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Memorial Day Services
Robert Brooks

Millburn Cemetery was originally established on the east side of Highway 45 just north of the Village of Millburn on the Robert Strang property, later known as the William White farm and more recently the Denman or Richter farm.

In 1867, over 80 bodies were moved to this present location which was part of the George Strang farm.

In 1869, the Millburn Cemetery Association was formed and the price of the lots was set at $5.00 per lot. The Association was incorporated on August 6,1883.

In 1886, at the annual meeting, it was voted to raise the price of the lots to $10.00. In 1888, it was voted to build a platform at the east gate to make it easier for old people to alight from their buggies.

In 1899, a well was dug to furnish water. Provisions were made to build a well house for the well tank.

In 1900, the price of lots was increased to $15.00 and in 1902 the price went to $20.00.

In 1907, a $1,000 gift was received from Beatrice Smith, with the provision the Smith and Mason lots receive perpetual care. William Mason gave $2,000 in 1910 for care and gave money to buiId the iron fencing and furnished the gates.

In 1914, Sam Larsen was hired as full time caretaker and paid 25 cents per hour with a charge of $6.00 to open a grave for an adult and $4.00 for a child. Closing the grave was to be included. In 1921, his pay was raised to 40 cents per hour and in 1925 increased to 50 cents per hour with lots selling for $75.00.

In 1940, the water supply was dry. A power lawn mower was purchased in 1948 and the price of a five grave lot was set at $150.00 and $40.00 for a single grave.

This Park, located at the west end of the cemetery was given in memory of John ("Jake") and Helen Strang.

This monument is of granite imported from Scotland.

Beatrice Anderson, wife of Carl Anderson, farm family who owned the red brick house across the road, that is listed on the Illinois Register of Historic Places willed $20,000 to Millburn Cemetery in 1986 with the understanding that a plaque be placed on a large stone here in the park indicating that this park was donated by the Strang's adopted daughter, Jessie Jamison Strang.