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APOLLOS PITTS AMES (deceased), Antioch, Ill. Farmer and Merchant.
Born in Pennsylvania, May 22, 1830; died Antioch, September 19, 1899.
Lived forty-six years on his farm; removed to Antioch Village, May
1892; Agent for Deering Harvester Company six years; opened a hardware
and implement store in Antioch, 1893; erected a new store building
in 1894. Politically a Republican; held several township offices; was
serving second term as village President at the time of his death.
Was a Master Mason. Married February 21, 1855, to Mimis Webb, daughter
of Charles and Lucy (Biggs) Webb. Their children are Hattie F.,
Charles D., Chester C., Paul P., Annie L., and Lucy E. (deceased).
BENJAMIN WILLARD AMES, Hickory, Antioch Township; Farmer. Born on the
farm, where he now resides, February 16, 1845; son of Chester Chandler
Ames. His whole life has been spent on the farm, except twelve years,
from 1874 to 1886, when he engaged in general merchandizing at Cabery,
Illinois. August, 1862, he enlisted in Company C. Ninety-sixth Ill. Vol.
Infantry, and served one year. He has been Steward in the Methodist
Episcopal Church many years. October 1, 1873, he was married to Hannah
R. Sluman of Waukegan, who died October 26, 1897. Their children were:
Abbie, at home; B. W., Jr., at home; Minnie, wife of Thomas Edwards,
Newport Township, and Luell, at home.
EDMOND H. AMES; Physician and Surgeon, Antioch. Born in Antioch, Illinois,
October 19, 1846; educated at Mansfield, Pennsylvania, State Normal,
Ann Arbor (Medical Department), 1871-1872; graduated Detroit
Medical College, 1874; practiced at Troupsburgh, N. Y., five years;
Woodhull, N. Y., five years, and in Antioch since 1884. February, 1865,
he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-third Illinois Volunteer
Infantry, and served eight months and twenty-four days. He is a member
of the F. & A. M., Eastern Star, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal
Neighbors, and has been Trustee of the Methodist Episcopal
Church for many years. April 24, 1875, he was married to Miss Ellen
Grandy. They have one son, Fred, now (1902) Deputy County Treasurer.
Their daughter, Lizzie B. Ames, was born Jan. 24, 1881, and
died March 13, 1898.
GEORGE LEGG STEWART, Waukegan, Ill. Loan and Insurance business. Born
Warren Township, Lake County, May 3, 1843; son of Peter and Elizabeth
(Legg) Stewart. Remained on his father's farm in Warren Township until
twenty-two years of age. Nine years a partner of John M. Strang in the
mercantile business at Millburn. Traveled six years for a Chicago
wholesale house; removed to Waukegan in 1890; Assistant in the U. S.
Treasurer's Office in Chicago 1890-94. Enlisted in Company C, Ninety-
sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, August, 1862; discharged March, 1863.
Member of Waukegan Post, G. A. R.
JAMES HUGH BONNER, Warren Township, Ill. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Born
in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, January 29, 1850; son of James and Margaret
(Anderson) Bonner. His father, who was born in Scotland, September 12,
1806, came to the United States with his family in June, 1850, locating
on a farm in Avon Township. His death occurred August 28, 1891; his wife
was born July 13, 1817, and died December 18, 1898. James H. Bonner
bought his farm in Warren Township, across the road from the homestead,
in 1879, and has since resided there. He has filled local offices, is a
stockholder in the Millburn Creamery Company, a member of the M. W. of
A. and the Congregational Church at Millburn. He was married September
10, 1879, to Eliza E., daughter of Peter Stewart. Their children are:
Vivien Louise, Leslie Stewart and Mabel Elizabeth.
GEORGE PHILIP SHATSWELL, Waukegan, Ill. Justice of the Peace. Born in
Millburn, Ill., March 23, 1842; worked at farm labor until the Civil war;
enlisted May 29, 1861, Company I, Fifteenth Illinois Volunteers; served until
May 30, 1865; captured by Hood and Ackworth, Ga., October 4, 1864, and
confined successively at Andersonville, Millan, Savannah, Blackshire,
Thomasville and again at Andersonville. In 1866-67 Clerk in commission and
ford'g house in Marysville, Cal.; 1867-69 farmed in Lake County; 1869-79
conducted farm in Platte County, Nebraska; 1879-1886 farm in Lake County; in
1890 opened a pension office in Waukegan. Has served as Justice of the Peace
since 1893 (Republican candidate). Fraternally a Mason. Married June 18, 1867,
to Julia A. Spaulding, deceased February 27, 1893. Their children are Fred E.,
Nellie A., wife of Charles Brown, and Hattie B. He is descended from Richard
and John Shatswell. who settled in Ipswich, Mass., in 1633.
PETER W. STEWART, Gurnee, Farmer. Born in Will County, Illinois,
February 20, 1839; son of Peter and Elizabeth (Legg) Stewart, who
removed with their family to Lake County in 1841. He has since engaged
in farming in Warren Township. Prominent as a Republican in political
affairs, and served as Justice of the Peace from 1884 to 1885,
Supervisor in 1885 and 1886, Town Collector three years, School Director
eighteen years, and is now serving his thirteenth year as Assessor.
While School Director he built the present school house in District No.
55. Served two years as Treasurer of the Millburn Insurance Co. July 4,
1877, he was married to Elizabeth, daughter of James Bonner.
JOHN BONNER, Avon Township, Ill. Farmer. Born, Kenosha County,
Wisconsin, August 12, 1847; son of Wm. and Margaret (Gordon) Bonner. Wm.
Bonner was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 1815; took up government
land in Avon Township (John Bonner's present farm) in 1845; occupied it
from 1848 to the time of his death in 1881, and in 1854 erected the
first school house in the neighborhood. John Bonner served as Supervisor
(Republican), 1881, Treasurer of Millburn Insurance Company, and has
filled other town offices. Member of the Congregational Church, M. W. of
A. and Maccabees. Married April 19, 1876, to Catherine Murrie, daughter
of John Murrie, native of Perthshire, Scotland, and an early settler in
Newport Township. Their children are: Clarence E., Wm. M., John Gordon
and Robert J.
DAVID B. TAYLOR, Physician and Surgeon, Millburn Illinois. Born in Kingsville,
Ohio, December 25, 1826, and educated at Kingsville Academy, Medical
Department University of Michigan, and Cincinnati College of Medicine,
graduating from the latter in 1869. He taught school in Hillsdale County,
Michigan, in 1850-1860, and began the practice of medicine at Ransom,
Hillsdale County, Michigan, in 1860. In 1862 he enlisted in the
Eighteenth Michigan Volunteer Infantry, serving as Assistant Surgeon.
He removed to Illinois in February, 1863, locating at Antioch, removing
to Millburn in 1865. He is a member of the American Medical Association,
Lake County Medical Society, Waukegan Post, G.A.R., and Millburn Lodge,
A. F. & A. M. He is a life-long Republican, having been one of the founders
of the party in Southern Michigan. June 15, 1863, he was married to Josephine,
daughter of Dr. Thomas Dodge, of Adrian, Mich. He is now the oldest
living physician in the county.
ALEXANDER TROTTER (deceased). Millburn. Farmer. Born July 3, 1832, in
Berwickshire, Scotland; died June 4, 1894. Was brought to America in
1833 by his parents, and in 1839 to Antioch, Lake County (Newport
Township), where the remainder of his life was spent. He was prominent
in Masonry, serving as Master of his Lodge ten years successively. In
the Church of the Disciples he was Deacon many years. June 7, 1855, he
was married to Oliveia L. Ames. Most of their children are still living.
William Alexander, Helen S., wife of Alfred Bain; Fred, Eugene, Albert
Marion, Richard Gardner, Mary Louise, John Purves, and Lucy Dimis. One
son Frank was drowned while attempting to cross a stream on a log, and
another son George, lost his life in attempting to rescue his brother.
ROBERT STRANG, Millburn, Antioch Township, Ill. Retired Farmer and Merchant.
Born in Scotland, August 8, 1815; came to Canada in 1835, to the United
States in 1838, and settled on the site of Millburn. Employed two years on
the Illinois Canal; in 1842 he and two brothers, George and John, took up
government land at Millburn (then called Strang's Corners); operated the
farm until 1856; 1856-1874 conducted a store at Millburn. Postmaster
1848-1856. Politically a Whig in early life, but Republican since organization
of the party. Married January 19, 1846, in Scotland, to Jessie Monteath.
Children living are: John M., Millburn; Mary, wife of Wm. Mavor, Chicago;
Eliza J., wife of John L. Hughes, Antioch; Lottie M., wife of Ward Bain,
Somers, Wis., Robert L., and Jessie, wife of Frank Yule, Somers, Wis.