It's time for our annual meeting and newsletter.
We have organized a committee to work on convincing the highway department to return our Millburn signs along with the information "National Historic Place". A committee has been organized to work on and report on having plaques made for the historic homes in our community.
The "Light Up and Decorate Millburn" committee composed of Tom and Mary Erlenborn, Jim and Jill Ballock and Bob and Jill Brooks held a successful contest and an Old Fashioned Community Christmas Party was held at Church on December 22 complete with Santa, photos, refreshments and prizes.
Milt Anderson arranged with Abbott Laboratories to donate two old files for our records and various items. Some time was spent with Mrs. Dresser of the Libertyville Historical Society familiarizing us with their system. It appears to be a system that can be revised to suit our needs. Volunteers will be needed for sorting, typing and filing. Do remember our Historic Millburn Organization when doing spring cleaning or sorting any items that deal with our history.
A genealogy book of the Strang Family has been purchased and placed in our files. This can be viewed by anyone interested.
Our annual meeting has been scheduled for February 28, 1980 at 6:30 for a potluck (bring a dish to pass) supper; rolls, beverage and dessert will be furnished by the Board of Selectmen. A short business meeting will be held including election of selectmen whose term of office will expire. We have secured Mrs. W. C. Petty who will present a program on Lake County History, both serious and amusing. We invite you or anyone you know who might be interested in attending.
Ruth White