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Newspaper Clippings for
March, 1901

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 2 March 1901
Mrs. Winicke entertained her niece last week.

Mrs. Chauncy Cummings is in Des Moines, Ia.

Miss Maude Edwards has closed the Meade school.

Bert Trotter and Roy Hughes drove through town Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mead are moving to Rackgard, Ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.

Wilmington Brothers from McHenry visited relatives here last week.

The McDougal family from Loon Lake will occupy the house vacated by the Meads.

Miss Mary Hook of St. Mary's Academy Libertyville Sundayed with her parents here.

Miss Emily Wynn who has been spending a few days with Miss Carrie Bater, returned to Waukegan Wednesday.

Miss Alice Jamison celebrated Washington's birthday and remained over the following Sunday with her Millburn friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart very kindly opened their doors to the church members and the "stranger with their gates" on Tuesday evening last.

The entertainment which was half promised for the 7th of March will not be given until Saturday evening, the 9th, when a varied program will be given.

The anthem books which were ordered by Mr. Cummings as a Christmas gift to the church, have been received and are a valuable acquisitions to the equipment of the choir. Mr. Cummings is greatly to be commended for his generosity.

Wm. Kennedy, a former Millburnite died at his home in Peoria last Monday and was brought here for burial. The funeral services were held in the Congregational church at 2 p. m. on Wednesday. The interment was at Millburn cemetery.

The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Kapple gave the a pleasant surprise on last Saturday evening. The evening was spent in card playing. Mr. Fred Battershall and Mr. Frank Hucker capturing 1st prize. Mr. Everett Green and Mrs. Wedge the consolation prizes. About fifty were present and all had a most enjoyable evening.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 02 March 1901
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levoy returned to their home in Norah, Ills., last Saturday after visiting around here one week.

Mrs. Bater has almost recovered from her recent attack of grip.

Mr. and Mrs. Thom and E. A. Martin were in Waukegan Monday.

Miss Emily Wynn is spending the week with Carrie Bater.

Mrs. Jeanie Thom Niekirk of Bloomington, returned home Saturday after a few days visit at the old home.

Mrs. Aggie Cummings started Monday morning for DesMoines, Iowa to visit Mrs. Victor Rossbach, formerly Ruby Smith, sister of James Henry Smith, the twenty-five millionaire.

Miss Jessie Strang reports from Topeka, Kansas, she will very likely have a "hatchet pocket" in her cloak when she returns.

Alice Jamieson returned to Chicago Monday after a few days at home.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart is reported quite sick.

Mrs. Dr. Ralph Taylor of Lilly Lake is expected at her father's Wednesday night.

Mr. Mead expects to move Monday to Rockford, his old home.

Mrs. Edith Rowling Shepard has a pair of twin boys about a week old.

There was a very pleasant sociable held at Mrs. Wm Stewart's Tuesday evening. There were sixty-four present. There was music, refreshments, and various comic ...games, and etc., which all enjoyed very much.

William Kennedy familiarly known here as "Bill Kennedy", died in .....Ill., Monday Feb. 25th, 1901, at.............years. He had many warm friends here among the older........ He leaves a son and daughter,..............and Willie, of Waukegan, also three brothers and one sister.

from Antioch News7 March 1901
Mrs. Ralph Taylor is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Stewart.

Misses Emma and Freda Witt gave a reception and dance Monday evening.

Mrs. C. B. Cummings, who has been visiting friends at Des Moines, Iowa, returned Monday.

C. B. Cummings, E. A. Martin and Clarence Cummings were visitors to Chicago last week.

Arthur Spafford who has been absent in Colorado and other western states for the past year returned Friday.

A very pleasant evening was passed at the social given by Mrs. W. B. Stewart, a feature of which was a cake walk by Miss Emma Wynn and E. A. Martin.

The Englewood Mandoline Club of Chicago will give a grand concert at the Congregational church Saturday evening, March 9th, assisted by Miss Cora White, elocutionist, and local talent. A fine entertainment is expected. Everybody invited.

Friday last the deal whereby Geo. D. Paddock comes into possession of the McDougal farm of 197 5/8 acres of land was closed up and a deed to the premises given Mr. Paddock, the consideration being $55.00 per acre.

Robert McDougall has purchased a house and ten acres of land near Millburn and will make that place his future home. The many friends of the family wish them success and happiness in their new home.

W. B. Stewart, Treasurer of the Millburn Insurance Co, was an Antioch visitor Monday.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 08 March 1901
Mrs. J. M. Strang is visiting in the city.

Arthur Spafford came home from Colorado last Saturday. He reports Mrs. Sumner Spafford and the others well. All like the country very much.

George Jamison, Jr., returned from the city Tuesday where he had been a few days visiting his brother Robert and other friends.

Herbert Mathews has been kept busy this cold weather drawing loads of goods for Mr. Mead to the depot. Mr. Mead left Tuesday for Rockford.

The ladies Missionary meeting was deferred on account of Mr. Kennedy's funeral, which was held here Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Mitchell officiated in a very acceptable manner also the beautiful singing by the choir composed of Mrs. Dr. Jamison, Carrie Bater, Mrs. Emma Strang and Ralph Spafford. The immediate friends of Mr. Kennedy who attended the funeral were his daughter and son from Waukegan.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 13 March 1901
The attention of the Circuit Court today is occupied by the case of the People of the Town of Antioch vs. August Seidschlay, appealed from an Antioch justice court.
Jan. 23 Seidschlay was arrainged before Police Magistrate George Paddock of the village charged with fencing in a portion of the road that leads from Antioch to Wilmot. He had been notified by A. J. Felter, R. Ray, and C. E. Kelly, Highway Commissioners of the township, to remove the fence.
The trial went against Siedschlay who was fined $5 and costs. He appealed the case and it is being hotly contested. Attorneys Whitney and Heydecker appear for the village and Coon & Orvis for the appellant.

from Antioch News14 March 1901
More work being done on the parsonage.

The new lamps in the church are a great improvement.

Mrs. Geo. Garrity is visiting relatives in Chicago.

Mrs. J. M. Strang, who has been visiting in Chicago, returned Saturday.

R. Pantall, Arthur Spafford and R. Lucas, were Chicago visitors last week.

The furniture for the church has not yet arrived. Some think the contract was too large for the factory.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 16 March 1901
There was no church service here Sunday owing to the storm.

Mrs. Archibald Brown and her little son, Warren, came up from the city Monday and gave her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth a very pleasant surprise.

Rev. Mr. Mitchell went to the city Monday as all our ministers always do.

Ward Bain called on his father-in-law, Robt. Strang, Sr., Tuesday. He was riding behind a very handsome span of horses.

Arthur Spafford was in the city on business several days, returning home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell visited friends in Libertyville recently.

Christina Specht an old resident of this place is quite poorly. The doctor was called to see her. She boards at Mrs. White's.

All who attended the concert Saturday night said it was fine. The program was well carried out, but owing to the unfavorable weather there was not so large an audience as there would have been.

Alfred Bain was at the concert and sang. He is always a drawing card, in a Millburn concert, or any other concert.

Mrs. John Chittenden and her daughter Alice are guests at her daughters Mrs. Cleaveland.

We are rather late in saying Mr. Cummings gave the choir some beautiful singing books, from which they sing beautiful songs for the edification and enjoyment of all who attend church. It has ever been the fashion of the Gazette if they know of a good or generous deed to publish it abroad, and proclaim it from the house tops but it is exceedingly careful about saying anything to hurt people's feelings such as raking up old things that are past, that does not do any one any good only to wound some innocent person. Robert Burns says "Then gently scan your brother man," "What's done we partly may compute, but know not what's resisted."

Miss Carrie Bater goes to the city Saturday. She will attend the dressmaker's opening at Mandel's while in the city.

Alexander Duncan has gone back to Fargo Dakota after spending the winter at his brother George's.

Mr. Pantall went to the city Friday and returned Monday after a few days' visit with N. R. Adams' family.

Word comes from Iowa that Miss Christina Donaldson a niece of Mrs. Dr. Farhney's formerly of Millburn is married to Mr. Herrington a former Supt. of the Farhney farms here.

Mr. Ocker now lives on the Spring Valley farm and Mr. Galore on the John Williamson farm owned by Dr. Farhney.

Robert, Marion, Eleanor and Emma McDougall are getting settled in their new home on the Mead place.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 18 March 1901
Mrs. J. M. Strang returned from Chicago Saturday evening.

The year old son of Mr. Stickles is suffering from a broken arm.

There are rumors of another social "sur la tapic" for the near future.

Clarence Bonner and Miss Josie Dodge Sundayed with John Bonner.

Many broken (tree) limbs resulted from the ice storm of last Sunday.

Miss Vivian Bonner resumed her duties at the Gurnee school Tuesday.

Owing to the storm which prevailed there were no church services Sunday.

The Physical Culture class, which is doing excellent work, met at the home of Mrs. Emma Strang Wednesday afternoon.

There was a much larger audience at the concert on Saturday evening than might have been expected, weather considered. An orchestra from Chicago, consisting of five pieces accompanied by Mrs. Wm Thom, rendered several choice selections which were enthusiastically received. A character song by Mrs. Erma Strang and Mr. Bain was pleasingly rendered and a septette of mixed voices "brought down the house." Owing to the unavoided absence of Miss Cora White, a graphaphone was substituted for the elocutionary numbers to the no small delight of the juveniles present. The gentlemen from Chicago were entertained at the homes of Mrs. Bater, John Bonner and Chas. Barstow. They returned to the city Sunday afternoon.

from Antioch News21 March 1901
The young men who attended the St. Patrick's dance at Antioch are now wearing the Shamrock.

The last social of the season will shortly be given.

Another new member was taken in by the Physical Culture Club.

Did the young tourist lately from the west find the number on Oakwood Boulevard when he visited Chicago?

E. A. Martin and John M. Strang left for Chicago, Tuesday, on business.

Mrs. Archibald Brown and son, of Chicago, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wentworth, Tuesday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 22 March 1901
Miss Alice Jamison has returned to Chicago.

R. D. Wynn of Waukegan, was in our village Monday.

Miss Mary Bater returned Saturday from a two weeks visit at Chicago.

Mr. A. Conman of Chicago was here on business a few days last week.

Mrs. Irina Strang entertained the Physical Culture Club Friday afternoon.

Mr. Eugene Strang and family of Fox Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Strang.

Mr. Ed S. Martin and Mrs. C. B. Cummings were Chicago visitors Wednesday.

Post office was crowded last Saturday at mail time, are looking for the Chicago Chronicle and Waukegan Sun.

Mrs. Jno. M. Strang, Mrs. Wm. B. Stewart, Mrs. N. F. Wentworth, Rev. Geo. Mitchell were Chicago visitors Monday and Tuesday.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 25 March 1901
Horace Tower lost a fine horse and colt last week.

Wm. B. Stewart Supt. of Parks is kept very busy.

Mrs. Carrie Bater left Tuesday for a weeks' visit at Russell.

Mr. Richard Pantall and Miss Adams left for Chicago last Sunday.

Rev. Geo. Mitchell and John Strang were Chicago visitors this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Strang left for Chicago Wednesday for a week's visit.

Mr. Arthur and Lucy Spafford were visitors at Waukegan Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bonner will celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage, April 19th.

The church furniture is enroute from Grand Rapids in a special train in charge of the committee appointed last fall.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 26 March 1901
Miss Carrie Bater attended Mandel's opening while making a brief stay in Chicago and vicinity.

Messrs. J. M. Strang, Ed Martin and James Jameison were Monday morning passengers for Chicago.

George Garrity makes frequent trips to Chicago to visit his wife, who is quite seriously ill there at the home of her parents.

Mrs. Wm. Yule of Russell, a sister-in-law of Mrs. James Yule of this place, entered into rest on Monday, after weary months of feebleness.

Less than a score of J. P. C. E's attended the district meeting on Saturday. Would it not be well to "rally" less often, but in larger and more enthusiastic members?

One of the social events of the season was a recherche dinner, given by Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart on Thursday of last week. Covers were laid for ten, a dainty menu served and a delightful time reported by the guests.

Rev. Mr. Mitchell officiated at the marriage of Miss Overman of Chicago and Carl Lamb on the 14th. The ceremony was performed at the home of the groom's parents, at Lamb's Corners and the young couple took immediate possession of a flat in Chicago.

Several kindly disposed ladies met with Mrs. Bater on Wednesday, to sew for the brood of babies left desolate by the death of the young mother whose protracted illness prevented the performance of many house wifely and motherly duties. Love is not always a synonym for strength, so six "mitherless bainrs," ranging in age from a few weeks to eight years, are left without a mother's work and watchfulness. As they go from our midst may they receive the tender care which Christ entreated for "His little ones."

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 27 March 1901
Mrs. Geo. Strang entertained a small party at dinner Friday.

Miss Jessie Strang entertained a small party Monday evening.

Miss Carrie Bater left for Chicago Wednesday to be absent two weeks.

Wm. Jamieson who died in Antioch was buried in Millburn cemetery Sunday.

Mr. W. C. Stewart had a large force out Saturday putting the parks in order.

Mr. and Mrs. Harrington of Iowa visited Miss Kitty L. Smith Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wedge entertained a party of friends Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stewart of Waukegan attended services at the church last Sunday.

from Antioch News28 March 1901
For Sale or Rent: The George E. Smith place at Millburn, consisting of twenty acres of land, good house, barn and improvements. For particulars call on or address D. J. Minto, Loon Lake, Ill.

It Is Said:

That the new factory opened up to good business March 19th.

That the committee on village and street lamps will report April 31st.

That the Ladies Relief and Aid Society meet at Mrs. Bater's Wednesday.

That the next excitement in Millburn will be the painting of the church.

That Mrs. George Garrity, who has been quite ill in Chicago, is much better.

That a new bank will be established here to take the place of the one removed to Dwight.

That Miss Carrie Bather returned home from her outing in Chicago and Evanston last Saturday.

That James Pollock, Rev. Geo. Mitchell, James Jamieson and Mrs. Berstow were Chicago visitors last week.

from the pages of the Waukegan Daily News 30 March 1901
Mud galore!

Arthur Spafford is said to be visiting acquaintances in Will Co., Illinois.

James Thom is home from the Agricultural College at Madison, Wis.

The Misses Helen and Alice Dodge have returned to school at Rochester, Wis.

We are pleased to report an improvement in the condition of Mrs. Geo. Garrity.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart, who had nearly recovered from a severe illness, is again on the invalid list.

The West and Dodge schools are temporarily closed on account of the almost impossible state of the roads.

The Antioch News informs us that "a new member was taken in by the Physical Culture Club." Does our contemporary intend us to infer that she was "scoped," or merely admitted to membership.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 30 March 1901
Misses Alice and Helen Dodge returned to Rochester Academy Monday night after spending a short vacation at their homes here.

Mrs. A. H. Stewart is quite out of health at present. Jessie Jamieson is staying with her at the present time.

Mr. Weaver on the Herbert Mathews farm owned by Dr. Farhney, so we have new neighbors all round.

Mrs. George Gerrity who is sick in Chicago at her mother's, is reported some better.

There was no church Sunday night on account of the rain.

Harold Minto who attends school at Rochester, attended church here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Treat who have been with the Mintos all winter, have gone back to the city.

Through frequent letters from Mrs. Mathews, who is in Los Angeles, Cal., we are informed of Mrs. Martin Hastings quite serious illness. She is unable to do anything about her house, and Mrs. Mathews has been staying with her for a week or two at a time. Mrs. Hastings was formerly Sarah Stevens and lived at Gurnee. Mrs. Mathews health is much improved since going to Cal., and she likes the country very much.

Lost--In the vicinity of Millburn, or between Millburn and Wadsworth, a lady's gold, open faced watch. If the finder will leave it at the post office, they will receive a reward and also confer a great favor on the lady who lost it, as it was a gift to her on her eighteenth birthday. She is a lady highly esteemed by everyone.

Timothy Manzer now lives on the Luscome farm, formerly owned by Mrs. Welch.

A Mr. Harris has lately come on the farm Mr. Cross sold recently.

Mr. Tidmarsh, of Chicago, came to Henry Wedge's Monday to visit a few days.

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