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Newspaper Clippings for
December, 1928

Antioch News6 December 1928
Miss Doris Jamison, Milwaukee Downer college, spent Thanksgiving with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Bonner and children visited from Wednesday until Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. P. Dawson, Three Oaks, Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denman spent Sunday with friends in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Pierstorff and daughters spent several days with Mrs. Pierstorff's mother and her brother's family in Evanston.

Mrs. Jessie Low was a guest Thanksgiving of her nephew, Alec Low, Lake Forest. She remained until Sunday.

Robert Denman had his tonsils removed at Victory Memorial hospital Saturday.

Miss Jean Bonner spent the end of the week with the Frank Cremin family, Grayslake.

Miss Vinnie Jamison, Berwyn, Miss Alice Jamison, Racine, Wisconsin, and Mrs. John Buss, Burlington, called on old friends in Antioch and Millburn Sunday.

The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. Robert Bonner, Thursday, with Mrs. Alex Hughes and Mrs. Leslie Bonner, as assistant hostesses. Dinner was served at noon.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bauman and Mrs. Bauman, Sr., spent Sunday with relatives in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The Christian Endeavor business meeting for December will be held with Ralph and Ethel McGuire Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kaluf, Druce lake, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Edwards.

James H. Bonner has not been able to work the last week because of an infected foot.

Mrs. Thomas McCann has gone to Chicago to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. John Smith.

Antioch News13 December 1928
A complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cribb, Victoria street, was the manner in which their birthday anniversaries were celebrated at a meeting of the Rebekah lodge Friday night. Mr. Cribb's seventieth and Mrs. Cribb's seventy-first anniversaries were observed.
The party was arranged by Mrs. Charles Powles, Mrs. Arthur Van Patten, Mrs. Louie Van Patten, and Miss Goldie Davis. Since Mrs. Cribb was the first noble grand of the local Rebekah lodge, and since both she and Mr. Cribb have been members of the organization for years, those who planned the surprise thought it only fitting that the guest list be composed of Rebekahs. During the meeting flowers were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Cribb. Two large cakes, bearing birthday tokens, were served.
Plans were made at the meeting Friday night for a Christmas party to be held December 21. At that time lodge members will exchange inexpensive gifts.
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