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Miss Helen Trotter returned from the city Monday.
Mrs. Ward Bain and children are visiting in Millburn.
L. B. Starkweather drove to Chicago Tuesday and returned Wednesday.
Messrs. A. H. and A. G. Spafford visited in Chicago a few days this week.
Ralph Harris has purchased a wheel of E. A. Martin and will ride a Hibbard this year.
Mr. Moran, of Wadsworth, is painting and otherwise decorating K. L. Smith's store inside.
Roy Hughes has completed the business course at Marion College, Indiana, and is home again.
The roads are still in a bad condition. A broken vehicle by the roadside is a common sight.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart went to Lake Forest last Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Anderson.
R. Pantall went to Waukegan Wednesday to visit his sister, Mrs. Millen, whose husband died very suddenly last week.
Little Madge Stephens accidentally slipped her fore finger into a sausage mill and a small portion of the finger was cut off.
The Dodge school has commenced again after a week's vacation. The Hockaday and Grub schools will commence next Monday.
John A. Strang announces that he is not a candidate for sheriff and further states that he will accept no office but that of President of the United States.
The farmers are now busy shearing sheep. Sheep raising is not as extensive as it used to be in this section. W. J. White and John A. Thain have some very fine flocks.
Messrs. Wm. Bonner and Wm. McCredie have purchased the old cheese factory building at Gurnee. They will divide the spoils and each will build a barn out of his portion on his own premises.
Herbert Mathews is moving this week to Millburn.
Miss Jessie Bater is home from Waukegan for a few weeks.
Roy Hughes went to Chicago this week where he will spend some time.
Mrs. J. M. Strang, Miss Hattie Bain and J. A. Thain were in the city this week.
Mrs. Allan Jameson of Chicago, is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. D. B. Taylor.
Miss Jessie Strang returned on Monday after a weeks visit with Miss Florence Stewart in Waukegan.
E. A. Martin has purchased a 98 Hibbard wheel, and will soon renew his summer trips around the country.
Dr. Peter Fahrney is repairing his house recently vacated by Mr. Dame and known as the Backus place, for a summer residence.
B. F. Yule, of Somers, has begun work on the new barn of George Miller west of Millburn, Chas. Humphrey intend erecting a new barn also.
R. G. Trotter, of Chicago, spent Sunday at his home here. He is a member of the state militia and expects to be called at any time to the coast defense.
Miss Emma Spafford left Wednesday morning for Ripon, Wis., where she will teach music this summer, Miss Spafford has rare musical talent and is a very fine player, we wish her all success.
Miss Annie Minto passed away very quietly Sunday evening after an illness of several months. She had been very low and her death was hourly expected. Miss Minto was one of Millburn's brightest young people and will be greatly missed. She was a devout Christian, an active member of the Y. P. S. C. E. and an earnest worker. the funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from the family home in Loon Lake with interment in Oakland cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. S. A. Harris, who gave beautiful tribute to the lovely character of the deceased. The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends.
Mrs. Olliva Trotter has been visiting relatives in Hickory.
Geo. Harden of Rockefeller was in Millburn part of the week.
Mrs. Thomas Essen of Peotone, Ill. spent Easter Sunday at the parsonage.
Miss Jessie Bater is spending some time with Miss Lucy Mason in Evanston.
Rev. S. A. Harris officiated at a funeral at Druces Lake on last Wednesday.
Mr. Pantall was in Chicago a few days this week with his daughter Mrs. N. R. Adams.
Miss Addie Pollock of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here.
Easter services were held last Sunday and were well attended. The decorations were very tasteful and attractive.
Frank and Ola Lucas, with their younger brother and sisters are moving this week to the Ryan farm now owned by their mother Mrs. Peter Strang.
A few young people from here attended the Rag Carpet Social at Hickory Tuesday evening and report a very pleasant time. Hickoryites are excellent entertainers.
Mr. Starkweather has decided to give his concert here on Saturday evening April 23. This is the concert postponed some time ago on account of the bad roads, and is to be given by the pupils of Mr. Starkweather's singing class.
Miss Carrie Bater is spending some time in Edgebrook
Miss Addie Pollock was home from Waukegan over Sunday.
County Surveyer Jas. Anderson spent part of last week in Millburn.
Miss Jessie Bater returned Monday from her visit in South Evanston.
Mrs. Leola Hughes and daughter Rella visited at R. L. Strang's this week.
Mrs. N. R. Adams and daughters Mabel and Mary are visiting this week at Mrs. Pantall's.
Mrs. Victor Rossbach of South Evanston spent Sunday and Monday with Miss Nellie Trotter.
Edward Taylor is home for a week from Chicago where he has been teaching the past year.
Misses Bessie Brown and Florence Stewart of Waukegan were guests of Mrs. W. B. Stewart Saturday and Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Taylor were called to the city this week by the illness of their daughter Mrs. H. A. Jameson.
Mr. Edward Mead drove last week to Rockford to look after business interests in that vicinity. He will return this week.
A. M. Trotter has gone to Chicago to fill the place left by his brother Richard, who left on Wednesday with the First Regiment for the war.
The Ladies Missionary society met on Wednesday with Mrs. Bater to prepare for their thankoffering tea to be given some time in May.
R. W. Minto, who has been agent for the Pollock Tire Tightening Washer in Northern California for the past year has just sent in an order for one hundred outfits.
Mr. Starkweather's singing class gave an excellent concert Saturday evening. Mr. Starkweather deserves great credit for the excellent rendering of the choruses which showed the careful drill he has given his class during the winter. The duet by Gussie and Hazel Thain and the solos of Mrs. Levoy, Mrs. Starkweather, A. K. Bain and A. G. Spafford are worthy of ---.
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