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Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1907

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 2 February 1907
Chas. Brasckie, of Rollins, was a Millburn caller Monday.

G. Mitchell of Oak Park, spent Tuesday calling on relatives and looking after his farm interests.

Mrs. R. H. Himball, of Oak Park and son, Marston, spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Trotter returning Tuesday of this week.

Weidger left last week for Canada, his future home.

Mrs. Marshall Odett and Miss L. Ames spent a week visiting relatives and friends in Milwaukee returning last Saturday.

Mr. Anderson, of Kansas, son-in-law to Mrs. Geo. Strang, had his barn burned lately.

Mrs. Sheldon Harris, of Rona, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Thom, Jr.

Missionary meeting will be held Wednesday of this week at Mrs. Robt. Strang's.

Leslie Cannon who has pneumonia at present writing is getting along as well as can be expected. We hope for his speedy recovery. Helen, Carrie and Mr. Cannon are also on the sick list with bad colds.

Mrs. Marshall Odett is also on the sick list.

Colds are the order of the day. It is "I am just coming down with a cold," or "just getting over one," here in Millburn.

Mrs. Wm. J. White gave a dinner Monday to the older folks and a supper to the young people,. Mrs. White has a typewriter. If you would like one just go and see her work. She has the agency for it.

The Ladies Aid society and C. E. society took in at their bazaar last Friday $67.

C. E. topic Feb. 3 "What Christian Endeavor Means to Me and the World," Jeppe Jepson leader.

Mrs. Geo. Strang will entertain the Ladies Aid Thursday Feb. 7. Would like a good turn out. Be sure and come.

There will be church meeting Saturday Feb. 2 at 2 p.m. All interested come.

Antioch News07 February 1907
Elmer Cannon has the grippe.

Mrs. C. E. Denman has had grippe.

Mrs. A. W. Safford returned from Wheaton last Thursday.

Miss Carrie Bater returned from Evanston last Friday night.

Mrs. Richard Kimball returned to Oak Park on Tuesday last.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 7 February 1907
Mrs. Safford returned last Thursday from Wheaton where she has been visiting her daughter.

Miss Carrie Bater returned from Evanston last Friday.

A. H. Stewart took dinner with his sister, Mrs. Hughes in Lake Villa last Thursday.

Mrs. C. E. Denman and two sons, Jess and Edwin are down with the influenza at present writing.

Elmer Cannon still on the sick list, his son Leslie is improving very fast.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 12 February 1907
According to the traditions of ground hog day we will have six weeks of winter and then some.

Mrs. A. W. Safford returned from Wheaton Thursday having spent ten days with her daughter.

The word was reported around here last week that Mrs. Weidger, of Canada, was found frozen to death.

Leslie Cannon is getting along nicely but Elmer Cannon has had a relapse and is quite sick at present.

A number of this vicinity attended the play "The Merry Cobbler" at Lake Villa Thursday and Friday.

A few of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Tower's neighbors gave them a very pleasant surprise the evening of January 31, the occasion being their 38th wedding anniversary.

The family of C. E. Denman have all been wrestling with the grippe.

The Ladies Aid will meet Thursday with Mrs. Geo. Strang.

The C. E. society will hold its business meeting Friday evening, Feb. 8 at the home of Miss C. E. Bater. A good program is in store. All young people cordially invited.

Ten land marks namely ten cotton wood trees of a good old-age whose skeletons have loomed up in Denman's lane have been razed to the ground the past week.

Miss C. E. Bater returned Friday from Evanston and Kenosha where she has been for a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. James Bonner and Lester have been having the grippe; also Mrs. John Bonner.

The C. E. topic lessons from the Patriarchs, Simeon Ames, leader.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 14 February 1907
Miss Carrie Bater will have the C. E. Business meeting at her home on Friday night, Feb . 15.

Miss Fote returned last Friday from her visit in the east.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris spent Friday in Antioch.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Waukegan formerly of Millburn have another boy.

The Ladies Aid at Mrs. Strang's last Thursday was well attended.

Lucy Spafford is visiting in Waukegan.

Leslie Cannon is able to about the house.

Antioch News14 February 1907
Chicago Telephone Company Decides Not to Wait
for Franchise from County Board
After waiting many years to get permission in the nature of a franchise from the county board, the Chicago Telephone Company has seized the bull by the horns and is to do work in extending its lines into Lake County without the franchise from the board which it hoped to obtain.
After figuring on the matter a long time, the telephone company has determined to its own satisfaction that as a Company it does not any more have to have a franchise from the county board than does the ordinary farmers' line which builds a line between two towns.
They state that all that is necessary to build a line into the country is to get a permit from the farmers in front of whose property a pole is to be set. If he gives that permission, they claim that is all that is necessary.
In the carrying out of this interpretation of conditions, the company is now taking steps to give better toll service in Lake county, fully explained below.
The congested condition of the single toll line leading in to Waukegan is at last to be remedied by the Chicago Telephone Co.
Two new toll lines are to be built--one running to Fox Lake, taking in Lake Villa, Antioch, and other lake points while the other is to run to Gurnee where it will connect with the Millburn and Antioch line. The line to Fox Lake is already under construction and will be rushed to immediate completion. The other line will soon be under process of construction and will be completed sometime in the early summer.
The construction of these two toll lines will be of the most vital importance to the county as in the present condition which has prevailed for some time, all the messages from the lake region had to come over the single Libertyville wire. At times, the line was so congested that it was practically impossible to get connected with any party in that region.
In case a connection could be established with a party, the person making the call would often have to wait as long as an hour before receiving notice that the line was not busy.

Elmer Cannon is on the gain.

Lucy Spafford is visiting in Waukegan.

Edd Gillings and daughter of Waukegan spent Sunday at Mrs. VanAlstine's.

Miss Clara Foote returned home last Friday after visiting for several months in Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Waukegan, are rejoicing over the arrival of a boy February 6th.

The C. E. business meeting will be held at the home of Miss Carrie Bater on Friday evening, Feb. 15.

Edd Wells, James Bonner, Mrs. C. E. Denman and Mrs. W. G. McGuire are all recovering from the grippe.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 17 February 1907
Miss Carrie Bater went to Evanston Monday to stay for an indefinite time.

Mrs. Wright who has been visiting with Miss Carrie Bater returned to Evanston, Monday.

Quite a number from different parts of the county attended the insurance meeting last Saturday.

A. B. Johnson of Antioch attended the Insurance meeting here.

Mrs. C. E. Denman spent last Wednesday in Chicago.

The Adams children returned home last week.

Mrs. Watson entertained over Sunday a friend, Mr. Ross of Fort Worth, Texas.

Mrs. Geo. Strang will entertain the Ladies Aid at her home on Thursday Feb. 7.

The Ladies Aid will hold their bazaar in the church on Friday evening, Jan. 25. If we have sleighing everyone try to come.

The Masons and Eastern Star installed their new officers on Wednesday night, Jan. 9th, with their usual banquet following. The officers installed in the O. E. S. were as follows: Wor. Matron-Mrs. H. E. Jamison; Wor, Pat. -J. A. Thain; Asst. Matron - Mrs. A. K. Bain; Secy. -Mrs. J. A. Thain; Treas.-Mrs. Alf. Mead; Conductress--Mrs. G. B. Stephens; Asst. Conductress-Mrs. John Crawford; Ada-Mrs. Gussie Hughes; Ruth-Miss Hanna Patch; Esther- Mrs. John Trotter; Martha-Miss Hazel Thain; Electa-Mrs. Nellie Cannon; Warder-Mr. G. B. Stephens; Sent.-Alf. Mead; Organist-Miss Lucy Trotter.

Miss Lucy Trotter and her mother have gone to Chicago after visiting here for some time.

Mrs. Safford returned Saturday from Wheaton, Ill., where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R. L. Wheaton.

Mr. Charles Humphrey of Waukegan was a caller here on Monday.

Souvenir post cards of the church can be purchased at the bazaar.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 18 February 1907
A. K. Bain and J. A. Thain were business callers in Chicago the past week.

Wm. Thom, Jr., spent ten days at Somonauk, returning Monday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson of Pikeville, were visiting Mrs. Chas. Matthews last Thursday.

Miss Foote returned to the Parsonage Friday, having spent four months visiting in Boston and Connecticut.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchel of Waukegan are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, who came Feb. 6.

Mrs. John Hughes of Libertyville, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. R. Strang.

Ed Gillings and Esther of Waukegan, were calling on relatives Sunday.

Ed Wells has been laid up for a week with the grippe but at present writing is better.

Miss Lucy Spafford visited her sister, Mrs. Mitchell, in Waukegan last Friday.

Dr. McDougal of Antioch, was a Millburn caller the past week.

Mrs. Guy McGuire has been very sick the past week with the grippe, but is better now.

Mr. Elmer Cannon is not much better. We hope for his speedy recovery. We are glad to say the rest of the family are better.

The ladies aid had quite a large attendance at Mrs. Strang's. The next one will be March 7.

Mrs. Sarah Tower attended a meeting of the Eastern Star last Thursday in Waukegan, returning Friday.

The C. E. business meeting was postponed Friday on account of so much sickness. It will be held this Friday at the home of Miss Bater.

Ed Martin went to Chicago Saturday returning Monday.

Mrs. Geo. Strang, R. L. Strang and the creamery filled their ice houses the past week.

The C. E. topic: An easy life vs. A hard one, Ralph Miller, leader.

Geo. Gerrity is on the sick last wrestling with the grippe.

Lost-Glengary's School Days by Connor. Look over your shelves. If found return to the owner, Mrs. Bater.

Mrs. M. L. Bonner of Russell, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Bonner, for a few days.

Jas. Pollock spent Monday in Chicago.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 18 February 1907
Unexpected Work on New $21,000 Building
Which Has Stood But Three Years.
Although the people generally is unaware of it, it develops that the new McAlister hospital on North avenue, erected three years ago at a cost of $21,500, is such a state that an entire new roof and new plastering throughout every room and hallway is necessary in the immediate future.
In fact, so badly is the condition in that respect that Saturday and today contractors were taken there to give figures on the cost of putting on new plaster throughout the building.
So bad has the condition been with reference to the plastering that for some time past the Elks room has been closed because there was fear that the plastering might fall on a patient who might be placed there.
So bad has it been that the officers of the hospital have found that plastering in other rooms might fall on the patients' beds, hence, while they have not the ready money on hand to do work, the women who manage the institution, have decided they must go ahead and have the work done over at once and attend to the payments later.
Roof in Bad Shape.
The tar-gravel roof for some time has been in a bad shape and it has broken away to such an extent that an entirely new roof over the whole building is necessary or else very soon, the interior of the building must suffer from the elements.
One day recently, in a heavy wind storm, a large square of the roof was blown off, leaving the room entirely unprotected.
The plastering job, however, is where the women have encountered the most trouble up to the present time. The ceilings and walls in the various rooms, together with the hallways, have cracked and broken off and in some of them huge patches of plastering have fallen to the floor.
Fortunately, nobody has been struck by it up to the present time but there is no telling how long this will last hence the ladies are anxious to get the repairs made.
Within the past short time, the women have had three metal ceilings put on three of the rooms in order to protect the patients who might be there. These rooms are the Elks room, the C. E. Smith room, and the kitchen.
Operating Room Next.
The operating room, the most important room in the building, is the one which must be attended to next and this will be repaired as soon as possible. It is this room where most of the work of the hospital is done and the walls and ceiling have been in bad shape for some time.
The plastering job was certainly a fizzle from start to finish in this fine building. Otherwise than that, it is apparent that the work was well done as the foundations and the walls appear to be standing up all right. One of the officers said in speaking of the matter today:
"Yes, the plastering is in terrible shape and something must be done. The interior work on the hospital was by far inferior to the rest of the work. In other words, the last part of the job was evidently skimmed disastrously and now we will begin to pay over for it. The plastering in many places throughout the building is not over a half inch thick."
Spend Much Last Year.
Although the hospital has been in use but three years and apparently was a fine substantial building, the ladies had to spend $300 last year on repairs of various kinds hence the repair feature, with the contemplated repairs now needed, is a big item for the women to handle especially in view of the dormant interest manifested by the public in supporting the worthy institution.
Will Cost Much.
The repairs which are now planned and which must be carried through at once whether there is the money to pay for them or not, will cost something like $1,500 to $2,000. The ladies have not the money but they will trust to luck to get it when the work is done.
Antioch News21 February 1907
A. K. Bain is on the gain.

Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson spent Sunday in Libertyville.

Mr. Nelson is entertaining a friend, Mr. Dollar, from Iowa.

Wm. Bonner spent Sunday, Feb. 10, at Rochester, Wis.

Mrs. John Bonner and Elmer Cannon are able to be out again.

Miss Carrie Bater went to Chicago Monday for a ten days' stay.

Mrs. Odett and Miss Ames visited last Wednesday in Rosecrans.

The C. E. business meeting was well attended last Friday night.

Mrs. Richard Pantall has been visiting with Mrs. Adams in Chicago since last Thursday.

Those who gave dinner parties last week were Mrs. W. B. Stewart and Mrs. C. E. Denman on Wednesday and Mrs. H. E. Jamieson on Friday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 21 February 1907
Dr. and Mrs. Jamison visited last Sunday in Libertyville with the former's parents.

Ross Stewart of Chicago visited over Sunday with his father. A. H. Stewart.

Mr. Dollar of Iowa, is here visiting with Mr. Nelson.

Miss Lucy Trotter of Evanston has been visiting with her sister Mrs. Bain since Monday night.

Mrs. Pantall returned from Chicago Monday.

Mr. Safford visited two days with his daughter in Wheaton.

Mrs. C. E. Denman gave a dinner party to a number of friends. Covers were laid for eleven, Mrs. W. B. Stewart gave one also the same day. Mrs. H. E. Jamison one Friday.

Mrs Hattie Wilby of Russell was a Millburn visitor Friday.

Miss Ruby Gillings is visiting relatives and friends in Waukegan.

Antioch News28 February 1907
Leslie Cannon started in school Monday.

Mrs. David White has recovered from the grippe.

Miss Ruby Gillings returned from Waukegan last Sunday.

Mrs. H. E. Jamieson is still in Libertyville attending the sick.

William Thom visited a few days last week in Milwaukee.

Arthur Nelson has returned from a few months' stay in Urbana, Ill.

The basket social at the Grubb school last Friday night was well attended.

Misses Josephine and Jeanette Mathews have recovered from an attack of the grippe.

Mrs. Robert Strang entertained the Ladies Missionary society on Wednesday.

Mrs. Archibald McCredie is very low with pneumonia. Her many friends hope for her recovery.

Miss Annie McCredie of Deerfield, visited at home from Thursday night of last week till Sunday.

Mr. Brown of Chicago, visited from Saturday till Monday morning with Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth.

Dr. Jamieson and daughter Vida visited last Wednesday with the doctor's father, who is quite sick at his home in Libertyville.

Clark Ford of Pleasant Prairie, who has been visiting with his sister, Mrs. Odette since Thursday, returned home Sunday evening.

James Pollock went to Waukegan last week to see his daughter, Mrs. John Fulton, who has been very ill with typhoid fever. It is reported now that she is on the gain.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bonner, Mrs. R. D. Strang and Mr. A. H. Stewart took dinner last Thursday at Mr. George Stewart's in Waukegan in honor of their niece, Miss Edith Stewart, from the north.

The people of Millcreek Parish will be glad to hear that W. J. White, undertaker, has secured the assistance of Dennis Rairdan to take charge of funerals at Millcreek church. Mr. Rairdan is a member of the parish and needs no recommendation.

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