Editor's note: This contains all the text of the member's newsletter.

Historic Millburn
Community Association, Inc.

Member Newsletter
January 10, 1984

Dear Friends and Neighbors:

In December we toured the Waukegan Historical Home in Bowen Park. The trip through the home was accented with happenings during the occupancy of the home by the previous owners.

Our Annual Meeting will be February 7, 1984 at 6:30 pm in Lauren Hall, Millburn Congregational Church. Committee will furnish rolls, butter and beverage. Join us, bring a dish to pass, invite a guest. Our speaker will be Jan Smith from the Lake County Museum who will present a slide presentation on "preserving Fabric Heirlooms". It is suggested everyone bring an old delicate heirloom for display and suggestions can be made for care of same.

Our treasurer will be on hand to receive dues. These monies will allow us to continue with research and preservation efforts.

See you February 7, 1984 at 6:30 at our Annual Dinner, Millburn Congregational Church.

Ruth White