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Willard Ames
John Bensinger
William Bonner
John Chope
Walter Crapo
Corporal George C. Dodge
Samuel W. Dodge
Adrian R. Douglas
Corporal Isaac M. Douglas
Andrew Farrier
Sergeant Cornelius E. Hartnett
Corporal William B. Lewin
William McCreadie
Peter P. Melindy
David J. Minto
Alfred Morton
Sergeant Charles Pepperd
Corporal Frank Pepperd
Sergeant Isaac Quigley
John Shatswell
Corporal John Sluman
Sergeant James M. Taylor
Corporal John Y. Taylor
Eli Thayer
Corporal George E. Thayer
Jacob Van Patten
Chase E. Webb
Corporal Henry A. Webb
Company C; age 17; born in Antioch, Ill.; enlisted from
Antioch; was very seriously ill for several months, and was discharged for
disability, Aug. 28, 1863; was a merchant at Caberry, Ill., several years.
In 1885 was farming at Hickory, Lake Co., Ill.
Henry Bater
Company C; Age 24; of English nativity; enlisted from
Warren township; had previously served three months in the 12th Illinois; was
severely wounded through the shoulder at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.,
Sept. 20, 1863, and discharged for wounds, March 28, 1865. Residence in 1885,
Newman Grove, Neb.
Company C; age 24; born in New York; farmer;
enlisted from Newport; captured with Company, Sept. 22, 1863, and died in
prison hospital at Danville, Va., Feb. 8, 1864.
Company C; Age 21; of Scotch nativity, farmer; enlisted
from Avon; at battle of Chickamauga, was shot through the body, and left upon
the field, doubtless dying within a few hours. He was a brave, Christian
soldier. For long months his friends clung to the belief that he was alive,
and would be heard from, but no tidings ever came to confirm their hope.
Company D; Age 20; American; farmer; enlisted from Newport;
died at Harrodsburg, Ky., Dec. 8, 1862. Buried at Camp Nelson, Ky., in grave
number 3,033.
Company D; age 31; born in Portage
County, N. Y.; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; was with the
Regiment at Chickamauga; slightly wounded in the ear, near
Lookout Mountain, Oct. 27, 1863; was detailed with Brigade
commissary department at Cleveland, Tenn., in the spring of 1864,
remaining absent from the Regiment, but with the Brigade, for a
year; m. o. with Regiment; is a well digger and contractor at
Waukegan, Ill.
Company C; Age 20; a native of Maine; farmer;
enlisted from Avon; appointed Seventh Corporal at the organization of the
Company; was severely wounded at Chickamauga, being shot through the ankle;
lay between the lines for a time, and fell into the enemy's hands; paroled
ten days later; never again able for duty; discharged because of wounds
Aug. 18, 1864. Lived, in 1885, on a farm near Millburn, Ill.
Company C; age 24; American; enlisted
Sept. 20, 1862, at Rockford, Ill.; transferred to Signal Corps,
Oct. 20, 1863, and served to the close of the war. Residence in
1885, Peoria, Ill.
Company D; age 38; carpenter; born
in New York; enlisted from Waukegan; was leader of the Regimental
Band for a time; discharged for disability, March 21, 1863; is
farming in the township of Warren. P. O. address, Gurnee,
Company D; age 21; born in
Franklin Co., N. Y.; farmer; enlisted from Avon; appointed
Corporal at the organization of the Company, but was subsequently
reduced to the ranks at his own request; was seldom absent from
the command, and was always a faithful soldier and a pleasant
companion; m. o. with Regiment; is farming in the town of Avon;
P. O. address, Millburn, Ill.
Company D; Age 20; born in Lake County, Ill.; farmer;
enlisted from Millburn; died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 2, 1863. Buried
at Stone River, Tenn., in grave number 5,022.
Company D; Age 29; born in New York
City; farmer; enlisted from Millburn; appointed Fourth Sergeant at the
organization of the Company; was ruptured on the severe march from Danville
toward Lebanon and return, Dec. 26 and 27, 1863, and disabled thereby for
further service; discharged at Lexington, Ky., April 15, 1863; is a carpenter
and builder, and resides at Waukegan, III.
Captain Walter W. Hastings
Company D; Age 22; born in Cuyahoga County,
N. Y.; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; elected Second Lieutenant at the
organization of the Company; promoted to First Lieutenant Jan. 30, 1863; and
to Captain Aug. 1, 1864; had previously served for three months in the 12th
Illinois; at the battle of Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864, was severely wounded in
left foot, and disabled for six months or more; in fact, was never again fit
for field service, but was assigned to duty at Nashville in December, 1864,
remaining on detached service until May 11, 1865, when he resigned because of
continued disability. His wound continues to trouble him. For a few years
past has been a carpenter and builder at Dixon, Ill.
Company C; age 19; born in
England; farmer; enlisted from Newport as private; promoted to
Corporal; at Chickamauga received a severe wound while lying
down, the bullet slightly cutting his head and plowing a deep
furrow about ten inches in length along his back; although
disabled for duty, he rejoined the Regiment the next morning, and
was the sole survivor of the Company with the Regiment after the
capture. At the battle of Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864, he, with a
few others, was captured after the Regiment had been outflanked
and while being forced to the rear, unfortunately crossing a road
a few rods distant from and in full view of the enemy; remained a
prisoner of war until Feb. 28, 1865, never rejoining the command;
was discharged at Springfield, Ill., June 24, 1865. Is a
prosperous farmer and influential citizen of Newport. P. O.
address in 1885, Rosecrans, Ill.
Wm. McClellan
Company C; Age 21; born in Wisconsin; farmer; enlisted
from Newport; captured with Company Sept. 22, 1863, and died at Annapolis,
Md., May 6, 1864, just after being released from Rebel prison. Buried in
Annapolis, Md., in grave number 1,432.
Company C; Age 20; born in Scotland; farmer;
enlisted from Avon; after participating in the battle of Chickamauga was
captured with the Company Sept. 22, 1863, and died in Andersonville prison,
June 4, 1864. Burried in Andersonville, Ga., in grave number 1,617.
Sergeant James McCredie
Company C; Age 25; born in Scotland; farmer;
enlisted from Antioch as wagoner, but soon tired of teaming, and from choice
took a musket; was quite severely wounded on the shin or ankle at
Chickamauga, and disabled for four months; was promoted to Corporal and
Sergeant; m. o. with Regiment. His health was broken by his long term of
service, and he died at Millburn, Ill., July 30, 1874, from consumption,
leaving a widow and three children.
Company D; age 45; born in New
Hampshire; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; took part in the
engagements at Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, Dallas and elsewhere,
and at Kenesaw Mountain was wounded in the leg; m. o. with
Regiment. Is farming at Blaine, Portage County, Wis.
Company C; Age 20; born in New York; farmer; was
seriously ill for some weeks in the first winter and spring of the Regiment's
service, and was discharged for disability April 11, 1863. Is a model
citizen, and in 1885 resides on his farm in Antioch. P. O. address, Millburn,
Company D; Age 24; born in New York; farmer; enlisted
from Millburn; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps April 20, 1864, serving
to the close of the war. Is employed in a grain elevator at Grover, Seward
County, Neb.
Sergeant James Murrie
Company C; Age 20 years; born in Scotland;
enlisted from Newport as private; promoted Corporal May 25, 1863, and to
Sergeant Aug. 1, 1864: was wounded in foot in battle of Dallas, Ga., May 27
1864. losing a toe, but rejoined the Regiment Sept. 17, 1864; and was present
at final muster out. In 1885 was a prosperous farmer and influential citizen
in Antioch, Ill. P. O. address, Millburn, Ill.
Company D; Age 29; born in England; farmer;
enlisted from Avon; promoted to Corporal July 22, 1863, and to Sergeant in
May, 1865; participated in almost every skirmish and battle until Resaca,
when he was wounded in the left hand and had two ribs broken, disabling him
for two months; returned and took part in the battles of Franklin and
Nashville; m. o. with Regiment; is farming at Odell, Ill.
Company D; Age 22; born in England; farmer;
enlisted from Antioch; promoted to Corporal June 23, 1864; was in nearly
every engagement with the Regiment, and was wounded in the right hand in the
demonstration before Atlanta, Aug. 19, 1864, but not disabled; was a brother
of Sergeant Charles Pepperd; m. o. with Regiment; is farming at Odell, Ill.
Captain John K. Pollock
Company C; Age 34; born in New Hampshire; of
Scotch parentage; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; was elected Captain at the
organization of the Company; was the ranking Captain in the Regiment for 21
months prior to his muster out, and in command of the Regiment for some hours
during the fight at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 20,1864, and at occasional
periods afterward. He was a cool, brave officer, and was especially commended
for meritorious conduct in the report of his commanding officer of the part
taken by the Regiment in the Atlanta campaign. Participated in all of the
engagements following Lookout Mountain; was brevetted Major; m. o. with
Regiment. In 1885 is a leading citizen and large farmer and stock grower at
Millburn, Ill.
Company D; Age 35; born in Ireland; carpenter;
enlisted from Millburn; had previously served in the Regular Army; promoted
to Corporal Feb. 10, 1863, and to Sergeant May 15, 1863; was mortally wounded
at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sept. 20, 1863, dying within a day or two.
Company C; Age 17; born in Illinois, enlisted from
Antioch; discharged March 11, 1863, to enlist in Mississippi Marine Brigade,
where he served until the close of the war. In 1885 resides on a farm at
Doon, Lyon Co., Iowa.
Company D; Age 31; American; farmer; enlisted
from Millburn; appointed Corporal at the organization of the Company; died
from disease in hospital at Quincy, Ill., Feb. 18, 1863.
George E. Smith, Jr.
Company D; Age 21; born in Lake County, Ill.;
farmer; enlisted from Antioch; was never absent from duty; at Chickamauga had
a bullet mark on his foot, and at Kenesaw Mountain was wounded on the ankle,
but not disabled for service; in every engagement following Lookout Mountain
he was on duty as a stretcher bearer, and performed this difficult, and very
often hazardous, work with such promptness and courage as to call forth the
commendation of both officers and men; it was a matter of common remark that
he would go anywhere for a wounded man, and very often, at great risk, he
assisted in bearing disabled comrades from the most exposed points; m. o.
with Regiment. Is farming at Otis, Weld County, Col.
Corporal George L. Stewart
Company C; Age 19; born in Millburn, Ill.;
enlisted from Warren Township as private; promoted Corporal Oct. 16, 1862;
suffered severely from periosteal inflammation, and was in hospital at Camp
Denison, Ohio, five mouths. At one time a council of physicians had about
determined to amputate both of his feet, but decided that he was too
low to undergo the operation; was discharged for disability March 11, 1863,
and for many months walked but little; but he eventually overcame the
difficulty to a considerable degree. Has been a successful merchant, and more
recently a commercial traveler. P. O address in 1885, Millburn, Ill., where
he has always been a leading and public-spirited citizen.
Company C; age 21; born in
Scotland; enlisted from Warren; appointed Sixth Corporal at
organization of the Company; promoted to Sergeant; right arm
shattered at battle of Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 9, 1864,
necessitating amputation, and leaving him in a critical condition
for many months; discharged because of this wound and loss of arm
March 18, 1865; studied law and became a successful practitioner;
has held numerous official positions, and in 1884 was the
Republican candidate for Representative in Congress in the
Springfield District, but was defeated, although running far
ahead of his ticket. Residence in 1885, Taylorville, Christian
County, Illinois.
Company C; age 19; born in
Scotland; farmer and school teacher; enlisted from Newport as
private; promoted Corporal; at Chickamauga was shot through right
wrist; his injuries proved fatal, and he died in hospital at
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 24, 1863. He was a brother of Sergt.
Corporal Alexander R. Thain
Company D; Age 22; born in Scotland;
farmer; enlisted from Millburn; appointed Corporal Feb. 4, 1864; wounded in
the leg at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, but did not leave the command; in
fact, was not absent from the command during its entire term of service, and
participated in every skirmish and battle in which the Regiment was engaged;
m. o. with Regiment. Following the war he spent some years in school,
graduated from the Chicago Theological Seminary and entered the ministry; is
now pastor of the First Congregational Church at Galesburg, Ill., where he
has been located for nine years. Is the author of Chapters XII and XIII of
this work.
Richard S. Thain
Company D; Age 17; born on a propeller on Lake
Michigan; farmer; enlisted from Millburn; had a bullet through his shoe and
had his canteen shot off at Chickamauga, and was struck in the leg by a
bullet at Lookout Mountain; in the spring of 1864 was detailed as Assistant
Brigade Postmaster, and subsequently as Postmaster, serving in this capacity
to the close of the war. While on this service had many exciting experiences,
and some narrow escapes, which are more fully set forth in another chapter in
this work; was never absent from duty when the command was in active service;
is a brother of Corporal A. R. Thain, of this Company. Resides at Oak Park,
Ill. and is connected with the Advertising Agency of Lord & Thomas, 45, 47
and 49 Randolph St., Chicago.
Company D; Age 24; born in Lake County, Ill., farmer;
enlisted from Avon; at the battle of Chickamauga was one of the foremost men
in the charge, and was struck down by a bullet which, however, merely
inflicted a scalp wound, and left him unconscious for a few moments;
meanwhile the lines had shifted, and he was a prisoner; he endured a long
confinement in the different prisons, including Andersonville and Florence,
and died while a prisoner of war.
Company D; Age 18; born in Lake County, Ill.
farmer; enlisted from Avon; promoted to Corporal June 25, 1864; was wounded
in the hand at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, but did not leave the command;
was in hospital at Franklin, Tenn., one day, but never absent from the
command at any other time; took part in every engagement; m. o. with
Regiment; is a prosperous farmer, and also works at his trade as a mason. P.
O. address, Gage's Lake, Lake Co., Ill.
Company D; age 31; born in Albany
County, N. Y.; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; participated in the
engagements of Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Dalton, Rocky Face
Ridge, Resaca and others; at Chickamauga was wounded in the leg
and on the breast. Worn out with the long campaign, and being in
poor health, he was sent to hospital in June, 1864, and was not
again able to join the command; was discharged from hospital at
Louisville, Ky., June 26, 1865. Is farming at Antioch, Ill.
Company C; age 19; born in Ithaca, N.
Y.; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; served as teamster a portion
of the time; m. o. with Regiment; has been a successful farmer
and stock dealer since the war; has repeatedly represented the
township of Avon in the Board of Supervisors, and in 1886 was
elected Sheriff of Lake County; residence, Waukegan, Ill.
Company D; age 24; born in
Otsego Co., N. Y.; farmer; enlisted from Antioch; appointed
Corporal at the organization of the Company; subsequently
assigned to duty with the Regimental Band, for a time; was at
Chickamauga, Resaca, Lookout Mountain and some of the engagements
on the Atlanta campaign, but had a disease of the eyes that
compelled him to go to hospital; discharged for disability at
Mound City, Ill., March 8, 1865; is agent for the American White
Bronze Monument Company, and resides at Aurora, Ill.