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Newspaper Clippings for
March, 1902

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 5 March 1902
As Written by Officiating Clergyman
Which Was Recently A Center
of General Interest in Millburn
Like the Cana of Galilee, Millburn is a quaint old town, of Scotch and Yankee amalgam, whose one Congregational church in June next, will celebrate its 60th anniversary, as planted by Rev. Flavel Bascom of Chicago, for a time agent of the A. H. M. S. Up there, as in Cana, a marriage of state would be a notable event. And so it proved. It was to be at the church; everybody was invited; the caterer was brought up from Chicago, and places were provided for 250 people; and so the organist for the wedding march, and twenty guests, old Millburnites, were also brought up from the metropolis, with divers ______ such from Waukegan, Racine and other points, while a half a dozen hacks were kept plying back and forth during the day, between the railway station five miles away and the dear old home center. Was it not the pastor who was to be the groom, and was it not their own Jessie M. Jamieson who had grown up among them, winsome, witty and wise, church organist and C. E. worker, also the mistress of a fine farm well stocked? Never such a marriage in Millburn before. House crowded: to the measured step of the march, up one aisle come the best man, Rev. S. W. Chidester and the prospective groom, with his dominie, Rev. J. E. Roy, and up the other two sweet little tots with hands full of maritel flowers preceed the bride-elect, in traveling dress; and then the ceremonial which never loses its place in the human soul, crowned with the placing of the ring, seal of the covenant, fit emblem of the union of hearts, and the happy couple pronounced husband and wife, Mr. and Mr. George A. Mitchell. Then such country greeting such gusto in the receiving of refresh _______ country fellowship. And off go the bridal pair for a honey-moon down south. The abounding bridal presents will last a life time.

from Antioch News6 March 1902
The ushers acted like old hands at the business.

Mrs. Mathews is expected home soon from California.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris have returned to Chicago to reside.

Mrs. Norman Adams and family have returned to Chicago Lawn.

Mr. Watz has rented the farm northwest of the village owned by Mr. Harris.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bain, of Lake Villa, were also present at the wedding.

Mrs. Wm. B. Stewart and Miss Carrie Bater are custodians of the Wednesday presents.

The Rev. Mr. Millard, of Lawndale, occupied the pulpit last Sunday in the absence of Rev. George Mitchell.

The ushers in the hurry filled the wrong carpet-bag with rice. But I suppose the Rev. Mr. Chidester was pleased.

Mrs. Ward Bain, Mrs. Frank Yule, of Somers, and Mrs. Wm. Mavor, of Chicago, were guests of Mrs. Robert Strang last week. They were present at the wedding.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 07 March 1902
Miss Jane Anderson, of Millburn, a sister of Mr. Anderson of Lake Forest died suddenly at her home Thursday morning, Mar. 6. She lived alone, her home being not far from Dr. Taylor's residence.
The last seen of the deceased alive was Thursday morning when she was seen by her neighbors hanging up clothes in the yard at her home. Later in the day Mrs. Taylor went to call on her and found her lying dead.
Miss Anderson was a superior Christian woman, highly esteemed and much beloved by all who knew her.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 10 March 1902
In the absence of Rev. Mr. Mitchell Rev. Norman Millard of Lawndale occupied the pulpit last Sunday morning and evening and will remain during the week. His subject next Sunday morning and evening is: The life and times of Enoch, as related to the doctrine of evolution and other present day problems. Morning and evening, Norman A. Millard.

Rev. Thaddeus Smith visited his sister, Mrs. Minto, and preached here a week ago last Sunday. He was listened to with great interest. He is a superior looking man and a fine preacher. Mrs. Smith and his son Howard were with him. He has had a call to Nebraska and has accepted it and is now in his new field of ministerial work.

Mrs. Jessie Thom has been quite sick the past week. Lucy Spafford is caring for her.

This morning word came by telegram to Mrs. White of the death of John Alexander Kerr, of Livingston, Montana. He was the son of John A. Kerr and Alice Matthews Kerr. He was a fine young man twenty two years old last Jan. His mother and stepfather, Rev. V. F. Clark, are now on their way to bury him beside his father who passed away at 26 years of age.

Mr. McGuire has moved to his new home on the Hill farm and is having some repairs and changes made in the house.

Mr. Hendee moves this week from the Bain farm to Grass Lake.

Mrs. Pantall gave a John Trotter party Tuesday evening. All rejoice over his recovery.

Mrs. Wm. Marvor of Chicago came to the wedding. Also Mrs. Ward Bain and Mrs. Frank Yule of Somers.

Dr. and Mrs. Tombaugh and George Stewart and wife, also Mrs. George Hardie and daughter Lois and Miss Lulu Thain, all of Waukegan were at the wedding.

Mrs. Peter Fisher and Miss Josie Fisher, Vinnie Jamison, Alice Mitchell and Miss Belle and Maggie Robertson of Kenosha came to the wedding.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams of Chicago Lawn, also Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Gates, Mrs. Deacon Richard, Mrs. Arthur Jones and Mrs. Cain all came to the wedding. Rev. J. E. Roy of Chicago Miss Jessie Margaret Strang and Rev. George Albert Mitchell, pastor of the Milburn church. The wedding day dawned most auspiciously. The eastern sky was radiant with beautiful colors which was intensified by a glorious sun rise. The committee of arrangements were early on the "tapis" and soon carriages, surreys and buggies could be seen hurrying to the station to bring the wedding guests from north and south. E. A. Martin was master of ceremonies, Guy Hughes, Lloyd White and Bruce Stephens were the ushers. Miss Jack of Chicago played the wedding march. The church was beautifully decorated with smilax, palms and flowers. The blinds were closed and the lights turned on which gave a very pretty effect. E. A. Martin and Bruce Stephens came first and took their places at the right, next came the little flower girls, Pearl Hughes and Dorothy Barstow. Then Miss Lois Hardie of Waukegan and Miss Jessie, while the bridegroom accompanied by his attendant, Rev. Chidester, proceeded by Rev. J. E. Roy came up the north aisle, Loyd White and Guy Hughes having taken their places at the left. The ceremony was a most beautiful one, and the placing of the wedding ring was a matter of interest. After congratulations all were again seated and excellent ice cream with different kinds of cake was served by a Chicago caterer. Hundreds of invitations were sent out, enough responded to fill the church from the doors to the last seat in front of the pulpit, while some were looking down from the lecture room. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell have gone West on a four weeks wedding tour. They will call on Rev. Homer Parker a former pastor of this church and on her cousin, Mrs. Dr. H. O. Leonard of Kansas City and on her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Hughes, formerly Joan Trotter, also on Mrs. Thomas Anderson, of Iola, Kansas. The parsonage is being put in repair for them while they are away. The wedding gifts were left at Mrs. Geo. Strangs. A great many of the guests went over form the church to view the beautiful and rare collection too numerous to mention, some from far away friends, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Strang, of Phoenix, Arizona, sent a very fine Turkish rug.

A gentleman from Waukegan was so well pleased with the "master of ceremonies" that he has spoken to him to take charge of his wedding which perhaps will occur soon.

from Antioch News13 March 1902
The decorators are at work on the parsonage.

E. A. Martin was in Chicago Monday and Tuesday.

After all the talk, will we get a new village hall?

Mrs. Irma Strang was a Lake Villa visitor Monday.

Frank Yule, of Somers, is spending a few days here.

Mrs. Richard Pantall entertained a part of young people Wednesday evening.

Miss Carrie Bater and Mrs. Elmer Cannon were Chicago visitors Wednesday.

Street Superintendent, W. B. Stewart, is busy looking after repairs on side walks.

Letters from Rev. Geo. Mitchell announce their safe arrival at King Fisher, Oklahoma.

Mr. Hendee who has occupied the Bain farm the past two years has rented the Trieger farm at Grass Lake.

The Rev. Mr. Clarke, of Livingston, Montana, is expected to occupy the pulpit at the Congregational church next Sunday.

The sudden death of Miss Jane Anderson, Thursday morning cast a gloom over the village. The funeral took place from the church Saturday noon and was largely attended.

from a Waukegan paper 25 March 1902
Mr. and Mrs. John Thain and little son visited Waukegan Wednesday.

Alfred McDougall, of Chicago, is visiting his uncle Bob, and they started for Grass Lake Wednesday on a hunting and fishing expedition.

Rev. V. F. Clark was so nearly sick that he was not able to preach last Sunday. A sermon was read by Miss Annie McCredie, and the usual Sunday School was held.

There was a "Church History" committee meeting held at Mrs. Robert Strang's, Sr., Wednesday. A history of Millburn Congregational church is being written up for the jubilee to be held in June. It brings to light self-sacrificing labors of noble lives long since passed away. The history dates back to 1840-41.

John Wedge is again on his feet. He has been sick nearly all winter, but now able to ride out and go around some every day.

Miss Rena Minto will come from Beloit College next Tuesday for a week's vacation.

Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Clark started for their home in Livingston, Montana, Tuesday.

Messrs. Gerred & Webb will hold their sale next Monday.

Billie Thom has moved on to the old Bain farm which he bought of their heirs.

Mrs. Eva Tourtellotte, of Missouri, came Tuesday to see her sister, Mrs. John Wedge. She had been to Marshfield, Wis., to take care of her young daughter who was visiting friends there and had a very severe sickness of seven weeks.

James Ryan will work for John Thain the coming year, having moved his family into the Christana Speck house.

Mr. and Mrs. James O'Hare, recently married, and have set up housekeeping on the Gilmore farm. She was Viola Lucas.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 28 March 1902
Alice and Helen Dodge, from Rochester Academy, came home last Friday for a short vacation.

John Bonner, who has been quite sick the last two weeks, is reported some better.

Miss Susie Lucas has closed her school for a week's vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are expected home this week from their wedding tour.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lucas have a little son about a week old.

Una Minto is home from Beloit college for a week's vacation.

Maud and Guy Hughes are in the city visiting their cousins Flora and Belle Mavor.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strang went to Lake Villa last Sunday to church.

James Kasick died at Mr. Sutherland's last Thursday, Mar. 20, 1902, aged 84 years. He came to this country two yeas ago with Mr. Sutherland, he being his brother-in-law. The funeral was held last Saturday afternoon. Burial in Millburn cemetery.

Frank Clark is slowly recovery from his serious injury.

Mr. Pantall and Bae Adams went to Chicago Lawn, Friday.

Mrs. Norman Adams, of Chicago Lawn, gave a reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mitchell, Thursday afternoon.

Wanted--Young men 18 to 23 years old, to learn a well paying trade in factory in Lake County. Will take two each week and pay them $6 each per week for the first two weeks and will then pay them $8 to $18 per week, according to skill. Only steady, reliable men wanted. This is one chance in a thousand to learn with a reliable concern a good trade. We have many men now making $25 per week. Apply First National Bank, Waukegan. Being references.

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