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Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter.

Historic Millburn
Community Association, Inc.

Member Newsletter
May 4, 1983

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

Our annual meeting was held February 8, 1983, at 6:30 pm with a potluck supper, meeting and speaker. During our business meeting the nominating committee report was made. The following people were voted to serve on the Board of Selectmen: Alice Anderson, Milton Anderson, Bill Paulsen and Ruth White.

Beatrice Anderson has donated her baby christening dress and other baby clothes. Helen Wolfinbarger is making and donating a hand constructed doll with bisque head, hands and feet to display the clothing.

A photo of the 1913 Grubb School reunion was presented and will be given to the Millburn School. A short history of the school was presented.

Our speaker for the evening was Mr. Ron Riepe, geology teacher from CLC who spoke on "Glacial Heritage of Lake County".

At our April meeting the following officers were elected to serve for the coming year: Chairman, Dorothy Fettinger; Vice-Chairman, Jill Ballock; Treasurer, Robert Brooks; Secretary, Ruth White.

We have received cash donations from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Konefus, Mrs. Vera Kemper and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burnette.

A Memorial Day Service has been scheduled for 2:00 pm at the Millburn Cemetery on May 30. The following events will be included in the program: Benediction by Glenn Strang, Color Guard, Brass quintet, Cemetery walk has been planned with highlights to be given about some of the more wellknown people buried there. Beatrice Anderson has donated a flag for the ceremonies and a bronze plaque dedicating the park area. Please wear comfortable shoes, bring patio chairs for seating and any extra flowers you might care to donate for graves of military people. Light refreshments will be served.

It is that time of the year for dues again, we appreciate your past support and look forward to additional success with your continuing support. Thanks Bob Brooks, Treasurer.

Historic Millburn Community Association.

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