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Newspaper Clippings for
July, 1900

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 6 July 1900
We hear through J. A. Thain that our beloved former doctor Leonard has gone to Klondike on a trip to see the country. His brother, Frank, is in business there.

Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Stewart just home from a visit in Dakota called on Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Saturday. They report "aunt Judith Dodge" in good health and very smart for her age. Miss Dodge came to Illinois in the early 40's with her father, Rev. Wm. B. Dodge.

Rev. Banks preached here last Sunday in the absence of Rev. Mr. Harris.

Great credit is due Dr. Jamison for making the celebration on the Fourth such a grand success. Not every professional man would give the time and money he did to make a fine show for other people free of charge. Therefore we will, through the GAZETTE, give the doctor a vote of thanks and vote him the leading man on entertainments, enterprise and success. People from Chicago, Waukegan, Lake Villa, Wadsworth and all the surrounding country were in attendance and all pronounced it fine. The ladies sold all their ice cream, lemonade, etc., and could have sold a great deal more. E. Payson Dodge, Wm. Rose and R. A. Martin made the display assisted by the doctor. When the "revolving sun" was displayed at the last we thought it must be the Chinese War.

Archibald Brown and wife and son Warren are visitors at Mrs. Brown's father's, Mr. Wentworth.

Edwin Theron Taylor, a Chicago teacher, has gone with a large delegation of teachers from the city to the Paris Exposition.

Emma Spafford starts July 9th for Colorado to join her brothers, Arthur and Sumner.

H. A. Jamison returned to St. Louis Monday.

Miss Irene Wood returned to the city last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trotter, of Chicago, Mamie and Albert were all out home for the Fourth.

Alfred Spafford who was chosen a delegate on music to attend the Prohibition Convention held last week in Chicago attended that meeting.

Miss Emily Wynn, of Waukegan, visited and spent the Fourth at Mrs. Bater's.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Strang Jr., are visiting Mrs. Yule and Mrs. Bain at Somers, Wis.

Frank Yule and Fred Heddle are building a large barn for John McCredie.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 10 July 1900
Badly Hurt
George Dodge, of Millburn,
injured in a Runaway.
Shortly before 11 o'clock today, the horse belonging to George Dodge of Millburn, took fright at a street car and ran away. Mr. Dodge, who was holding the animal by the bit at the time of the car passed, was hurled to the ground and his left shoulder dislocated. He was rendered unconscious by the fall and the buggy passed over him.
Upon regaining consciousness Mr. Dodge was removed to the home of Dr. Tombaugh who reduced the dislocation and the patient is resting as easily as the nature of his injuries permits. He was driven home this morning by Dr. Tombaugh's son.
When the animal broke away from Mr. Dodge it ran south on County Street and was stopped. The top of the buggy was torn off. The breaking of the bridle is responsible for Mr. Dodge's injury and the runaway.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 13 July 1900
Emma and Alfred Spafford started for Colorado last Monday. They expect to be gone five months.

Miss Jessie Strang and Alice Jamison are visiting in Kenosha this week.

Mr. Pantall spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Adams at Chicago Lawn the first of the week.

Mamie Knight, of Ravenswood, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Pantall.

Rev. Mr. Boller, of Pontiac, Ill., occupied the pulpit here Sunday morning and evening in the absence of Rev. Mr. Harris.

Rev. Mr. Boller is visiting at the parsonage with Mr. Harris and family. He will return home the last of the week.

from Antioch News19 July 1900
Dr. Homer Jamison, of Millburn, has decided to present his name to the republican county convention this fall for the office of coroner. The doctor has numerous friends in all parts of the county who would be pleased to see him nominated and elected to the position which he is in every way qualified to fill.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 23 July 1900
Miss Blood and a lady friend are boarding at Mrs. George Strang's.

Mr. Wentworth returned Tuesday from a trip on the lake to St. Joe.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Stewart went out to Lilly Lake Saturday to visit their daughter Mrs. Dr. Ralph Taylor. They came home Monday.

E. A. Martin was in the city Wednesday.

J. M. Strang is on the sick list at present.

Susie Lucas and her mother were in Waukegan Wednesday.

Miss Syde and Miss Bennett, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are visitors at Mrs. J. M. Strang's.

Wm. Anderson and wife of Lake Forest, were guests of Mr. W. B. Stewart over Sunday.

Miss Inez Pollock visited at her brother Elmer's up at the old home a few days, returning to the city Monday.

Rev. Mr. Wright, pastor at Dwight, Ill., preached here Sunday morning and evening. He was the kind of preacher that the common people hear gladly. His preaching makes people better.

Those who attended the meeting at Druce's Lake Sunday afternoon were greatly pleased with Dr. Thain's able discourse.

Dr. Thain and family and Richard Thain and family are camping at Druce's Lake.

from the Waukegan Daily Gazette 27 July 1900
Miss Belle Bews, of Racine, visited a few days with Mrs. Cummings and Miss Kittie Smith and returned home Monday.

Lenoa Brigham returned to the city Thursday after spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Pantall.

Miss Margaret Lawrence, of Tabor, Iowa, will spend part of her vacation here with her mother.

Mr. Harris has gone on his vacation. Rev. Mr. Boller will conduct the services in the church next Sunday. Mr. Boller is the chaplain at the Pontiac reformatory. Sunday evening he will give an account of his work at Pontiac which will be very interesting.

Rev. Dr. Thain editor of the "Advance" who has been camping with his family at Druce's Lake, attended church here Sunday and took part in the services. Dr. Thain is a great favorite among his old friends.

Mrs. Ione Taylor Jamieson and Jessie Richardson, spent a week at Lilly Lake with her brother, Dr. Ralph Taylor and wife.

Mrs. J. M. Strang and her cousin Miss Syde, and Miss Bennett, visited at George Wedge's at Antioch Thursday.

Miss Kittie Smith and Mrs. Cummings send a good sized box of flowers to the Chicago flower mission every week to be sent to the hospitals, etc., a commendable thing to do for all who have flowers to spare.

Mrs. Isabella Thain of Des Moines, Iowa, who has been visiting her brother, William Thom and family . Started for her home in Des Moines, Thursday.

Newton Sperry and his daughter, Lucy, of Ohio, have been visitors at Elmer Cannon's the past week.

Mr. Cannon and Mr. Pantall made a pleasant journey across the country to Woodstock Friday, returning Saturday.

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