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New Selectman - We've filled the vacancy on our board, created when Reva Konefes moved to Iowa, in order to be near her children. Jennifer Andrew, Millburn resident, was appointed at the November board meeting. Congratulations, Jennifer.
Mark your calendar - Our annual Christmas Party will be held on December 26th, 1999, at 4:00 p.m. Our hosts will be Dorothy and Wolf Berthold, at their home in Millburn, 19020 W. Grass Lake Road. Parking is available in the church lot. Bring a snack to share with others. The Berthold's home was originally known as Albion Place, when built by the Strang family in 1867.
Mark next year's calendar - Our annual member's meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 1st, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. Join us in Millburn Church's Lauren Hall for a pot luck dinner (bring a dish to pass) followed by our business meeting and a speaker.
Museum hours - Our Martin's Gen'L Store museum will close for the season on December 12th. We'll reopen to the public in mid March. Contact a board member to volunteer to help with spring cleaning. We still need "storekeepers" to greet visitors. Hours are Saturday and Sunday afternoons, 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. Contact a board member to help us out.
Kittie Smith went to Chicago this week to buy goods for the holidays. All those who are wondering what to get for Christmas presents, had better give her a call and see what they can find there, before going any farther from home - December 4, 1886.
The young people had a very enjoyable Christmas party in the Masonic hall Saturday night. There were about forty present and the evening was passed in the enjoyment of games old and new. - December 30, 1897.
The Christmas tree entertainment at the church Monday evening was a great success. The church was crowded and the presents many for the children. The hit of the evening was [Edward A. Martin] as Santa Claus. - December 27, 1900.
The Christmas tree and entertainment was much enjoyed by the large crowd present. It was all good. Those who distinguished themselves were Mr. and Mrs. Barstow and little Dorothy Bairstow who brought down the house with her beautiful singing and her big doll. Mr. Bairstow delighted the audience by the way he climbed out of that chimney with his bag of presents on his back. All the children know how Santa Claus goes now. Mabel Chope, Hazel Stewart and Leon Strang all show fine elocutionary talent in singing at the Christmas tree. - December 30, 1901.
The Christmas praise service will be on Sunday evening, December 25. The Sunday school will have a Christmas tree and entertainment on Saturday evening, Dec 24th. The bazaar was well attended and very successful financially. The ladies realizing about eighty-five dollars. - December 28, 1904.
A box of quilts, toys, pictures and some clothing were sent to the Baby's Home in Chicago, through the efforts of Mrs. Janette Mathews. - December 26, 1889.
The Christmas entertainment given in the church Monday evening was all that could be desired. The program was well rendered and the decorations which were beautiful will be left in the church for a short time. Santa Claus came down the chimney and filled the stockings then disappeared in a very commendable manner. The house was well filled and all had a very pleasant time. - December 29, 1900.
A big sleigh load of ladies and children went to the city Saturday morning to attend the Matinee. Their train was so delayed with the snow storm they did not get home until midnight. John Thain went to Lake Villa after them, and got home at 12 o'clock. - December 19, 1903.