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Newspaper Clippings for
June, 1902

from Antioch News5 June 1902
Miss Carrie Bater is visiting at Gurnee.

Mrs. Geo. Mitchell was a Waukegan visitor Thursday.

Mrs. W. Wentworth left Saturday morning for a short visit to Chicago.

Frank Wentworth informed me that he has sold all his tomato plants.

Herman Bock, of Antioch paid his pleasant annual visit here Friday.

Mrs. Watskie and family have returned after a short visit at Milwaukee.

Mrs. Robert Strang returned home Tuesday after a weeks visit in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart were present at the Missionary tea Wednesday.

C. B. Cummings has returned after a ten days visit with friends in Wisconsin.

The inspector has got his men at work and sidewalks are much improved.

Richard Pantall and W. F. Wentworth were visitors at the Fowler Farm Wednesday.

Robert Jamison, of Chicago is on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jamison.

Miss Alice Cunningham won the gold watch at the dance in Antioch Wednesday evening as the most popular young lady present.

E. A. Martin and Ralph Spafford attended the dance at Antioch Wednesday evening.

The thank offering and Missionary tea at the church Wednesday afternoon was largely attended.

Miss Stella Hardy, of Waukegan, was the guest of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell Wednesday and Thursday.

Miss Maggie Watson, of Chicago who has been visiting her mother and sister returned home Friday morning.

The meeting of the Literary Club at the parsonage Friday evening was a pleasant affair and a large attendance.

Mr. Norman Adams and Miss Mable Adams, of Chicago Lawn, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pantall.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 10 June 1902
Alice Jamieson was home from the city a few days recently.

Mrs. Thomas Anderson and children are expected from Kansas this week. She will spend the summer with her mother Mrs. George Strang and visit among friends.

Lawyer G. W. Roth of Sheldon, Iowa, called on Robert and John Strang and Mr. Pantall Monday. Mr. Roth is a successful lawyer in Sheldon, Iowa, he is also engaged extensively in real estate. He is a son of Joseph Roth a soldier in the civil war, a member of Capt. Blodgett's Co., 96th Regt. Ill., Volunteers.

Mrs. George Strang has just brought home a fine new surrey.

Mrs. Wm. Stewart has a beautiful new upright Chickering piano.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart attended church here Sunday.

Mrs. Wm. Kerr and Mrs. John Hughes of Lake Villa attended church here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strang and son Victor were in the city on business Monday.

W. B. Stewart, Loyd White and R. L. Strang all have new top buggies.

from Antioch News12 June 1902
Miss K. L. Smith was a Chicago visitor Thursday.

The Ladies Aid society will meet with Mrs. Bater Thursday afternoon.

William B. Stewart returned Thursday from a two weeks visit in Iowa.

Warren Wentworth Brown, of Chicago, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth.

E. A. Martin and John M. Strang transacted business in Waukegan Monday.

Richard Pantall returned Wednesday evening after a few days visit to Chicago.

Mrs. Robert Strang entertained the Ladies Missionary society Friday afternoon.

The new hotel, corner Sheehan street and McCann avenue, will be open about July 1.

Rev. Geo. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell were Chicago visitors Thursday and Friday.

Mrs. George Strang, after a visit of two weeks in Kansas and Iowa, has returned home.

Mrs. Archibald Brown, of Chicago, was a guest of Mrs. Wentworth Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levoy have taken the Jane Anderson cottage in Newport for the summer.

John M. Strang, after an absence of six months in California, returned home on Saturday.

C. B. Cummings returned Monday evening from Burlington, Wis, where he had been on business.

P. A. Conrad and Neil McMillan will speak to the young men at the church on Saturday evening.

Mrs. H. B. Mathews returned home Wednesday after a ten days trip through central Illinois on business.

Thursday morning a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan. Mother and daughter doing well.

Earnest White, who has been attending school at the university of Illinois at Champaign, is home on his vacation.

George Jamison, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Jamison was prostrated by a lighting stroke during the storm Friday afternoon but is now able to be out again.

From a loose obituary, source unknown 16 June 1902
Mrs. Carrie May Spafford (nee Williams) was born in Antioch in 1871. On July 7, 1895, she was married to Mr. Sumner Spafford. She united with the Methodist church January 22, 1893, where she was a good and useful member. Mrs. Spafford, together with her husband, who for some years was leader of the choir, took an active part in the music of the church. The last public act of her life was to play at the X-mas exercises in 1899. This was the last time she ever attended divine services at the church. She grew rapidly worse from this time until she went to Denver, Colorado, April 14, 1900. Here she rallied some, but for one and a half years she never walked a step, and for six months preceding her death she never sat up. All hoped that she would recover, and news was anxiously awaited here from time to time. On the 30th of May Mr. and Mrs. Williams went to their daughter at Denver where they remained with her until the end. Mrs. Spafford died June 16th, in glorious christian triumph. She often expressed a desire to go, only wishing to remain because of loved ones. She leaves besides her immediate family a host of warm friends who will always remember her kindly.
The funeral services were held at the old homestead Thursday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. E. J. Aikin officiating. He took for his text [ed. note. Omitted]. Mr. Aikin said in part: "Our sister has exchanged a tent for a mansion, a crumbling tabernacle for a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Paul says. "We know." He knew how frail the body is, and so he calls a tent or tabernacle. When death pulls down this tent in which the Christian lives, then it is that we get a glimpse of the Mansion of God. Our sister knew that if the tabernacle in which she lived were taken down she had a building of God. Driving storms beat upon her, for she was a great sufferer. But when she died it was one the taking down of the tent-house.
She was a child of the day; a child of the king. While your eyes are filled with tears, her's are beholding the splendor of her eternal home.
The beautiful casket, covered with a wealth of flowers, was carried by six young men from the house to the grave where it was reverently placed.
To the bereaved husband and family the most sincere sympathy is extended.
from Antioch News19 June 1902
Arthur Spafford has returned to Denver, Colorado.

Mrs. Elmer Cannon was a Waukegan visitor Monday.

Miss Kittie L. Smith was in Chicago on Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. Cain, of Dorchester, Mass., is visiting Mrs. and Miss Bater.

Wm. B. Stewart took a trip to Evanston on business on Thursday.

Miss Mabel Yule, of Solon, Wis., is visiting Mrs. Robert Strang.

Mrs. Adams, of Chicago Lawn, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Pantall's.

Mrs. Jamison, of St. Louis, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.

John M. Strang has reopened his store with an entire new stock of goods.

Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, of McHenry, were guests of Miss Carrie Bater over Sunday.

E. A. Martin, Miss Carrie Bater and Mrs. W. B. Stewart were Chicago visitors Thursday.

The party who picked up the Chicago platform, 16 to 1 knife is known; he had better return it.

Rev. G. A. Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell attended the wedding of Miss Hardie at Waukegan last week.

Twenty-five members of Millburn Congregational church attended the June conference at Rockefeller last week.

The horse stolen from the stable of John M. Strang one year ago was found at Burlington, Wis., last week and returned to Mr. Strang.

The following is the program of the sixtieth anniversary of the Millburn Congregational church which will be held June 20th to the 23rd: (ed. note: program omitted)

from Antioch News26 June 1902
There was a very large attendance at all the meetings.

Mr. C. B. Cummings attended the Darby at Washington Park Saturday.

John Strang recovered the harness that was stolen from him last June.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Strang, of Fox Lake visited friends here Sunday.

Miss Harden and Miss Haycock, of Antioch paid a short visit here Tuesday.

E. A. Martin and Ralph Spafford attended the dance at Antioch Tuesday evening.

Miss Alice Jamison, of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jamison.

Rev. Mr. Sheldon, of Oklahoma, who was conducting revival meetings, was suddenly called home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Yager and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Waukegan, attended church here Sunday and were the guests of Mrs. and Miss Bater.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams, Miss Mabel Adams and Mrs. Jones, of Chicago Lawn attended the anniversary services and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pantall.

The many friends of Mr. George Stewart of Waukegan, will be grieved to learn that while attending to his duties as chairman of the Anniversary Celebration at the Millburn church on Saturday last, was stricken with paralysis, he was removed to the home of his brother, Wm. B. Stewart where he is receiving the best of care from his wife, brother and sister and they have telegraphed for his daughter Florence. Dr. Knight, of Waukegan, his family physician is attending him assisted by Dr. Jamison of Millburn.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 28 June 1902
The great event: The church jubilee; the 60th anniversary of the organization of the Millburn Congregational church, which has been on the minds of the people since last January is a thing of the past. It began last Friday night. Rev. Mr. Talmage, of Waukegan preached the opening sermon Saturday morning. All the ministers and invited guests were present for the morning session. After the opening exercises and the ministers had spoken a few minutes, Mrs. Fannie Jamieson read the church history, which was highly interesting to all present. After the reading reminiscences were called for, some of which caused a good deal of merriment, when Mr. Bonner and Geo. Stewart told how in the early days they used to come to church in lumber wagons with ox teams, and on their way home they would test the speed of those ox teams to see who would get home to dinner first. Tell it not in Gath, those pious folks would never run races on the Sabbath day. Some of the boys did not look like fashion plates, when they came to church in the early days, being in their shirt sleeves and bare-footed. Shirt waists had not come in fashion in the 40's. As dinner was to be served in the Mason's Hall and it drew near the time for that agreeable exercise, our chairman, Mr. Geo. Stewart put all in a very good humor by announcing that he had received a wireless message, saying dinner was now ready in the hall. The amount of provisions brought there, was a sight to behold. There was so much on hand that the ladies decided to have supper there also. Soon after the opening of the afternoon session, Geo. Stewart, our beloved, genial chairman had a stroke of paralysis and was carried from the church in an unconscious state, which cast a gloom over the entire audience. After a short consultation it was deemed or thought best to go on with the meetings, as so many had come from a distance. Dr. Tompkins gave a very fine discourse Saturday afternoon. Sunday morning the church was packed to hear a Millburn boy preach, Rev. Dr. A. R. Thain of Wauwatosa, Wis., formerly editor of the Advance. All were delighted with the noble soldier preacher. We remember when he went to the war and we remember when he came home. We always think he must be like Daniel Webster. The anniversary was a general time of rejoicing and meeting old and dear friends, except for Mr. Stewart's sudden and serious illness, which brought grief to all.
He is at W. B. Stewarts .....
Those who came from a distance to attend the anniversary were: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Thain, Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Rev. and Mrs. Talmage, Rev. Mr. Millard and Miss Florence Millard, Mrs. Annie Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Adams, Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Tukey, Miss Alice Jamieson, Mrs. Eugene Strang and son George and others too numerous to mention.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo Stevens and family have gone to Joliet on a visit to Mrs. Steven's people.

Robert Pollock made his father and mother a short visit the first of the week.

Mrs. Hardie is visiting her sister, Mrs. Scott Levoy.

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell visited here a few days among old friends.

Mr. James Anderson and his daughter and son were up to the church celebration Sunday. All were much interested in Mr. Anderson's statement of his association and relation with Millburn and this church.

Ralph Spafford sang a solo Sunday morning which greatly delighted every one present. It was an anthem and Emma Spafford played the accompaniment.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bater, of Waukegan, were out to hear Mr. Thain's sermon which was grand and helpful. Of course the Millburn choir were prepared for this great occasion and acquitted themselves with honor.

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