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Newspaper Clippings for
February, 1903

from Antioch News5 February 1903
Mrs. Jane McAllister Gives $20.000
to Lake County Hospital.
The ladies of the Lake County Hospital Association are jubilent, and their joy is seconded by citizens generally as they learn of the good fortune that has befallen the association. Friday the hospital association received formal notice that Mrs. Jane McAllister has donated $20,000 to the association for the erection of a new hospital building.
The years of arduous but indefatigable toil of the women of the hospital association have been crowned by happy results, and for the fruition of their fondest hopes, the erection of an adequate hospital building they receive the requisite aid from the hands of a woman, one by the way, to whom Waukegan has heretofore been indebted for generous benefactions, and whose generosity and public spiritedness is a splendid example.
The gift is without conditions other than that the building be erected upon the property where the present hospital is situated and it will be paid over on the architect's certificates as fast as the building progresses. The directors of the association will at once arrange for plans for the new building, the purpose being to utilize the present structure until one-half the new building is ready for occupancy.
In this her last benefaction Mrs. McAllister has chosen well. The hospital is a most worthy charity and with her munificent gifts Mrs. McAllister has done a work for good such as words cannot measure nor human consideration reward. To her the community stands greatly indebted, and the future hospital building will stand as a lasting memorial to one to whom the possession of worldly wealth was a recognized enlarged opportunity for the spreading of blessings to humanity.

The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Trude farm, 1 1/2 miles west of Millburn on Monday, February 16, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property to-wit: 3 horses, 1 bay gelding 8 years old: 1 bay gelding 6 years old; 1 bay gelding 2 years old; 1 heavy harness, new: 1 farm harness; 1 double driving harness, plated; 2 single harness, plated; 7 milch cows, 3 colors at foot; 5 heifers, 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; 3 heifers 1 year; 1 Short Horn bull, 18 months old: 10 spring calves; 1 brood sow; 8 ft. seeder; bob sleigh; Plano grain binder; Deering corn binder; Plano mower: horse rake; corn planter, new; double cultivator; single cultivator; 2 plows; 2 drags; feed cutter; lumber wagon; truck wagon; corn sheller; seed drill, hay rack; milk wagon; cream seperator; churn; milk cans; cream cans; butter jars; seed corn; millet seed; 1 stack of oats; feed; hay fork, rope and pulleys; grain sacks; tank heater; brooder; sundry tools; chairs; tables; bedsteads, mattresses etc. Lunch served at noon. The terms of sale are the same that usually apply to sales.
George Vogel, Auctioneer,
Thos. Salisbury, Proprietor.

Mr. Milliard occupied our pulpit Sunday.

Miss E. Mae Sheppard is reported on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews of Kenosha, visited at Herbert Mathews this week.

E. A. Martin and J. A. Strang and Mrs. R. L. Strang were Chicago visitors this week.

Mr. John Roberts spend Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Jameson's, returning home Monday morning accompanied by Geo. Jameson.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang, Sr., returned home Tuesday, after an absence of nearly four months.

Owing to the inclemency of the weather, quite a large crowd attended the Ladies Aid Society, held with Mrs. Geo. Strang. last week.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 7 February 1903
Mrs. Jane McAllister Responds to Request.
Yesterday Mrs. Jane McAllister, although at first strongly averse to doing so, came down town and sat for a picture especially for The Sun and its readers.
There is no picture of the aged and respected resident now in existence which truly represents her as she is today and in view of her most gracious act in giving the city a new hospital, The Sun felt it nearly a duty for her to permit the public to have a view of its benefactor.
She was seen at her home Thursday evening where she sat in her ordinary arm chair and when at first asked to pose for a picture declined with thanks.
However it was explained to her just how the public felt on the matter and while she insisted that her act was of no consequence, she finally agreed when the reporter that she owed it to an appreciative public and promised to go to the gallery yesterday.
It was the first time Mrs. McAllister has been down in a year and she arose early in order to prepare for the trip, which to her, with 85 years over her, was and arduous task.
When a Sun reported called for her at 11 o'clock she was ready. Mrs. McAllister walked briskly to the hack and few moments later posed before the camera. Indifferently yet with an apparent feeling of happiness, did the woman sit, gazing with dimmed eyesight at the reporter whom she said cheered her up more than if she should look at the customary "birdie."
The task over Mrs. McAllister returned to her home with a satisfied feeling. To some such an occurrence would not be hardly worth noticing. To Mrs. McAllister, it was one of the important events of the year.
The Sun was prompted to secure a picture of Mrs. McAllister on account of her munificent gift of $20,000 for the erection of a new hospital and believing that the public should know well the features of one who is willing to do much for the community. From the picture The Sun will have a half tone cut made and this, her latest likeness, will be given to its readers.

from Antioch News12 February 1903
The undersigned will sell at public auction on his farm on the south side of Loon Lake on Friday, Feb. 20, sale commencing at 10 o'clock, the following property: 200 ewe sheep: Bay mare 7 years old; 3 cows; 13 shoats; Pair trucks; cart; road wagon; wagon; McCormic binder and mower; McCormic corn harvester; pulverizer; Roller; Seeder; Sulky plow; sod plow; 2 drags; hay rake; corn planter; corn cultivator; pair of bob sleighs; cutter; hay rack; buzz saw; 2 sets dump planks, coal stove; cook stove; small coal heater; wood heater; sewing machine; wheel-barrow; fanning mill; large oil tank, with pump; Carter fence machine; 2 full blood Shropshire bucks; refrigerator; 2 single harness; 2 sets of double harness; double surry carriage, top new: 2 ladies saddles; stack of straw; some corn fodder; a quantity of corn in crib and many small articles to numerous to mention: 2 clover hullers will be offered at private sale. The usual terms of sale.
H. D. Hughes, Auctioneer.
A. T. White, Proprietor.

Wedding bells are ringing.

J. A. Strang shipped a car load of stock to Chicago Sunday evening.

Miss Emma Blood, of Chicago, is the guest of R. L. Smith & Co. this week.

Miss Carrie Bates gave a party in honor of her friend and guest, Miss Emily Wynn.

Miss Annie Hagerty is staying with Mrs. Pollock; during the absence of her sister Alice.

The Physical Culture Club met with Mrs. Wentworth last Friday. All reported a fine time.

Invitations are out for the marriage of John Trotter to Lizzie Irving, to occur on Feb., 18.

Mrs. Robert Strang, Sr. had the misfortune to fall and hurt her wrist badly, one bone being broken.

Mr. Williams, of Chicago, occupied our pulpit Sunday and favored us, both morning and evening, with a beautiful solo. It was immensely enjoyed by all.

The C. E. society will hold a Valentine social and Sweet Heart Tea in the Masonic hall Friday evening February 13. All are requested to bring your Valentines for the Valentine box. Don't forget the night.

from Antioch News19 February 1903
Thursday, Feb. 12, at the home of the bride's parents, in Millburn, occurred the marriage of Miss Maude Hughes, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes to Frank B. Kennedy, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kennedy , of Hickory. The bride was attended by Miss Mabel Yule and Roy Hughes. She was attired in white India linen and carried bride's roses. Rev. E. J. Aiken, of Antioch, officiated. About fifty guests were present who remembered the happy couple with many substantial presents. The happy couple left on a tour to Iowa city, Ia. The News with many friends extend congratulations.

from Antioch News26 February 1903
Miss Alice Hagerty is back to Mrs. Pollock's.

Miss Anna Popp, of Chicago is visiting with Mrs. Gerity.

Mr. Webb will work for J. A. Thain the coming summer.

Mr. Scott was here Sunday, he conducted services throughout the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webb will soon take posession of the Specht house.

J. A. Strang took a car load of sheep to Chicago Sunday night returning Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Trotter have returned from their wedding trip and are living in the Bain house.

Mrs. Pantall, Mrs. Wentworth, and Mrs. James Jamieson with several others are entertaining the La Grippe.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 26 February 1903
Teacher Finds It Impossible to Induce
Single Pupil to Remain.
Attendance Dwindled Down so that Teacher Locked Doors
An idea of the extensiveness of sickness in the county is seen in the fact that at one school in the vicinity of Lake Villa the teacher was obliged to close her work because no pupils were there to be taught.
It was at the Dodge school where sickness invaded the ranks of the pupils so extensively. Miss Alice Dodge is teacher and while the attendance continued to gradually decline last week the teacher held out to the very last.
Each day one or two dropped off.
At last Fred Congdon was the only one to arrive.
He wanted to go home, but the teacher told him to stick. The youngster did not like the idea, however, as he had nobody to whisper to, he received the concentrated attention of the teacher and therefore his school work became to strenuous.
Finally the boy induced the teacher to call off the attempt of holding school and she allowed him to go home.
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