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R. L. Hughes was home over Sunday.
J. A. Strang is putting in cement walks.
Mr. Isaac Homes has put in a telephone.
Miss Annie McCredie was home over Saturday.
Clarence Bonner was home for a few days last week.
Ward Bain has been here visiting his brother Alfred.
Miss Jennie Schryver has gone home for two weeks.
Mr. Robertson of Gages Lake, was seen on our streets Tuesday.
Mrs. Geo. Gerrity was a Chicago visitor Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. F. C. Bairstow of Wheaton, called at John Bonner's Friday.
Mrs. George Strang is in Waukegan visiting her son Eugene.
Mrs. Spafford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mitchell, at Waukegan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner attended the harvest Festival at Grayslake Friday.
Mrs. Homes of Chicago, has been visiting for a few days with her father-in-law.
Mesdames R. L. Strang, Wm. White and John Thain were Chicago visitors last Friday.
Mrs. A. W. Spafford and sister, Miss Foote, went to Chicago Friday to visit among friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Newhauer buried their six weeks old child in the Millburn cemetery one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gorham, Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Albrecht of Waukegan, attended the Eastern Star last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Richard Kimball and son Marston, Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Wilson and daughter Margaret returned to their homes in Oak Park Saturday.
Raymond DeSwarte of Chicago, a nephew of Mrs. A. H. Stewart, has come out to make his home here for a short time hoping to benefit his health.
Miss Smith of Loon Lake, Mrs. Mary Bater, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stewart and Mrs. Pantall attended the harvest festival at Grayslake last Friday.
Mrs. H. B. Tower, entertained eight lady friends at dinner and supper last Thursday.
L. J. White was home Saturday night.
Miss Carrie Bater returned home on Sunday.
Mrs. Etta Wienecke has moved to Sycamore, Ill.
Mrs. R. L. Hughes was a Chicago visitor over Sunday.
Geo. Eichinger and Gordon Bonner have returned from Springfield.
Mrs. A. K. Bain and Mrs. John Trotter were Chicago visitors Monday.
Miss Mabel Irving of Russell is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Trotter.
Mrs. H. G. Harris is entertaining her sister-in-law and children from Chicago.
John Gillings of North Dakota is here visiting with his sister, Mrs. Theo. Frazier.
Mrs. John Wedge has rented her farm and expects within a few weeks to go and make her home in the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Loveland and children have returned to Chicago after their summer's stay at John Trotter's.
Robert Webster and Clayton Denman of Highland Park spent Saturday and Sunday with their cousin Edwin Denman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White and Lucy Spafford attended the funeral of their friend John White of Newport.
Miss Bertha White who has been attending school at Rochester has been obliged to return home on account of weak eyes.
Rev. A. W. Safford has gone away for a three weeks vacation, and will be absent the next two Sundays. N. D. Pratt of Evanston will fill the pulpit on Sunday, Oct. 14.
The marriage of Miss Gussie Thain to R. Guy Hughes was celebrated Wednesday afternoon, October 3, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thain. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. W. Safford. Relatives from Waukegan who attended the wedding were Miss Lula Thain, Miss Lois Hardy, Mrs. Hardy and L. J. White.
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the William Thom
farm 1/2 mile south of Hickory and 2 miles north of Millburn, on
Wednesday, Oct., 17, commencing at 10 o'clock sharp, the
following described property: matched pair 8 yr-old grade Clyde
mares, wt 3100, in foal by Sir David; 5 yr-old dapple gray mare,
wt. 1400, in foal by Sir David; 2-yr-old gelding sired by Sir
David, 1-yr-old gelding sired by Sir David, half bred Hackney
gelding 8 yrs. old, general purpose gelding 6 yrs old, road mare
in foal by Forest King, the road stallion Forest King, 2-yr-old
pacing filly, 6-yr-old Shetland pony mare, broken for children to
ride and drive; 18 choice cows, 1 pure bred Short Horn bull 15
months old, brood sow, 26 shoats, 2 dozen pure bred silver laced
Wyandotte hens, 3 turkey hens and 1 gobbler, set heavy work
harness, single harness, 20 milk cans, Champion grain binder,
Deering corn binder, Deering 5-ft cut mower, Deering 10-ft hay
rake, 2-horse cultivator, new; seeder, 2 drags, grindstone, corn
sheller, stone boat, set bob sleighs, set manure planks, 2 hay
racks, 1 narrow wagon and 1 steel wheel truck wagon, surrey, top
buggy, open buggy, cutter, 25 acres corn in shock and other
things too numerous to mention. Free lunch at noon. Usual
W. G. Thom, Prop
George Vogel, Auctioneer.
R. L. Hughes was home over Sunday.
L. S. Bonner has been on the sick list.
John Bonner lost a valuable horse last Friday.
Mrs. Lena Goggin of Antioch, was seen on our streets Sunday.
H. B. Tower has been entertaining his nephew from Chicago.
Miss Vivien Bonner had her tonsils successfully removed last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Wells have been entertaining relatives for a week
Messrs. Sawyer and Bidinger of Waukegan, were callers here last Wednesday.
Mrs. John Wedge entertained her two sons-in-law from Waukegan over Sunday.
Mrs. Richard Pantall has returned from Chicago after a week's visit with Mrs. N. Adams.
The Ladies Aid has another circulating library which is stationed at Mrs. H. E. Jamieson's.
Mrs. Elizabeth Tower returned home last Tuesday after a few months' visit with her son in Chicago.
Mrs. Robert Jamieson and little child of Detroit, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Jamieson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner and Mr. and Mrs. John Trotter attended the funeral of Mrs. J. A. Reeves of Russell.
Mrs. Spafford returned Sunday from Waukegan where she has been visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell.
N. D. Pratt of Evanston, was here Sunday and he brought with him John V. Farwell of Lake Forest, who delivered the sermon in the morning.
A very pleasant surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hughes by a number of their old friends at the home they are about to leave to move to Libertyville.
The undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm known
as the Hubert Mathews farm 2 1/2 miles west of Wadsworth and 1
1/2 miles north-east of Millburn on Friday, Oct. 26, commencing
at 1 o'clock the following property: 14 milch cows, 1 full blood
registered Durham bull, 2 years old; 2 spring calves, 1 brood
mare 14 years old, in foal by Sir David; brown Norman colt 2
years old, bay Norman colt 1 year old, brown driving gelding 1
year old, 1 Clyde sucking colt, 13 head of hogs, 4 brood sows, 1
full blood Jersey Red boar, 8 pigs six weeks old, grain binder,
stubble plow, set wood beam drags, Hoosier seeder, Champion
mower, nearly new; Champion rake, nearly new; truck wagon, single
top buggy, mud scow, tank heater, 7-barrel stock tank, ice saw
and tongs, 1-man saw, 6 milk cans, nearly new; set dump boards, 2
stacks straw, stack tame hay, 4 tons tame hay in barn, 15 acres
corn in shock, some household goods, 2 stoves, sewing machine and
other articles too numerous to mention. Usual terms.
Fred L. Ray, Prop.
George Vogel, Auctioneer
H. D. Hughes is moving his family to Gurnee.
A. H. Stewart has gone to Ohio for a week's visit.
N. D Pratt conducted the services here again last Sunday.
Mrs. A. H. Stewart entertained Mrs. DeSwarte over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cummings visited last Friday with A. K. Bain.
Be sure and attend Mrs. Theo. VanAlstines sale next Tuesday, Oct. 30.
Many from here attended the M. W. A. festival at Gurnee last Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Robertson, who has been visiting with Mrs. George Jamieson, has returned home.
Rev. A. W. Spafford will be home by next Sunday and will take up his regular duties.
Mrs. C. E. Denman and daughter, Mrs. W. G. McGuire, were Chicago visitors last Friday.
Mrs. Geo. Gerrity entertained Mr. and Mrs. Cooke of Ravenswood, a few days last week.
Mesdames H. E. Jamieson, A. K. Bain, G. B. Stephens and J. A. Thain were Chicago visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson of Lake Forest, visited with W. A. and J. H. Bonner last Saturday and Sunday.
Having decided to quit farming, I will sell at public auction
on the Theo VanAlstine farm 3 miles south-east of Millburn and 5
miles north-west of Gurnee, Tuesday, Oct 30, commencing at 10
o'clock the following property: 1 new milch cow, 7 coming in
soon, 1 spring calf, brown mare 9 yrs old, wt 1400, bay mare 15
yrs old wt 1150, 16 shoats, 2 sows, 20 pigs, Osborne grain
binder, mower, pulveriser, hay rake, Buckeye seeder, sod plow,
sulky plow, 2 harrows, stubble plow, sulky cultivator, single
cultivator, fence weaver, grindstone, Keystone corn planter,
truck wagon, pair bob sleighs, 2-seated surrey, 4 milk cans,
double work harness, new; double driving harness, steel water
tank, corn sheller, set dump boards, stone boat, 2 sets wagon
springs, 2 pig troughs, 200 bu oats, 15 acres corn in shock, 10
tons tame hay, 3 tons millet, straw stack, 150 chickens, barrel
of vinegar, forks, meat jars, some household furniture and other
articles too numerous to mention. Usual terms. Lunch at
Susan VanAlstine, Prop.
George Vogel, Auctioneer.
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