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Newspaper Clippings for
May, 1904

Antioch News5 May 1904
Mabel Adams returned to her home at Chicago Lawn last Sunday.

The concert given by Messers Geltch and Garrison was very fine.

Mrs. Carrie Gail and daughter, Gladys, of Highland Park visited with her brother Mr. Denman and family recently.

The Y.P.S.C.E. will give an athletic social in Young's hall Thursday evening May 5. Ice cream will be served.

C. E. Topic May 8--Crowns trodden under foot. Simeon Ames, leader.

Mr. Pantall attended the funeral of Mr. John Adams at Waukegan on Wednesday. Mr. Adams was formerly a resident of Millburn, but at the time of his death resided in Chicago.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 6 May 1904
For Rural Service
This city will the mecca of country people Saturday morning and afternoon. The people in the rural districts are manifesting an intense interest in rural free delivery of mail from this point.
Besides the applicants who are numerous, many disinterested people will come to town to learn all about the innovation.
The examination will take place at 10 a. m. in room 5 of the high school. Candidates, however, must present themselves at the postoffice at 9:30 a. m.
Two hours will be given the candidates in which to complete their papers. The examination is said to be simple and direct, but still effective. Besides the common school branches it will probably touch upon the giving of receipts, the money order and the registry business, as these things will come within the province of the carrier to be.
From the successful candidates a list of eligibles is compiled that is good for one year. The candidate with the highest mark takes supreme rank, of course. From this list the actual appointments to service are made.
Upon the sworn statement and complaint of five patrons of the service upon a particular route, and an official investigation, an appointee may be removed from his position as carrier.
Each carrier must have a horse and wagon suitable for the work and must furnish bonds to the amount of $500.00.
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 7 May 1904
George Gerrity has been having a cement floor put in the butter factory. The factory is doing a flourishing business.

Rev. Mr. Lee went to the city Monday to attend an association meeting of the Congregational churches.

Lloyd White came home Saturday from Michigan City, his present location. He returned Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fulton and little son, of Waukegan, spent Sunday with Mrs. Fulton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Pollock.

Mrs. Mathews came from Kenosha last week to visit among her former old friends.

Mrs. Lawrence is expected home from Iowa next week.

The C. E. business meeting will be held with Leslie and Margery Cannon Friday evening.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 9 May 1904
Mabel Adams returned last Sunday at her home at Chicago Lawn, after a week's visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Pantall.

The Y. P. S. C. E. will give an athletic social in Young's Hall, Thursday evening, May 5. Ice cream will be served.

Richard Pantall attended the funeral of John Adams in Waukegan. Mr. Adams was formerly of this place and died at his home in Chicago.

Mrs. Carrie Gail, of Highland Park, visited with her brother, Mr. Denman last week.

The concert given by Waldo Geltch and Iliff Garrison in the Millburn church last Saturday evening was very fine.

C. E. topic May 8-Crowns trodden Under Foot. Simon Ames leader.

Antioch News12 May 1904
Carrie Bater is in Chicago this week.

Richard Pantall was a Chicago visitor last week.

The missionary society will give their annual thanks offering tea May 22.

Mrs. Nellie Cannon will entertain the Ladies Aid Thursday, May 12. Everybody come.

The Jolly Workers' club will give a peanut social at Mason's hall May 20. A very entertaining program has been prepared. Every one invited.

C. E. topic, May 15--What Joseph and Benjamin teach about brotherly care. Union meeting with the Juniors. Leslie Connon, leader.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 13 May 1904
Mrs. A. H. Stewart went to the city Monday to spend the week with her sister.

The ladies' aid society met Thursday at Mrs. Elmer Cannon's.

Miss Kittie Smith spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Cummings in Waukegan.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levoy were in the city Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Trotter have a young daughter.

John A. Strang returned from a business trip Monday night.

Mrs. Mathews is now established in her cottage near the parsonage for the summer.

Eugene Strang was out from Waukegan Monday.

Mrs. Robert Strang was able to attend church last Sunday, the first time since her husband's death.

Mrs. Pantall was in the city on business Monday.

Mrs. Herbert Mathews has gone on a visit to Corliss, Wis.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart were in Waukegan Tuesday.

Carrie Bater is home again.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 14 May 1904
Mrs. A. H. Stewart is a visitor in Chicago this week.

Mr. Starkweather is in Millburn again.

The Jolly Worker's Club will give a Peanut Social in Mason's Hall, May 20th, 1904.

Mrs. Elmer Cannon will entertain the Ladies Aid, May 12.

Carrie Bater returned from Chicago this week.

C. E. Topic, May 15-What Joseph and Benjamin teach about brotherly care. Leslie Cannon, leader.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 16 May 1904
Mrs. John Phillips, a bride of two months, residing near Millburn northwest of this city, accidentally shot and killed her husband just as he was about to go to a country dance with a friend Friday evening. It was the customary "didn't know it was loaded" cause and the wife is prostrated as a result.
The Phillips moved here from Tenesee immediately following their marriage. They engaged in farming and Phillips worked about the neighborhood. He and his wife went to the home of Frank Odon where they spent the evening. Odon and Phillips had planned to go to a country dance in the neighborhood and Odon opened his trunk which sat in the center of the sitting room. After he had taken his shaving outfit from the trunk he left it open and walked away.
Mrs. Phillips entered the room seeing the revolver lying there, picked it up and pointing it at the floor, snapped the trigger three times. There was no discharge and the woman thought the revolver was not loaded following a glance at the chambers which she thought appeared unfilled.
"Guess I'll have some fun and scare John," she remarked and walked toward the kitchen where her husband stood talking to Odon. Pointing the revolver at her husband "She said John I am going to shoot you."
She pulled the trigger and her husband turned about and the revolver went off. The bullet, a 32 caliber, entered her husband's right temple and he dropped to the floor, expiring shortly afterward. The wife became frantic when she saw what she had done.
Coroner Taylor held an inquest yesterday and the jury at first disagreed, some of the members thinking the wife should be held for criminal charges and State's Attorney Hanna was called upon to confer with them but by the time he had arrived, they managed to agree and decide that the accident was purely accidental and the woman was discharged after being censured for her carelessness.
Mrs. Phillips was about 18 years of age and he was 26.
The members of the jury were as follows: Messrs. Kennedy, White, John Thain, Ocker, Coroner, Taylor's coachman.
The accident caused a great stir in the vicinity of the village and especially in view of the general conditions. The couple had lived very happily during their short married career and the young wife is naturally prostrated through her terrible act. She is already planning on returning to her former home in Tenesee.
Mrs. Phillips was not placed in arrest at all for there was no apparent cause for any willful act on her part.
Antioch News19 May 1904
Mrs. Herbert Mathews visited with her niece at Western Junction this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Strang are visiting with Mrs. Geo. Strang.

C. E. topic, May 22--False and true ambitions. Jesse Denman, leader.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Trotter on Wednesday, May 11, a daughter.

Mrs. C. B. Cummings and son Clarence of Waukegan are visiting with her mother and sister at this place.

Miss K. L. Smith, Erma VanDuzer, Harold Minto and Helen Dodge were Chicago visitors this week.

The Ladies of Millburn are to hold their Thank Offering Meeting and Missionary Tea, Wednesday, May 25th, (not 22nd, as stated last week) and extend a most cordial invitation to their Lake county friends to join with them in a feast of good things, both spiritual and material, at that time. Lady speakers from Chicago and Evanston are expected.

Shooting Occurred at Millburn Last Friday evening
"Didn't Know It Was Loaded."
On Friday evening, May 13, the peaceful little town of Millburn was shocked at the accident which took place within its limits, when Mrs. John Phillips accidently shot and killed her husband as he was standing in the kitchen of the home of his brother-in-law. As a result of the accident, Mrs. Phillips, a bride of only a few short months is prostrated with grief. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are comparatively strangers in this vicinity having moved from Tennessee to Illinois only recently.
It seems that Mr. and Mrs. Phillips who reside near Hickory had on this particular evening gone to the home of their brother, Frank Odon, who resides at Millburn, and there the terrible accident took place. Odon and Phillips had planned to go to a dance that evening where the latter who was a musician, was to play. Mr. Odon stepped to his trunk which stood in the sitting room and took from it his shaving outfit, the two men then passed on to the kitchen leaving the trunk open. Shortly after Mrs. Phillips entered the room and seeing the revolver lying in the trunk picked it up and pointing it at the floor snapped the trigger three times, as there was no discharge she very naturally concluded that the weapon was not loaded. Thinking to play a joke on her husband she walked to the kitchen and holding up the revolver in a spirit of fun called, out, "Look out John, I am going to shoot" and just as her husband turned about she pulled the trigger, when to her horror there was a sharp report and the bullet entered his right temple, inflicting a would from which he expired in a short time.
Coroner Taylor was summoned and an inquest was held at which he impanelled a jury composed of Wm. White, Alfred Spafford, Wm. Thom, John Thain, Geo. Kennedy and Elmer Pollock, who returned a verdict of accidental shooting. Mrs. Phillips is about eighteen years of age and her husband was about seven years her senior.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 20 May 1904
Mr. Starkweather of Rockford is here.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Strang and son George were out visiting Mr. Strang's mother Saturday and Sunday.

John Phillips was accidentally shot and killed last Saturday at Mr. George Odum's. He was a brother of Mrs. Odums. He was 26 years of age.

Word comes from Colorado of the death of James Moran formerly postmaster of Waukegan and for many years a resident of Millburn. Fannie Moran is in the shoe department of Rothchild's store and lives with her sister Laura who is married and lives in the city.

The Cummings family from Waukegan were out over Saturday and Sunday.

Kittie Smith was in the city on business Monday.

Mrs. Lawrence has returned from Iowa and is settled in her home again.

Dr. Taylor (coroner) from Libertyville, was here Saturday and Sunday in regard to Mr. Phillips, who was shot.

Wednesday there was a regular house-cleaning at the church to have it all nice before the meeting, the 25th.

Rev. Mr. Lee is at Princeton, Ills., attending a convention.

Antioch News26 May 1904
The Jolly Workers met Saturday with Miss Helen Dodge.

Mr. Starkweather has placed a piano in the home of David Young.

The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Bater Thursday, June 2nd. All welcome.

Mrs. A. E. Stewart is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Denman.

Dr. Jamieson is painting his house and we are glad to note all such improvements.

Mrs. C. M. Grace, of Chicago, is visiting her son Victor at the home of C. E. Denman.

The C. E. society and Church Ladies cleaned the church last Wednesday. A much needed improvement.

Mrs. Jeanette Mathews has moved back to her own home. We are glad to see her back.

C. E. Topic, May 29: "What Christian Endeavor is doing for Missions." Lucy Spafford, Leader.

Mrs. John Phillips left Millburn last Thursday for her former home in Tennessee.

Miss Katie Hole, of Deerfield, spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Helen Dodge.

Mrs. Yule is home again from Waukegan, where she has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Gerry.

There will be a meeting at the church Saturday at 8 p. m., May 28, to decide on repairing the church. All interested come.

The Ladies of the Millburn Ladies' Aid are most cordially invited to meet the Ladies of North Prairie M. E. church at the home of Mrs. John Irving, June 8.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 26 May 1904
The closing of the numerous Lake county postoffices include in its list a number of old-time offices.
For instance there is Fort Hill which was established in 1838 and is the second oldest office. Half Day, established in 1836, is the oldest office. Two officers were started earlier than Fort Hill but are not now in existence. Fort Hill has had nine postmasters in its long existence. Gilmer was established in 1844. Hickory and Millburn started in 1848, each have had five postmasters. East Fox Lake (formerly Fox Lake) was opened in 1850 and has had four officials. Diamond Lake opened up in 1855 and Rosecrans in 1863.
from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Gazette 28 May 1904
Helen Dodge came home Friday accompanied by Miss Katie Hole of Deerfield. They returned Sunday evening.

Mrs. Phillips started for Tennessee last Wednesday almost every one felt pity and sympathy for her lonliness.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Mitchell of Waukegan came out to Mrs. Spafford's Saturday.

Mrs. Smith is visiting in Waukegan with her daughter, Mrs. Cummings.

Mr. and Mrs. Pantall went to Highland Park Monday to attend the funeral of Hobart Millen.

Oscar Niekirk of Chicago was out to Mr. Thoms over Sunday.

The ladies thank offering tea was well attended and very interesting. They took in about fifty dollars.

Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Adams, missionary workers in the city were out and gave interesting reports of their work in the city.

Erastus Thayer of Lake Villa brought over a load of ladies to the Missionary Tea.

Mrs. Kennedy and her two daughters came down to the thankful tea.

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