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Mr. Pantall is visiting his daughter at Chicago Lawn.
Mr. James Curley, of Boston, Mass., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Horance Lower.
James Pollock returned Monday night from a week's visit with his son Robert at Gilman.
Mrs. Wm. Thom returned home Saturday evening from Dwight, Ill., accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Harris.
The progressive eucher party in Young's hall last week by the Jolly Four was well attended. N. McGuire received first prize and Wilson Lucas the booby prize. Mrs. Gerity received ladies prize and Mrs. Cummings the consolation prize. All went home feeling that the evening was well spent and said they hoped the Jolly Four would give them another.
Mrs. Heddle is very dangerously sick at her daughter's, Mrs. Ella Connell. Miss Ann Yule is there sick also with pneumonia.
Mrs. Trotter was summoned to Hickory Saturday by the serious sickness of her sister, Mrs. Frazier.
Richard Griggs, of Baraboo, Wis, made a short visit with friends here the first of the week.
Edwin Thom is home from school at Madison.
Mr. and Mrs. Niekirk will move to Chicago this week to make their home in that city.
Mr. Pantall returned Tuesday from a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Adams at Chicago Lawn. He brought his little granddaughter Bae home with him.
Roy Hughes went to the city Saturday morning.
The missionary meeting will be held at Mrs. Robert Strang's Thursday afternoon.
Leslie Bonner is home from school at Rochester.
Rev. Mr. Lee preached here last Sunday. There are very few better preachers than Mr. Lee.
Miss Kittie Smith, Mrs. Bater and Mrs. Yule went to Mrs. John Connell's Monday to see Mrs. Heddle and Miss Ann Yule. Both are very sick indeed. Miss Yule is gaining slowly however.
Miss Mamie Trotter has returned to her home in Chicago, after an extended vacation in this place
R. Pantall went to the city Saturday, returning on Tuesday.
Roy Hughes visited in Chicago Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. W. G. Thom returned Saturday from Dwight, Ill., accompanied by her mother, Mrs. S. A. Harris, who will spend some time here with her daughters.
Mrs. John Pollock who was seriously ill while with her daughter in the city, is now with her mother, Mrs. Watson, here.
Mrs. Richard Griggs of Baraboo, Wis., has been visiting at the home of W. B. Stewart.
Mrs. Trotter is at Hickory, caring for her sister, Mrs. Frazier, who is quite ill.
We are pleased to learn that Vera Miller, who has been in the German-American hospital at Chicago, returns home Saturday.
Mrs. Heddle of Somers, Wis., is very ill at her daughter's, Mrs. Conley.
Mrs. Eugene Clark is so improved in health that she was taken to her own home Tuesday.
Miss Carrie Bater is spending some time in Chicago.
H. B. Tower is entertaining a nephew from Boston.
Quite a number of the young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Trotter last Tuesday evening. A very pleasant social time was spent by all.
Several new hats were seen in our choir Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerity visited relatives in Waukegan Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Jamieson is entertaining very poor health.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb spent Saturday and Sunday in Waukegan.
Misses Alice Hagert and Lizzie Ryan visited at Wadsworth over Sunday.
Maude Cleveland is staying with Mrs. Geo. Strang and attending school.
Will Strang, of Fox Lake visited over Sunday with his mother, Mrs. George Strang.
Mr. Lee of Evanston occupied our pulpit Sunday. It is supposed he will be our future pastor.
Mrs. Neikirk and little daughter, of Chicago have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Thom.
The old Crokinole Club met in the Mason's Hall last Friday evening. Dancing was the main feature of the evening after which light refreshments were served. Music was furnished by the Millburn orchestra.
Mrs. Gerity gave a progressive euchre party last Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. Gerity's birthday. Although the weather was very unpromising a large crowd was present. After sixteen games of euchre was played an elaborate supper was served. The prizes were awarded to Mrs. McGuire, George Echinger, Mrs. Cummings and Mr. Tower. All present spent a very enjoyable evening and voted Mr. and Mrs. Gerity to be royal entertainers.
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