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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter.

Historic Millburn
Community Association, Inc.

Member Newsletter
November 12, 1983

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

Our annual picnic was held in September. The rain came and broke up the outdoor party. We moved indoors and enjoyed a delightful potluck dinner. We auctioned a beautiful black seal coat that was donated by Beatrice Anderson. Many items were donated to the Country Store and purchased by friends in attendance.

Sgt. Ralph Connard of the Lake County Sheriff's Department discussed establishing a community neighborhood watch in Millburn. We agreed this would be a good idea. Dawn Revenaugh, Jim Burnett, Milt Anderson and Robert Brooks with Ray Boller as alternate person, volunteered to serve as a neighborhood committee with one person serving as coordinator. The program creates more of a sensitivity of what is going on in the neighborhood with people to report to in the event of unusual happenings. This neighborhood watch committee is a separate entity from the Historic Millburn Community Association..

We discussed at great length our traffic problems but solutions do not seem to be available.

Our Christmas activity this year will be a trip to the Waukegan Historical Home in Bowen Park.
Date: 12-13-1983
Time: 6:30 at church. travel by Millburn school bus or meet at Bowen Park at 7:00
Bring: 1 dozen cookies, if you can, to go with hot beverage

Please notify either Jill Ballock, 356-0395 or Ruth White, 356-2203 if you are going by bus.

Our annual meeting is February 7, 1984 with a potluck supper and guest speaker. Details later.

Historic Millburn Community Association
Ruth White

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