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Newspaper Clippings for
November, 1901

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 06 November 1901
Mrs. Wentworth came home a from the city Tuesday, after three week's visit.

Sarah Browe, of Elgin, is the guest of Mrs. Wm. White.

Missionary Meeting will be held at Miss Anderson's Wednesday afternoon.

Contrary to all expectations John Trotter is still living and likely to recover. Dr. Jamison has been in constant attendance day and night; also his brothers, Fred and Bert Trotter.

Mrs. Walter Palmer is expected home from the hospital in Chicago where she has been a long time. Her little children will rejoice to have their mother home again.

Mr. and Mrs. August Winnecke, of Barrington, visited a few days recently with Mrs. Henry Winnecke and family of this place.

John Thain and Fred Heddle returned from Buffalo, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mead were at the Pan American two weeks ago.

Miss Florence Millard, of Chicago, is expected at Mrs. Pantall's, Friday.

Geo. Duncans will move this week to his new home on Wm. Chope's farm.

Mr. Harris was here last Friday. He wishes to have a council called from the five Congregational churches of Lake county to decided what shall be done. It is learned from higher church authority, that this church must decide that first.

Mr. Tidmarsh, father of Blanche Tidmarsh, died in a Chicago hospital recently and was buried at Sand Lake.

Mrs. Dr. Taylor went to Milwaukee Tuesday to visit a few days with her brother, John King and family.

Chauncy Edwards is moving back to Russell.

Mrs. Libbie Bonner, of Russell, spent a day with Mrs. John Bonner, since she returned from the Pan American.

from Antioch News07 November 1901
The wedding has again been postponed.

Mrs. Wentworth returned from Chicago Wednesday.

E. A. Martin was a Waukegan visitor Friday.

Ed Taylor, of Chicago was here for a short visit Saturday.

Mrs. Dr. Taylor returned home Thursday from a visit to Milwaukee.

Another meeting at the church Wednesday in the Harris matter.

Hon. Geo. B. Stephens and family were Waukegan visitors Friday.

Mrs. Walter Palmer returned from Chicago much improved in health.

Mrs. Thos. McCann returned home Saturday from a short visit to Chicago.

Emerson Ingalls of Oak Park paid a short visit to his farm here last week.

Don't forget the grand entertainment at the Millburn church Thanksgiving eve Nov. 28th.

James Pollock attended the Logan dinner at the Grand Pacific hotel Chicago last week.

Mrs. Laura Brigham and Miss Willard of Chicago are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pantall.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Humphery will shortly leave for California to remain during the winter.

Mrs. Mathews who was expected home has decided to remain in California during the winter.

The arrival Monday morning of a son and daughter to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gentry was a surprise.

from Antioch News14 November 1901
The star boarder has departed for the west.

Lewis R. Dyer left for Chicago on Thursday.

Eugene Clark, of Antioch, has rented and moved on the Jessie Strang farm.

Mrs. John Hughes returned Friday from a weeks visit at Somers, Wis.

The Ladies Aid Society meet with Mrs. Dr. Taylor Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cummings took in the horse show at Chicago last week.

John M. Strang and E. A. Martin were Chicago visitors Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart and Miss Carrie Bater were Chicago visitors Friday.

Miss Kittie L. Smith visited the flower show at the Auditorium, Chicago, last week.

Ralph Spafford returned Monday from Chicago where he has been the past week on important business.

At the meeting of the members of the Congregational Church last Wednesday it was voted to expel Rev. Sheldon A. Harris from membership of the church, the vote standing 27 to 2.

Mrs. Robert Strang, Sr., celebrated her 82d birthday Sunday last. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mavor, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bain, Somers, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yule, Somers, Wis.

Thomas Rilley, who resides near Millburn, had the misfortune to have his hand caught in a corn shredder one day last week and had three fingers of his right hand taken off.

loose clipping, source unknown 16 November 1901
Charles Wedge Passes Away Singing.
Last Verse Addressed to Mother
who has been Dead Many Years.
One of the most touching death bed scenes ever occurring in this vicinity was that at the death bed of Charles Wedge Friday night. The Chicago Chronicle very fittingly describes the scene as follows:
From three days of unconsciousness Charles Wedge of North Chicago suddenly rallied Friday night at his home, sat up in bed, sang a verse of "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and fell back upon the pillow dead.
Wedge has been ill with typhoid fever for several weeks. He became weaker and weaker, until her could not lift his hand. Finally he lapsed into unconsciousness and for three days his life was despaired of.
On the night of his death the members of his family had gathered about his bedside, expecting the end at any minute. The sick man's breathing became fainter and fainter and the watchers had just about decided that breath had left the body when the patient sat bolt upright in bed and began to sing.
Though he had never been known to sing before, the touching words of the old hymn poured from his lips in a volume and melody that startled the watchers. They could not believe that a man who but a moment before had been unable to move could sing with such sweetness.
On through the first verse of the hymn the singer went, while the watchers sat in awe. Then, turning to his wife, the sick man grasped her hand and appeared as if about to speak. He said nothing, however, but in a moment began to sing again.
The tune was still the same, - of the old hymn which has been the last consolation of President McKinley, and many others who were about to pass into the great unknown – but the words were different. From some unknown spring of information there came poetry, fitting into the cadence of the tune.
The dying man was addressing his mother, The burden of the song was that he saw the angels and heard them calling him on and that he would meet her across the river.
When the song was ended the dying man held on his hands as if reaching for something and then sank back on his pillow dead.
Mrs. Wedge was very much affected by the touching deathbed scene. She became hysterical and had to be comforted by other members of the family until a physician was called to attend her.
Mrs. Otis Harvey, as sister in law of the dead man, was present at his death.
"We had never known Charles to sing before," she said. " It had always been understood that he had no voice. On the last night of his life, however, he sang as I have never heard a person sing before. The voice was not his. I am sure that there was some divine influence speaking through him, giving a message to those he left behind.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily Sun 18 November 1901
Rev. Sheldon A. Harris, the former pastor at Millburn Congregational church who through a certain loan association which he organized in the locality and in which he got many Lake County people interested financially, is again springing into promence through he has not lately been back to his former pastures.
Rev. Harris, since leaving this vicinity, was made vice president of the Illinois State Federation of Labor.
It is announced that Rev. Harris and his son Rev. Edward A. Harris are behind a movement of most novel features.
It is stated positively in and about Chicago that in a few weeks Illinois will have the most novel trades union in existence. It will be composed of ministers of the gospel, with headquarters in Dwight.
Three preachers are members of the Dwight Federal Labor Union, and as soon as two more are taken into the fold it is proposed to form a Ministers' Protective Union and apply for a charter to the American Federation of Labor.
With the two Harris pastors is associate Rev. E. F. Wright also of Dwight. All are Congregational pastors.

from Antioch News21 November 1901
C. Cummings is in Chicago for a weeks stay.

Col. W. B. Stewart was a Lake Forest visitor last week.

Mr. Robert Strang left for Chicago Sunday for a few days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pantall left Thursday morning for Chicago.

The third installment of furniture arrived for Ed. Martin Monday.

Mr. John Wentworth who has been quite ill is improving slowly.

The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. Geo. Strang Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Jessie Thom was elected treasurer of the Ladies Aid society at their last meeting.

Mrs. Lawrence left Tuesday for Taber, Iowa, to remain with her daughter during the winter.

Mrs. Wentworth entertained the members of the Physical Culture society, Friday afternoon.

The grand concert given under the directions of Mr. Starkweather will take place thanksgiving evening, Nov. 28.

Chas. Wedge, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wedge, who died in Waukegan, Saturday, was buried in Millburn cemetery Monday afternoon.

The following from the Chicago Tribune of Nov. 17 may be of interest to many of your readers. The Rev. S. Harris, pastor of the Congregational Church at Dwight, Ill., and formerly in charge of a church of the same denomination at Millburn, has been expelled from the Millburn church because of an alleged fraudulent investment scheme conducted by him. Members of the church are said to have invested heavily and many of them say that they are unable to get back their money. Harris, who protested that his dealings were honest and business like, last April was suspended from the church for six months. At the expiration of the time he was expelled by a vote of 27 to 2. Since locating in Dwight the Rev. Mr. Harris has attracted notice by joining a labor union and advocating the formation of a clergyman's union.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 25 November 1901
Miss Aggie Bonner visited in the city and at Rogers Park with relatives a few days last week returning home Thursday.

Ward Bain, of Somers, was here Monday to bid his friends who are starting on a long journey for the winter, goodby.

Rev. J. E. Roy who preached the dedication sermon of this church Jan. 6, 1966, will preach here next Sunday morning Nov. 24th. All should come out to hear him. It is a rare opportunity to hear a man like Mr. Roy.

Mr. and Mrs. John Monteath Strang started Tuesday the 19th for Phoenix, Arizona, and southern California. Mrs. Strang is out of health and hopes to recover before her return.

Mrs. Lawrence starts Thursday for Tabor, Iowa, to spend the winter with her daughter Margaret.

Miss Anderson returned from her visit in Waukegan Tuesday.

Fred Heddle is doing some carpenter work for Elmer Cannon. There is a long distance telephone now at Dr. Farhney's.

All were sorry to hear of Charles Wedge's death at North Chicago. The burial was quite largely attended here Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wedge have the sympathy of their friends in the loss of so many of their grown children, two daughter and the oldest son.

Mr. Ingalls has a Mr. Van Patten and his family on his farm. They are from Wisconsin.

Word comes of the death of Joseph Stedman of Gurnee. He lived and worked at his trade a great many years in this vicinity and was widely known and had many warm friends who are truly sorry to hear of his death. He was a pleasant man of few words and great dispatch in his business. His wife died many years ago.

from Antioch News28 November 1901
The twins are just splendid.

John Trotter is much better again.

Maude Bain paid a flying visit here Tuesday.

Arthur Spafford returned from Chicago, Thursday.

John J. Burke, of Antioch, was a visitor Tuesday.

Ralph Spafford is in Chicago and will remain some weeks.

The Strang store is closed for the first time in forty-five years.

The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. Bater Thursday afternoon.

Emerson Ingalls, of Oak Park was a visitor Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang are in Chicago and will remain some weeks.

Celia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, died suddenly at her home Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Strang left Tuesday for Phoenix, Arizona, where they will spend the winter.

It is reported that the Ladies Sewing society are making clothes to send to Miss Stone in Bulgaria.

On Thursday afternoon and evening, Dec. 19, the Ladies Aid society will give a supper and sale of Christmas goods, at the church. All are cordially invited to attend.

The adjustors for the Millburn Insurance company, were in town (ed. Note: Antioch) adjusting the fire loss on the Williams Bros, property, that was destroyed by fire last week.

On Tuesday, at the Cook county hospital Chicago, occurred the death of Thomas Rilley, who resided near Millburn, and who some two weeks ago had the misfortune to have his hand caught in a corn shredder, and as a result of his injuries blood poison set in from the effect of which he died as above stated. Mr. Rilley leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his untimely death.

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