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Editor's note: This contains most of the text of the member's newsletter, without the formatting and graphics.

Member's Newsletter -- December 2003

38757 N. U.S. Highway 45
Millburn of Old Mill Creek, IL 60046

December 2003 Newsletter
Annual Holiday Tea
December 28th
4–6 p.m. at the Bertholds’
Millburn Manor
19020 Grass Lake Road, Millburn
All H.M.C.A. members are invited to gather together for some holiday cheer. Dorothy and Wolf Berthold have graciously invited the members of the historical society to their home to celebrate the holidays on Sunday, December 28th from 4-6 p.m. Please bring an appetizer or a treat to share.
In Remembrance
Since our acknowledgments in the last newsletter, we sadly learned of the loss of member Viola Bullock. We mourn her passing. Please keep us informed if you have any news for us to share with the membership.
Millburn Cemetery Fence Restoration
The H.M.C.A. and the Cemetery Committee of the Village of Old Mill Creek are working together to raise funds for the restoration of the Millburn Cemetery Fence. So far, the fence sections along Millburn Road have been temporarily secured and the main gate has been restored. Thanks to a few generous donations, we now have the funds needed to restore the gates that say Millburn Cemetery. Work will resume in the spring. We hope to raise additional funds to restore the remaining gates and to restore the entire fence. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, please make your check payable to the H.M.C.A. and include a note informing us that your donation is for the restoration of the fence.
Annual Meeting of the
Millburn Cemetery Board
The date of annual meeting of the Millburn Cemetery Board has not yet been determined. It will be held sometime during the month of January. For further information, contact Millburn Cemetery Board President Gary Doolittle at 847-395-3828. We hope you will attend the meeting.
Antique Appraisal Night
Our antique Appraisal Night was a tremendous success. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to our appraisers, Karen Rabe, Chris Coy and Tom Krupp, who so graciously donated their time and talent. We had a great turnout and raised $740. Historic District Plaque Program New black and gold bronze plaques are being ordered for both the locally designated historic homes in Millburn as well as the homes that comprise the Millburn Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The H.M.C.A. Board has approved the purchase of the plaques and will seek donations to offset the cost. We hope to present the plaques to these homeowners at our annual meeting in April. More information will follow.
Historic District Signs
The Historic Preservation Commission for the Village of Old Mill Creek purchased four new green and white signs, which have been installed at the entrances of the Millburn Historic District on U.S. Highway 45 (north and south), Millburn Road and Grass Lake Road. We owe Wolf Berthold our sincere thanks for all he did to get the signs approved, ordered and installed. We also thank Ray Boller and Ray Magray for their assistance with the installation! What’s New in Millburn?
If you haven’t driven through Millburn recently, you should! In addition to the welcomed restoration of a few of the historic buildings, new businesses have opened as well. We hope you will “Meander Through Millburn” when you get a chance!
Millburn Pumpkin Fest
The 1st Annual Millburn Pumpkin Fest in October was enjoyed by many, young and old alike. It was fun to see so much community spirit! Thank you to Bob Reding and the countless other volunteers who worked so hard to make Pumpkin Fest such a success. We eagerly anticipate the 2nd Annual Millburn Pumpkin Fest next fall!
History Online
Don’t forget to check out our fantastic web site, which is brimming with local history, photographs, and genealogical information: http://www.hmca-il.org We sincerely appreciate the numerous hours our webmaster has spent and continues to spend developing and maintaining this wonderful resource! Thank you! It is amazing to note how easily and quickly we are able to communicate with others and access information today. Read the article below!
From the Archives
According to Vida Elizabeth Jamison White (in 1940), the Millburn Farmer’s Line was started by her father, Dr. H. E. Jamison, about 1898. The first line was built between their house and Will White’s (the undertaker). She was told that Will White built a line between his house and John Cunningham's, but that was before her time. The Jamisons had several switch boards. Vida tended phone when she had to stand on the middle round of the old stool to reach the top. In later years the old stool was replaced to a blue metal one. The telephone batteries were first run with Salmoniac and later by Blue Vitrol. In later years Fletcher Clark of Libertyville and other Bell Telephone men wanted Dr. Jamison to change to the Bell line, but he refused. Eventually, the old switch board was considered a relic. The old Farmer's Line was a life saver a good many times. But as time went on, the world was bigger and it has served its purpose.
Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteer shopkeepers for Martin’s General Store Museum when it reopens in the spring. The museum will be closed from December 21 through mid-March. If interested, call Dorothy Berthold at 847-265-1967.
We would like to recognize all of our members for their continued support of the Historic Millburn Community Association, Inc. Without their support, we would be unable to continue our mission to preserve, protect, and enhance the Village of Millburn of Old Mill Creek, Illinois. Please Note: This is our first attempt to compile a complete membership list (separate from our even more extensive mailing and membership list). We sincerely apologize in advance if we have made any errors or omissions. Please call Jennifer Andrew at 847-356-0998 if you note any errors or omissions. We will print a corrected list in our next newsletter. Thank you for your understanding.

Life Members

Alice Anderson
Jennifer Andrew and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Berthold
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boller
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. John Chope
Olga Erlenborn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fettinger
Mildred Haisma
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Konefes
Mary Messick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mudd
Shirley Murphy
State Representative JoAnn Osmund
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Paddock
Dawn Revenaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simpson
Tim Smith and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Strang
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Thain
Norma Welch
Ruth White
Jean Wooley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young

Honorary Members

Milton Anderson
Dorothy Bradford
Senator Adeline J. Geo-Karis
Mary Lester
Mr. Douglas Stiles

Annual 2003 Members

Jayne Adams-Borsenberger
Emily J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Werner Baeckelandt
Alaynel L. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Berthold
Mrs. Roy Bonner
Dorothy Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bullock
Mr. and Mrs. R. DeMartin
Lois Doolittle
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Erlenborn
Sharee Fish
Mike Hanson
Arthur Hirth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Holbach
Mr. and Mrs. Don Holem
Gary Hughes
Julie Jankowski
Pat J. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Konsler
Mr. and Mrs. John Kozlik
Richard Lahey
Pat Lamb
Ron Lesjack
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lubkeman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Lyons
Ray Magray
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Martin
Scott Martin
Judge and Mrs. Ray McKoski
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Meltzer
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Michalik
Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ
Ed Morrison
Don Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. William Musak
Mr. and Mrs. Don Neville
Margot Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. William Paulsen
Caroline Polfliet
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rabe
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reding
Jim Robeers
Anita Schadeck
Hank Schintgen
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Schlappi
Joan S. Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Don Shangraw
Lois Thain
Rhonda Voegeli-Innes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Watkins

Happy Holidays!
We wish you and yours very happy and healthy holidays! Look for our next newsletter in early March 2004!

The Board of Selectmen:
Dorothy Berthold, Chairperson
Dorothy Fettinger, Vice Chairperson
Ruth White, Secretary
Wolf Berthold, Treasurer
Jennifer Andrew
Mildred Haisma
Linda Musak
Norma Welch

Inquiries: Contact Dorothy Berthold at 847-265-1967

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