remainder of the week with relatives in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark entertained at euchre in Young's hall last Tuesday night. A good time was reported by all. The prizes were awarded to Miss Mabel Chope and John Armour.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 11 February 1910
Mr. W. A. Nelson of Millburn and Miss Gertrude O'Hare of Gurnee were married Monday. Mr. Nelson has rented the Winters farm near Rosecrans.

Mrs. Smith and children of Chicago are visiting Mr. and Mrs. David Young

Mrs. Wm. Thom gave a dinner party last week.

Florence Russell broke her ankle coasting at the Hockaday school. They live on the Farhney farm.

Mrs. Mary Bater, Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Spafford are among the sick. We hope for their speedy recovery.

Mrs. Neahaus is able to leave the hospital and go to her daughter's home in Chicago.

Mrs. Elizabeth B. Tower celebrated her 84th birthday Monday, Feb. 7. Mrs. Tower is real well for one of her age.

Mrs. W. B. Stewart gave a dinner party Friday.

Miss Mabel Bonner visited Miss Helen Safford at Wheaton college, Wheaton, Ill., also Mrs. Ralph Wheaton, the past week.

We understand Alfred Meade and daughter, Miss Gladys, had a runaway in Waukegan Saturday.

Farmers' Institute will be held at Millburn, Tuesday, Feb. 15. All day meeting and evening session. A good program has been arranged. Dinners will be served by the ladies of Millburn, in the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark gave a large party in Young's hall Tuesday. Progressive euchre was played. There were over 60 present and a first class time was reported.

Miss Vivien Bonner is visiting friends and relatives in Chicago and vicinity this week.

Antioch News17 February 1910
Miss Mabel Bonner returned from Wheaton last Thursday.

Miss Minnie Carney of Waukegan spent Thursday and Friday with friends here.

Charles Ames has returned from his visit with relatives in Nebraska.

Miss Vivien Bonner returned Sunday from Chicago where she visited with relatives.

Mrs. R. L. Hughes of Chicago has been spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Spafford.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner went last Friday to Wheaton where they will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bairstow.

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Strang entertained at euchre on Thursday evening. The prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson.

Schuyler Denman, Florence Russell and Harold Jaeger are absent from school on account of sickness, the latter two suffering, from broken bones caused by falls at school.

Antioch News24 February 1910
John Bonner returned home from Wheaton last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Young and daughter spent Monday in Chicago.

Curtis Wells of Waukegan is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wells.

Mrs. George Kennedy and daughter Florence visited last Tuesday with Mrs. E. A. Martin.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Safford went to Chicago last Wednesday, Mr. Safford returning Friday and Mrs. Safford went to Wheaton to visit her daughter.

Miss Rinaker of Carlinville and Prof. F. H. Hall of Aurora and E. A. White of Urbana were the speakers out of the county for the Farmers' Institute.

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