Newspaper Clippings for
June, 1897
from a loose clipping, source unknown 25 June 1897
Died, little Frank Yule, Sunday morning, June 25th, aged twelve
years. The funeral was held Tuesday in the church and was very
largely attended. Mr. Harris officiated. The sympathy of every
one goes out to his grandmother, who is left alone by his death.
from a loose clipping, source unknown 25 June 1897
Last Sunday morning, after a brief illness, occurred the death of
Frankie Yule, the young grandson and companion of Mrs. Yule. He
was about twelve years of age and had always lived with his
grandmother. Every one for miles around knew him, as he was on
the road much of the time as a stock driver for J. A. Strang and
Chas. Brown, who had great confidence in him. All duties
assigned him were most faithfully and punctually performed, and
he was a most trusty messenger. The funeral service was held on
Tuesday afternoon at the church. Six of the classmates of the
deceased were pall-bearers, and the pupils of the Dodge School,
where he had attended, were present in a body. The remarks by
Pastor Harris were very appropriate, emphasizing the trusty
faithful life of the manly lad. The church was filled with
sympathizing friends and relatives. The heartfelt sympathy of
the community is extended to the bereaved ones.