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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter.

Historic Millburn
Community Association, Inc.

Member Newsletter
August 15, 1983

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

A successful Memorial Day program was held at 2:00 pm with a very good attendance despite inclement weather. Our Memorial Day Services comprised of a sermon by Reverend Glenn Strang, music by the Brass Quintet, Color Guard, trip through the cemetery to place flowers on the graves of those who served during past wars and a Cemetery Walk and Talk highlighting only a few of the prominent people in our community history. The research and talks were prepared by Jill Ballock assisted by our Historian, Beatrice Anderson. Our thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of the afternoon.

A Christmas outing to the Waukegan Historic Home, Bowen Park is being planned.

General Store - food, crafts and country gifts. Our Picnic Auction has been great fun. However, this year we have decided to use just the General Store approach for our annual fund raiser. So, please contribute items: jam, cakes, cookies, vegetables, eggs, crafts - new items - old items - whatever. Bring items and come prepared to purchase.


Date: September 10, 1983
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Dorothy Fettinger's yard.

Bring a dish to pass. Hamburgers, brats, buns, trimings, lemonade, coffee and table service will be furnished.

Bring your lawn chairs, liquid refreshments and contributions to our Country Store.

Looking forward to seeing you at our annual picnic.

Historic Millburn Community Association.

Ruth White

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