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Newspaper Clippings for
July, 1901

from Antioch News04 July 1901
The path masters are doing very good work on the roads.

Full dress suits are now worn by the ushers at the church.

Emerson Ingalls of Oak Park arrived Monday for a week's visit.

Col. C. B. Clayton, of Chicago is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth's.

E. A. Martin and Miss Kittie L. Smith were Chicago visitors last week.

James Jamison and Geo. Gerely were Waukegan visitors last Saturday.

Mr. Richard Pantall returned Wednesday from a week's visit at Quincy, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor, Chicago, are visiting their parents, Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.

Miss Alice G. Judson, president, Physical Culture Society, who has been quite ill, is much better.

There was a large attendance at the Thank Offering meeting and Missionary Tea Thursday afternoon and evening.

from the Waukegan Daily Sun 9 July 1901
Richard Pantall Sundayed in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan spent a part of last week in Lake Forest.

Mr. Starkweather has been visiting old scenes and friends a few days.

Mrs. John Strang and Miss Belle Watson drove to Waukegan last week Wednesday.

Rev. Mr. Mitchell will occupy a suite of rooms in the home of Mrs. Geo. Strang.

Mrs. Wm. Marvor of Chicago visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strang Sr., last week.

Miss Addie Alexander of Chicago has been visiting at the homes of Mesdames Bater and Bonner.

Messrs. John Strang and Ed Martin were early morning passengers for Chicago last week Monday.

Dr. Jamison has been sampling lagrippe but not liking it, he declined to order a supply for future personal use.

Miss Kate Vandevere returned to Chicago Tuesday after a short visit at the home of Will Mitchell and his "gude wife."

The old center chandelier of the church as become a thing of the past. Five new Rochester burners and a choir lamp will replace it.

As we go to press the Farmers' Institute is being held. The ladies of the church served dinner and supper yesterday between sessions. The Institute closes this afternoon.

On Wednesday evening of last week the church society met to take final action in the matter of securing a permanent minister. The opposition if any such existed, not materializing, the motion to call the Rev. Mr. Mitchell of Chicago Lawn at a salary of $?00 per annum, was carried almost unanimously. Mr. Mitchell occupied the pulpit Sunday and signified his acceptance the call.

from Antioch News11 July 1901
Rev. Geo Mitchell spent part of the week at Fox Lake.

Miss Hemmingway, Chicago, visited Mrs. Trotter Monday.

Miss Gertie Mavor, Chicago, paid a flying visit here Friday.

Dr. Homer E. Jamison was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday.

Miss Hughes of Antioch has been visiting Mrs. Irma Strang.

Fred Trotter and Roy Hughes of Chicago came up for the 4th.

Col. Clayton and Frank Wentworth were Antioch visitors Friday.

Arthur Spafford, who has been absent several weeks returned Thursday.

Fourth of July was very quiet, nearly all the people going to Gray's lake For the day.

Miss Taylor and Miss Low of Chicago, were the guests of Miss Carrie Bater last week.

Mrs. Robt. Jamison, Chicago, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jamison.

A very pleasant hay rack party was given by Miss Jessie Strang and others at Hasting's Lake Tuesday evening.

E. A. Martin, Jno. Trotter and others were in Waukegan attending a Masonic convention Monday afternoon and evening.

Rain stopped the fire works Thursday and the exhibit was postponed until Saturday evening, when it came off in grand style.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 12 July 1901
Miss Low and Miss Maime Taylor of Chicago visited their cousin Carrie Bater and their aunt Mrs. Bater a few days and returned to the city Monday.

Miss Lula Thain of Waukegan is visiting at her brother John's.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stewart of Chicago and Lotta Wright were all visitors at Mrs. Smith's over the 4th remaining until Monday.

Rev. Thaddeus Smith of Austin near Chicago visited his sister Mrs. David Minto and attended church here last Sunday.

Ray Tombaugh and L. G. and Mrs. Stewart all of Waukegan were here Sunday.

Mrs. Dr. Tombaugh and Mrs. D. P. Miller were visitors at Mrs. Pantall's last Friday.

All were delighted to see Mr. and Mrs. Starkweather in the choir last Sunday.

Gertie Mavor was at Druces Lake last week. She called on her aunt Mrs. J. M. Strang one day.

Richard Thain and family are at Druces Lake. They have taken a cottage there.

Mrs. Wm. Hockaday is a guest at Mrs. Bater's.

Mrs. Winneikee started Wednesday for Norah, Ill., to visit her brother Scott Levoy. She will remain with them a while as Mrs. Levoy is sick.

Lois Hardie of Waukegan was out to her uncle John Thain's Wednesday with Ida and Helen Thain of Oak Park who are rusticating at Druces Lake.

Word comes from Marshfield, Wis., of a destructive fire that destroyed the large business house of Thomas Wright and Frank Strang. It was a three story frame building with a great deal of machinery and employed a large number of men. The insurance is small while the loss goes up to many thousand dollars. Their business was making doors, sash, blinds and inside finishings for houses. They had many large contracts which they will have to fill. George Strang is a Millburn boy and all will feel sorry to hear of his loss.

Mrs. Dr. Taylor has been quite sick the last few days.

Mrs. Murrie and Mabel went to Wadsworth for the 4th.

The display of fire works which was deferred the 4th on account of the rain was given Saturday night. There was a very large crowd present and the display was fine. They took in thirty dollars for ice cream.

from Antioch News18 July 1901
Miss Gerety is visiting in Chicago.

Miss Blood of Chicago, is a guest of W. B. Stewart.

Robert Jamison returned to Chicago Saturday morning.

Two trips in one day to Druce Lake must mean something.

Miss Blanche Yule of Somers is the guest of Mrs. Irma Strang.

E. A. Martin and C. B. Clayton were Waukegan visitors Thursday.

Mrs. Dr. Farhney and family, Chicago, are at the Farm for the Summer.

Jno. Trotter and E. A. Martin attended services at Zion Sunday afternoon.

Miss Jessie Strang and Miss Libby Jamison were visitors to Waukegan Friday.

A small party of Millburnites gave a banquet at A. K. Bains restaurant, Lake Villa Saturday.

Col. C. B. Clayton, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth, returned to Chicago Monday.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 19 July 1901
Mr. Clayton returned to the city Monday after a two weeks' visit at Mr. Wentworth's.

Mr. Wentworth is sick in bed under the doctor's care. His fall from his carriage proved to be very serious.

Miss Blud of Chicago is boarding at Mrs. Geo. Strang's.

Mrs. Gerrity returned Monday from the city where she had been to visit her father.

Mrs. Anderson and children are expected back from Lake Forest Friday.

Ward Bain's, of Somers, Wis., pleasant voice was heard in Millburn Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Lawrence went to the city to meet her daughter Margaret who is sent as a delegate by the Y. W. C. A. of Iowa to the Northfield, Mass., Convention at Mr. Moody's old home. Miss Margaret will spend some time here on her way back to Tabor.

Two unnatural and sad deaths occurred in this vicinity last Sunday. That of David Harris who had suffered for years with a severe form of epilepsy. No doubt the extreme heat had made it worse. Life seemed more than he could bear, so in a fit of aberation of mind from a day of illness Friday he took his own life Sunday while the family were all absent. All feel a sense of pity and sympathy for the poor man and the family. Clifford Webb a young man at Sand Lake fell on his pitch fork handle and was seriously injured. He died Sunday. He was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Menzo Webb. Much sympathy is felt for the family.

Word comes from Mrs. Mathews that she intends to come home this fall. All will rejoice to her it as she is greatly missed.

Ralph Spafford sang a beautiful solo last Sunday morning in church. Sumner has gone back to Colorado. Mrs. Spafford was able to go to Antioch to see him off. Her health is very poor.

Ed. Gerry has set the old bachelors a very good example. They ought to follow suit.

Little Horace Towers of Chicago is out to his uncle Horace's for the summer.

Mrs. Ione Jamison who has been at her father's the last month starts for Detroit Saturday.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 26 July 1901
Mrs. W. B. Stewart and her sister Mrs. Thomas Anderson and children have gone to Marshfield, Wis., to visit their brother George I. Strang and family.

Henry Hightman of Chicago a son in law of Mr. Roddles is a guest of Horace Towers.

Mrs. Winnikee returned Monday from her brother Scott Leroy's at Norah, Ill.

Miss Belle Bews and her nephew Master Ralph Stauff of Racine came last Friday to visit Mrs. Cummings and Master Clarence Cummings. They returned Monday.

Carrie Bater and Mrs. Wentworth went to the city Monday.

Mr. Bairstow deserves our thanks and has it for the great quantity of beautiful water lillies brought into the church last Sunday morning.

Mr. Mitchell has gone to Wheaton, Ill., to attend an association.

Will Strang of Fox Lake spent Sunday with his mother and sister Cora Anderson.

Mrs. Will Stewart gave a party last Saturday afternoon in honor of her nieces Florence and Mabel Anderson.

Mrs. Pantall had the misfortune to fall and strain her right hand and wrist very badly. It is recovering very slowly.

John Crawford has a handsome new carriage.

Florence Harris is visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Thom.

Mrs. Oscar Niekirk of Bloomington came Tuesday to visit her mother and father Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom.

Aleck Allen of Lake Forest called on some of his old friends here Wednesday. He lived here a number of years when he first came from Scotland.

Mabel and Blanch Yule of Somers are visiting their numerous Strang relatives. They are proteges of James Henry Smith the millionaire of New York. He is educating nineteen of his Yule cousin's children.

The S. S. Convention will be held here next Sunday. Mr. Moody, Dr. Roemer, Mrs. Wilbur and other noted S. S. workers will be present. There will be three sessions, morning, afternoon and evening.

Mrs. Axtell and children of Rochester were visitors at Mrs. Winters and attended church here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood of Lake Villa called on their sister Mrs. Sarah Murrie Sunday evening.

Miss Hannah Smith has gone on from Lyons, Neb., to Denver, Col., to visit her brother Geo. Smith.

Mrs. Walter Lucas' father is hopelessly sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls went to the city Monday.

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